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ASA Softball

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by SC-ASA, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. SC-ASA

    SC-ASA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2005
    After reading the previous thread about ASA softball in North Carolina, or the lack of I should say, I have no idea why NC & SC are so far behind the rest of the country in knowing ASA is where the best teams play and the best place to get exposure for your teams. Maybe phone calls should be made to the State Commissioner to complain about lack of promotion from the Youth Commissioner and maybe something can be done. If you have never been to an ASA National Tournament, you would be amazed. It is unlike the other associations "World Series" where it is nothing more than a regional tournament, the ASA's are truley a National Tournament and you can't get in by just making a phone call, you have to actually earn a berth. We are now in the process of trying to rebuild the Fastpitch program in SC and we are seeing great interest from teams. We would love to have more NC teams come play ASA in South Carolina and then maybe NC ASA will get on the ball and not let their teams leave the state every week to play. If any teams are interested in playing ASA in South Carolina, you can visit the SC ASA Upstate website at www.eteamz.com/scasa for tournament information. Sorry for my ramblings, but I feel ASA is the best and just wish more teams and states would realize this.
  2. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC

    we have been trying to get a real type program from NC ASA for years. Maybe its time for the Regional and National people to step up and FIX what is wrong with NC ASA I know ASA is the best out there but in North Carolina it stinks. It is all about money and the ASA money in this state is in mens softball I guess cause thats all that matters to our state people.
    If there are ANY regional or national ASA people that really and truly want ASA to prosper in NC why dont you e-mail me and maybe we could talk on the phone about the things that are keeping ASA youth programs from working in NC. I know many coaches and organizations that want it to happen and will be behind it fully but we cannot do it from our end. (we have tried for years) It has to start from the top of the chain............I just put a meatball right down the middle, lets see if ASA can hit it outta the park.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2005
  3. SC-ASA

    SC-ASA Full Access Member

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    Jun 1, 2005
    I don't know who is the JO commissioner in N.C., but that is who will decide how the youth program is run. I am only a tournament Director for SC, first year, so I don't know who's who in NC ASA. But if enough people flood the State Commisioner with enough complaints, they would have to listen. The one thing you are definitley right about is it seems like they only care about Adult Slowpitch. Thats the way it was in SC for years until we got a new State Commissioner and voiced enough complaints (mainly from me) and next thing you know he makes me and another complainer Youth Directors and got his support and now we are starting to see progress in the Youth program. I would love to see ASA grow in NC as well as SC, so I will find out who needs to be contacted.

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