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Area I Scores

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by durhampost7, May 24, 2009.

  1. durhampost7

    durhampost7 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2008
    Durham, NC

    They were a fill in team for Eastern Randolph.

    Durham 12
    Randolph Co. 9

    This game was another error fest for Post 7 as we allowed 7 runs to plate after 2 outs in the 3rd. Otherwise we played pretty well and swung the bats and gutted out the win. Durham improves to 3-2 on the season.

    Next game is tomorrow at Benson at 7pm.
  2. Grayben

    Grayben Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 9, 2007
    Post 13 woes

    Wow! And they say I’m sarcastic! One thing I will never do. I never have mentioned a kid’s name on the board in a negative manner. I will only mention a kid’s name in a positive manner. That’s not only my rule that’s the golden rule of TBR.

    However, I have to vent. Karl, I have known you for a long, long time. You are extremely knowledgeable, objective, and likeable. I agree with you in that The Kinston pitcher did extremely well and the Wilson bats will eventually wake up. But, if you mean it’s early in the Legion season, yes it is. But, in the baseball season, I believe early is February/March. It’s late May/early June! The baseball is still round with threads, bats are the same, yes, pitching may be better, but it’s basically the same game as 2 weeks ago. The only difference is, Fleming Stadium is bigger and the long fly balls are now outs!

    This may be as good a time as any to say this. It could possibly be perceived that I am bashing Post 13 and not a fan. This is not true. I love these guys and have seen them grow up from 6 years old or so, know them and their families well, and desperately want to see them succeed. Heck, one of them dates my beautiful daughter, the apple of my eye, but that’s a story for another day. The fact is, these guys are not playing up to their potential and very much underachieving!
    I hope it all changes tonight. I really do.

    Here’s another statement that I am certain Braves, Coach May, Stretchy, Southern, Diesel, Baseball Britt, etc., will all agree with. The higher the level of baseball, the higher the expectation of good, solid, fundamental, playing of baseball. American Legion ball is mostly coached by men who do not have a kid involved and have either played college ball and/or even professional ball. They have been there and know that in college or professional, mental mistakes are usually due to lack of focus and the college/professional coach is not going to pat you on the back, give you a big hug, and say, "it’s ok, you’ll do better next time". No, you are going to get verbally thrashed and may be coming out of the game. If a pitcher (maybe even my son) has a 0-2 count, and throws one right down the middle that gets hammered, he better watch out when he returns to the dugout. He may not even make it to the dugout! You are no longer a kid. You are old enough to fight for your country, drive cars, have children, etc. Welcome to life!

    Two years ago, my son was playing on the Legion team here in Wilson, pitched a 7 inning shut out against a good Snow Hill team, and Coach Dail stated in the paper " Massey did a good job, but needs to improve his arm speed". At the time I thought, what an SOB! Now, I think, he’s still an SOB.......no.....just kidding, I think he was right, especially if you plan on playing college ball at any level.

    So, to the Post 13 players who plan on playing college ball, here’s my advice:
    1- Start playing up to your potential
    2-Don’t make excuses if you screw up.
    3- Take the coaching to heart and execute
    4- the college coach that recruits you will not be the college coach you see in the dugout after you make a bone head play. Let’s just say Dr Jekyll has left the building and Mr. Hyde is in da house!
    5- love the game and appreciate the fact you get the opportunity to play somewhere like historic Fleming Stadium. I envy you!

    I closing, I will make a vow. I will NOT post anything else about Post 13 baseball unless they start playing better and hopefully win. This may only last 24 hours since we have a game tonight. Time will tell!
  3. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2008
    Here it is again!

    Now, Grayben, if you go back & read my post, you will see that it had nothing to do with what you posted. I was commenting on what swalston91UNC posted. Shoot, I basically agree with what you're saying. You sure are touchy!
    Lost in all this "woe is me" talk was a great pitching performance by Michael Wetherington, a senior from North Lenoir High School. I'm ,like you said, keeping it positive. I have no doubt that these guys will start hitting the ball. Hopefully, it will start tonight! Sorry, if you took it to mean anything other than that. I don't know if I was being sarcastic or not, but I thought swalston's post was somewhat of a past history lession.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  4. ClaytonPost71

    ClaytonPost71 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2008
    Clayton Post 71

    Week 1 Scores:

    Clayton Post 71---- 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 X 9 9 1
    Wilson Post 13----- 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 5 1

    Solid start for Post 71..9 hits and left 9 on base. Alford and Joyner had multiple hits in the game. Hinton started on the hill and threw 4 solid innings allowing 1 run on 3 hits, Furlong threw 2 innings allowing 1 hit, McGlothlin pitched 2 innings allowing 1 run and Henschel threw 1 inning with 1 hit.

    Clayton Post 71 ---3 3 6 0 0 3 x x x 15 15 0
    Benson Post 109---0 0 0 1 1 0 0 x x 2 7 2

    Another solid game for Post 71..15 hits with 10 left on base. Joyner, Daughtry, Hadding and Furlong had multiple hit games. Homeruns by Johnson, Daughtry, Joyner, Noteboom. Henschel started on the hill and threw 4 innings with 6K, 0 BB, 5 hits, 1 run. Hardee threw 1 inning allowing 1 hit and 1 run, and Stephenson threw 2 innings with 2K, 1 hit, 0 runs. Post 71 pitchers give up no walks in game

    Clayton Post 71 2-0, 1-0 conference.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  5. cbsconsult

    cbsconsult Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2008
    Raleigh, North Carolina

    Grayben says "Wow! And they say I’m sarcastic! One thing I will never do. I never have mentioned a kid’s name on the board in a negative manner. I will only mention a kid’s name in a positive manner. That’s not only my rule that’s the golden rule of TBR.

    So, to the Post 13 players who plan on playing college ball, here’s my advice:
    1- Start playing up to your potential
    2-Don’t make excuses if you screw up.
    3- Take the coaching to heart and execute
    4- the college coach that recruits you will not be the college coach you see in the dugout after you make a bone head play. Let’s just say Dr Jekyll has left the building and Mr. Hyde is in da house!
    5- love the game and appreciate the fact you get the opportunity to play somewhere like historic Fleming Stadium. I envy you!"

    Grayben - I totally agree. As one of those college coaches, I am amazed at the inability of the "modern college player" to accept constructive criticism. Some (emphasis on SOME) of these kids expect the "Dr. Phil Approach". All I expect as a coach is for my players to give 100% of what they have to offer. Physical errors are expected - mental errors are intolerable. For the young men playing American Legion baseball, college baseball, and beyond, the expectation is that you are ALWAYS mentally prepared - no point blaming the coach for your boneheaded play. One of the reasons I rarely if ever call pitches is because I want that pitcher to own the pitch! When he is successful, he can accept the kudos and when he is not so successful, he can explain himself. Believe it or not, college coaches get paid to win games and graduate players. So parents, when your player comes home and complains about the coach getting on his case, do your player a favor and send him to the mirror. The player need only ask himself if he could have done better. If the answer is yes, then DO BETTER! If the answer is no, work harder to get better! Trust me, if you are on the team, you have the ability already.
  6. Grayben

    Grayben Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 9, 2007
    Right on!


    I knew you would get where I'm coming from and I knew I would like you if I ever met you! Of course, I met you last Friday night!! Thanks for having my back. Take care and good luck the rest of the way!

    Karl rocket,

    I knew you were not being sarcastic to me, but rather it was towards the other poster. Give me a little credit. We go back far enough for that! Not touchy, just venting. Sometimes I feel our high school coaches (and you know who I'm referring to) should be a little more animated and jack some players up, because if these kids have aspirations of playing college ball, they need to be mentally and physically ready for what's ahead and sometimes it ain't purdy!

    Am I right cbsconsult?

    Just for the record, swalston has been around Legion for a long time and you will see a lot of history lessons posted. Not saying right or wrong, but you will see a lot of past references/comparisons.

    It's all good. Feel the love man!
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  7. cbsconsult

    cbsconsult Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2008
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  8. swalston91unc

    swalston91unc Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2008
    N. Raleigh 11, Wilson 10

    Wilson finally breaks out the bats to the tune of 12 hits, including a 2-run HR by Tripp Sauls, but can't avoid its first 0-4 start (my records only go back to 1982 so far). Post 297 left fielder Justin Abbott makes a diving catch to end a back-and-forth game.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009

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