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Awards ( All-Conference, All-State, etc...)

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Softball Guru, May 23, 2008.

  1. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    In general does high school awards influence a college coach in selecting his or her teams ??? Opinions............

  2. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    Need some info...

    How does the selection process for All-Conf/State awards work? Do the head coaches submit names or do they also have to submit stats and a general write up of the player?
  3. SIFan

    SIFan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2007
  4. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    They Vote !!!!

    A kid could have a better year than another kid,and yet not get all-conference due to different situations. I think college coaches are smarter than that,and look at a kid individually on her skills,and academics...Remember it is a vote ,and a lot of times it can be a popularity contest, rather than actual skills, and athlecticism.

  5. MyGirlsBiggestFan

    MyGirlsBiggestFan Junior Member

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    Jul 12, 2006
    It will help them get a look

    Awards and recognition certanily help. When you look at the college websites and check out players profiles online, they usually have a list of their accomplishments and awards from HS. You have to believe that helps when getting a college coach to look at a player. When playing Showcase ball, if a player has a bunch of awards listed on their profile vs. a player that has nothing listed for awards. Who would YOU look at??? Coaches need to recognize those that have the potential to play at the next level and help them get there. Awards are a part of that. These kids don't work their butts off all year for nothing. And, not getting recognized can kill a kids self esteem.

    Granted, they should not be there just for the awards but think about this. "Susie" works all year for this sport, takes a few weeks off for the holidays but takes lessons everyweek, plays travel ball and gives up the sleepovers, parties, boyfriend time, etc to be the best she can be. "Susie" helps in the off season and and gives up other sports so she can do winter workouts etc. At the end of the season, "Susie" goes unrecognized. Is "Susie" likely to do it all again? How many kids do you know that have given it all up because they felt unappreciated? If they can't get recognized in their HS program, why should they think they can play college ball? And if they can't play college ball, why should they continue to work so hard? And don't say "for the love of the game," because when one does not feel appreciated, that love turns into something else. Sorry, don't flame me, I had to vent. But you know it's the truth.
  6. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Don't Agree-- BUt

    I know a lot of kids that give up everything and can compete with the best ,and get looked over, but everybody has their opinion ---THE END !!! Leave me your address, and I will show you a couple in about 3 years !!

  7. Boomer83

    Boomer83 Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2007

    Guru, I sense an edge. It sounds like things did not work out for you this year. You always have next year. Work a little harder. Not all kids make all conference. Some are role players. We love all of them. Have your daughter accept her role and be a true team player.
  8. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005

    such awards may help to cut thru the "clutter" as they say in marketing but I have been told face to face by two D1 coaches that how a player performs in a game situation will determine their level of interest.

    any reasonable effort by player/parents to get your name in front of a college coach will result in them dropping by to check you out at a showcase assuming they are going to be at that particular tournament.

    ps: I have to say in response to Mygirl's post: the longer I am in this the more I believe that a big part of the equation is simply being the last one left standing. Hang in there!
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Thanks !!!

    Thanks T.H. good luck in the State Games...... Guru
  10. mrl21

    mrl21 Member

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    May 14, 2008
    North Carolina
    Throwing in my $.02 worth........
    My DD is a pitcher. Throws 58-60, but has 6 pitches with great movement and accuracy. Her high school is a rural school, without a lot of softball talent. She led her school to the 2nd round of the state playoffs, only to lose by 1 run due to errors committed by one of the two players selected as "All Conference" (this player made 12 errors during the year, as stated by the coach, which cost the team 6 wins). Another player, who was out for the last 8 of the 16 games played, also made the "All Conference" team. When I asked the coach about this, I was given false information (due to already have gotten information from the other conference coaches, most of whom I know through travel ball). I swallowed my pride.
    The school's spring athletic banquet was last night. Before going to the banquet, I was on the computer and checked e-mail. My DD received her notification that she had been selected as one of the 48 pitchers for the Queen of Diamonds Showcase South! (there were over 600 applicants). At the banquet, the softball coach was made aware of this accomplishment, but as my DD was acknowledged as a player on the softball team, the coach refused to mention the QDSS selection. Then, when an average senior was acknowledged, the coach announced the she was going to a Community College and will be playing on the Intramural team.
    Later during the banquet, my DD (Junior with a weighted GPA of 4.65) was announced as the Female Scholar / Athlete of the year (2nd time in a row).
    Yes, she has been contacted by numerous colleges (from IVY to DIII), due to being seen playing travel ball. The school coach informed this years players that they were going to be having "get togethers" during the summer, and if players did not attend, they would be "cut" next year (which by NFHS standards is illegal).
    Point being, although my DD had made "All Conference" her Freshman and Sophomore years, that is only something on paper....no games played. High School awards are NOT a career making or career ending matter. Players should not dwell on High School awards, they should keep their focus and show their talent through travel ball, since College Coaches attend more games, especially showcases.

    Just my $.02 worth..........

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