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Baseball Showcase Players

Discussion in 'Showcase Baseball' started by cncbaseballclub, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. cncbaseballclub

    cncbaseballclub cncbaseballclub

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    Apr 14, 2013
    The CNC Baseball Club is looking for a couple of players in 16u, 17u, & 18u. Last year, all of the players that wanted to play in college signed with someone. The colleges ranged from Division I to NAIA and all in between. When you play with us, we give you complete guidance in the recruitment process. We don't just play and win (although we do that too), we guide you in your recruitment.

    The fee to play is very reasonable and includes everything the player needs-no hidden costs involved. Plus, there is a way that the player can get his money back and so would actually play for free. Visit our website at www.cncbaseballclub.com for more information. Call/text 336-601-4531 or 336-302-6052.

    We are also having a Showcase Camp at Guilford College on Sunday May 11 at 2:00. Attached is a flyer. The cost is only $49 but you MUST pre-register and pre-pay.

    Attached Files:

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