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Bat shaving

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by TD4SC, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

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    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina
    Talked with a friend of mine that plays major level mens softball out of Seattle.
    He was commenting on all the bat altering that is going on. He says it is rampant in men's ball. He is clean (Barry Bonds says the same).

    He told me it is crazy how hot these bats are by having that done. He also told me that the type bat his team is sponsored by can't be shaved because you destroy the bat when removing the end cap. That also tells me someone tried it with this model bat.

    I decided to look around on the net and there are tons of shady stuff going on. There are people completely stripping bats down and repainting them. There are stickers made for legal versions that are being produced to make the bats impossible to detect.

    There is a team in my area that was sponsored by Miken. Miken caught wind of what they were doing altering bats and stripped them on their sponsorship.

    How long before this is a problem in fastpitch? I am being naive to think it already isn't happening.

    I know ASA has tried to give some umps a heads up on what to look for but I afraid they can only catch the obvious.
  2. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

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    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    Not an issue...

    While both men's major slowpitch and women's fastpitch have a ball,
    a bat, and 4 bases, that ends the similarities.

    Men's major plays with 10 men, and is all about power.

    Metal bats are actually stripped, by removing the caps and cutting grooves horizontally along the hitting zone. They also replace the caps with heavier inserts to increase bat speed.

    Composite bats (Miken) are actually"pressed" in a vise, busting the fibers, thus createing more trampoline effect.
    I have seen players hit them on telephone poles right out of the wrapper... Thats a brave person to smash a $300.00 bat into a wood pole before ever swinging it in a game.

    "Painting" is not as wide spread as it used to be, when there was access to the titanium alloy shells.

    I come by this knowledge from my brother who played for Action Awards / TPS from 1995-1999. They won 12 CO-ED National championships during that time. One of his teammates was Kathy Riley, head softball coach at Longwood.

    At the NCAA level, every bat is inspected prior to ever game. There is no collegiate coach in the business that would risk their job and schools reputation to allow an altered bat in play.

    The bats available to our kids are technological wonders. They will perform as long as the batter has strong mechanics. Spend time taking swings, not in a wood shop.
  3. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

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    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina
    I agree about the college coach

    I am very sure no college or high school coach would risk their job over it. Well I don't see how a player could risk their health over steroids either!

    The travel ball parents/player is what I am curious about. I can tell you it is happening in baseball at the youth level. I haven't read anything about it in fastpitch. Below is pictures of an Miken Ultra 2 converted to a Miken Freak 98. There are people making money doing these services now. Painting,shaving,rolling etc...

    I hope something gets figured out to put an end to it. If you have a daughter pitching or playing 1B/3B you wouldn't want someone swinging anything hotter than they can already buy.




  4. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

  5. change-up2

    change-up2 Full Access Member

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    Apr 2, 2005
    ASA rule changes .....

    Here is ASA primer on bats

    I have read a post from Anderson Bat and another post that says the composite bat will be Gone ??

    Posted: 11/7/2007

    as of right now ASA isnt approving any more composite bats... but no decision has been made with regards to legality of current models or changing the current standards.
    their main concern right now is bat altering. Removing the cap and shaving the inner walls is probably one of the lowest on their list. Rolling and vicing are what they're most concerned about... as well as the ability for some composite bats to increase in performance over time, thus fooling the original performance test.
    ASA is so serious that they are considering a 2 part test for all current and future models. This test would include an original BBS test followed by a form of advanced break-in (rolling, vicing, etc) and finished off with a 2nd BBS test.
    Obviously the bats would have to pass both test to be ASA certified. as of right now this process is just being thrown around as a possiblity.

    According to the ASA group from the meeting on Sunday here that is going to happen.
    Composite bats as we know them will no longer be made after June 31, 2008. For right now no new bats can be made.
    Talking to a bat expert there at the meeting any bat made under the new standards will be unsellable and a waste of money to make or buy. So what has happen is ASA has forced the end of composite bats.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2007
  6. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

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    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina
    I hear things like this just about every year

    Last year it was a popular non composite bat that was going away and it never happened.

    From the guide ASA has provided shows that metal bats are also getting shaved etc..

    I don't think the answer is doing away with any bat. Anderson tells you after their bats get better with more swings when performance waves are created in the barrel.

    I have seen extreme opinions that tournaments would provide bats and players would be forced to use them.

    One idea was to make bat companies provide wall thickness and there is already technology that can measure that. Another idea was some kind of embedded chip inside a bat that if tampered with could be easily detected.

    One thing for sure the people breaking the rules are going to affect the future of bats.

    The same guy that told me that there were some old composites that are now legal that will get banned. I wouldn't take that to the bank either.
    There are many agendas for theses type rumors getting started.
  7. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina
    Saw some crazy stuff as well

  8. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

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    Jun 29, 2005
    ASA will prosecute!

    ASA sued and won a lawsuit against 2 gentlemen who altered bats in 2006. The fines totaled approx. $100,000.00. The complete story is available @ www.softball.org, under the certified equipment link. ASA will go after anyone found altering bats.
  9. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

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    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina
    That would scare me but it wont put a stop to it. The embarrassment for my daughter ever getting caught with such a bat is enough for me not to do it. Also the chance that someone could really be seriously hurt.
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    also recieved this info from anderson, forwarded to all distributors. went on to state that it would be a waste of time to come out with a composite bat now, even though anderson has spent two years of trials on their version. however, i didnt see where all composite bats would be illegal next year, only thing i've been told is that you have to have the ASA stamp with the home plate stamp or the bat could not be used legally after dec 31, 2007. this will eliminate the black rt, and a heck of a lot of other bats that are still out there.

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