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Area IV Senior scores June 26 till end of season

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by tools, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. NMViking23

    NMViking23 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 7, 2010
    I was not at the game last night but can say in defense of the coach on the first game, Huntersville had at least 5 errors in the first 4 innings of play. Not much a coach can do about that.
  2. ASU86

    ASU86 Full Access Member

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    Jul 17, 2010
    If the quotes in the paper are accurate, the coach has committed one of the cardinal sins of coaching, "blaming your players when things are bad and accepting all the credit when things are good." If his attitude is showing in the dugout then they are done. By the looks of the scores the players have already quit on him.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
  3. philliesfan

    philliesfan Full Access Member

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    Apr 8, 2008
    The fact is Huntersville didn't score at all in the first game and even if you take off unearned runs Hickory still beat them.

    I was at the game last night and I don't think there were any errors that resulted in runs for Hickory. It seems that Huntersville is short on pitching right now - not sure how many of the players who have moved on were pitchers.
  4. vikingmom

    vikingmom Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 6, 2011
    You've got that right.
  5. NMViking23

    NMViking23 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 7, 2010
    Not going to argue that fact. However, everyone knows that when you are down 6-0 after 4 and no earned runs, takes the wind out of the sails. Not to mention the loss of some key positions playing on the minds of the kids as well. Not taking anything away from Hickory, they are a great team.
  6. wildcats13

    wildcats13 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011
  7. Low & Slow

    Low & Slow Full Access Member

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    Sep 25, 2008
    Queen City Mustangs 8...Lincoln County 5

    Q. City.. 000 022 220...8..14..2
    Lincoln.. 200 200 100...5...7...4

    The Mustangs battled back from a 4-0 deficit to record their second win in two games against Lincoln County. Colin Manning came into the game in relief in the 4th inning and gave the Mustangs a little breathing room and time to get their bats going. His heavy fastball put the opposing hitters on their heels a bit and Daniel Stewart was very effective over the last 2.2 innings to close it out. The Queen City hitting attack was led by William Frazier (4 hits), James Snover (3 hits), and Eddie Hull and Bryce Bradley chipped in with two hits apiece. Manning broke the 4-4 tie when he drilled a two-strike, two-out double to the left center gap to plate two runs and the Mustangs added two more insurance runs in the 8th inning on an RBI single by Hull and an RBI double by Frazier. Lincoln County got two hits from Drew Belk and their center-fielder, Clay Hodges, made a sensational catch on a drive to the deepest section of left-centerfield. Queen City has won 12 straight games and leads this series 2-0.

    Winning Pitcher: Colin Manning
    Losing Pither: Woodlow

    Leading Hitters:

    QC: William Frazier 4-5, double, RBI
    QC: James Snover 3-6, RBI
    QC: Eddie Hull 2-4, 2RBI
    QC: Bryce Bradley 2-4
    QC: Colin Manning 1-3, double, 2RBI
    LC: Drew Belk 2-5, RBI
    LC: Jacob Hoover 1-4, double
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
  8. ASU86

    ASU86 Full Access Member

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    Jul 17, 2010
    I Don't Have a Dog in This Fight, BUT!

    All coaches have to deal with circumstances beyond their control and it sounds like the Huntersville coach has had alot to deal with the last week or so. But NOTHING EVER gives a coach the right to throw his team under the bus in the newspaper. Coach the players who are still there busting their butts for you and move on. I've seen the Huntersville team play. There is still plenty of talent left on that roster to compete with anyone. But you cannot expect players to play hard and compete when their own coach is publicly making excuses and not supporting the players that are still there!
  9. philliesfan

    philliesfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 8, 2008
    Hickory sweeps

    Hickory 25
    Huntersville 11

    that's karma
  10. vikingmom

    vikingmom Junior Member

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    May 6, 2011
    Wildcats13 I understand your need to defend Trevin Smith. I am not interested in getting into an argument with you. I stated my opinion. That's all. I will say that most of your statements regarding the North Meck baseball team are not correct, but I don't think this is the time or place to get into it. By the way, I am NOT the only parent at North Meck who had a problem with him. You might be surprised to find out how many parents feel the way I do.

    ASU86 has hit the nail on the head. When things were going well, he was the reason for their success. Now that things are not going so well, it's because he lost 3 players. There is still loads of talent on that team. A team of average players who believe in and respect themselves and their coach can beat a team of stars who have lost that belief and respect any day of the week.

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