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Awards ( All-Conference, All-State, etc...)

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Softball Guru, May 23, 2008.

  1. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006
    I believe

    Yea awards like highest GPA, most outstanding senior, teamwork award, most improved, good citizen, best all-around,
    RBI's with runners in scoring position, most assist, etc.
    All-conference is for parents, school honors, kid last.
    Guru, U have a player as a DD and college coaches know that already, "if you play her, they will come" Enjoy the summer and watch what happens. LOL
  2. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    From your post it sounds like your DD should definitely be getting some recognition. I don't understand why she isn't.

    "Requiring" players to attend "get togethers" is definitely against the rules. Que Tucker would be interested in that.

    Putting down your DD's teammates is a BIG NO-NO!! Personally, if I was coaching a team where that happened I would be making cuts there! Support all the kids; even if you can't support the coach! The sport is for the kids--not the fans!! I hate it when the kids are faulted in situations like this. Whether it is intended or not!!
  3. Cardinal Fan

    Cardinal Fan Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2004

    I was just cruising around and thought of checking in to see what is happening. To help you out, I have been through all this. My daughter is now graduated, but played D-1 for 4 years.

    I can tell you that high school (unless you have certain exceptional H.S. coaches) is a great social experience and should be fun. Like mentioned in another post, my daughter did not receive all conference in H.S. her senior year. It was politically manipulated by other coaches, but she was all county player of the year. Kind of poetic justic from the local newspaper though. An article they wrote lead to the political coach being dismissed. She had signed early to play at an ACC school and it was never mentioned at the H.S. awards banquet or graduation. No big deal looking back, yeah it hurt her feelings but made her stronger.

    The colleges and universities list the H.S. accomplishments on the websites out of courtesy and respect for the system. They may use this a little, but they want to see a girl play in the most competitive travel programs, especially ASA, ASA Nationals, and certain high interest ASA tournaments like Boulder. There are other tournaments on this list, but ASA is it if you want the best chance to play at the top level.

    The rest is character and academics. The coaches do not want you to fail off the team. This means they have to recruit another player. As well, NCAA rules only allow so many scholarships and admission slots as athletes to these schools per sport. Make sure you work hard on and off the field. It only gets tougher and more competitive. But most of all, get good enough so they want you.
  4. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2005
    On the money; literally

    Cardinal fan is on the money. The fact is that HS awards mean virtually nothing in the recruiting process. Yes, these things do get put on the college website bios but that is not why these kids are signed. It does matter that a girl excels in the classroom as well as the field. If that gets her named called on graduation day; that's nice but the college coach will not be at her graduation or her athletics awards banquet.

    My daughter was never selected as MVP of her HS team. It hurt her at the time but once she got to college she realized how petty and meaningless it all was. It had no impact on the recruiting process. She earned her scholarship $$$ in Florence, Columbia, Plantation and in the numerous pitching clinics she attended. I can tell you from experience that the first college shutout will make all the HS drama and politics fade from memory pretty quickly.

    Bottom line is enjoy HS ball but, in the picture, it's small stuff and you shouldn't sweat the small stuff!
  5. mrl21

    mrl21 Member

    Likes Received:
    May 14, 2008
    North Carolina
    PLEASE, PLEASE believe me that in no way did I mean to put down and of my DD's team mates.......my intention was to use it as an example.......PLEASE believe me, both of the two selected (one a junior, the other a freshman), have the ability to be very good ball players, with coaches who have a knowledge of the game and are there for the players, not for the "extra pay". The "Junior" player has played for me in the past when I was coaching, which she matured from some one wanting to be on a team to a softball player. I stayed on her about fielding as well as hitting, and found that if I kept "coaching" her, her abilities became better. The "Freshman", a player I watched in Middle School softball......was to the point of not even going out for the High School, I spoke to her, told her that she would be a very good player, to continue honing her abilities........by no means was there any thought of putting either of them "down"........the errors made, with proper coaching (she IS a 1st base and the coaches put her on 3rd) as well as the injury, should have been looked at.
    You probably ask "why I am not coaching now"...........the school had no "faculty" that wanted to coach them, so yes, I volunteered to do it, as a volunteer, with the stipulation that what ever the coach would have been paid to go towards new uniforms (had been wearing the same uniforms for 4 years) as well as new catchers equipment ( catcher was still wearing a "skull cap") with the facemask.......
    No, in no way did I even insinuate anything derogatory towards the two selected, just wanting to voice my $.02 worth so that I did not have to take it out on the coaches...
  6. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Could Be---

    I really think college coaches are smart enough to examine a kids real talent rather than picking them because of some award. The majority of these kids can play ball, but I know over the years that some that have received high marks are actually mediocre players,I am that smart, sorry for sounding arrogant, but I've been doing this for years, and you can ask my daughter after seeing her make a bad error in C/F over the weekend that cost the momentum of the game to change to the opponents edge, it is not acceptable to the coaches or her dad that she is doing her best.Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Dale Earnhardt, Shaquel O'Neal, etc...didn't get being the best by some award ceremony, they worked hard while others were out goofing off. These kids at one time worked their butts off and that's why they are reconized for their athlectism !!

  7. erms

    erms Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2006
    Help me understand.
  8. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County

    Okay you know your DD---Right ??? You know if she is doing her best or not----Right ??? Okay now do you understand ???

  9. Eighter

    Eighter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 27, 2005
    No way

    No way do I understand this comment. It sounds like you know when she is doing her best, and that is when she succeeds. Some days, the harder you try the less success you have. You might want to lighten up on her and let her have some fun. Nothing is more important to me than to see that determination and smile on my DD's face.
  10. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2005
    Effort vs outcome

    This may not be what guru is talking about but at some point kids have to understand that "trying hard" may not be enough. Effort is important but honestly cannot be measured (ever see an 'effortometer'?). Effort has intrinsic rewards but, as far as impressing college coaches, hard work only matters if translates to results on the field.

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