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Breaking News: McDowell coach resigns

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by bigdan, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    Breaking news out of McDowell County...McDowell Head Coach Dave Haynie resigns after four years as Titans head coach. I think if you ask a lot of people around town this was expected. I respect Haynie in the fact that he did went ahead resigned early enough to where the process can get going on a new coach. It's now up to the McDowell County Board of Education, and the folks at McDowell High to choose a new coach.

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2007
  2. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    Well Bigdan,I guess it's time to get the committee together again.Let's hope they pick a good one.:curtain:
  3. Cleotis Junebug

    Cleotis Junebug Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 11, 2007
  4. The Warden

    The Warden Full Access Member

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    Oct 21, 2003
    Creedmoor, NC
    Dave Haynie was a super nice guy, but for some reason it just couldn't come all together. However, I believe the individual who leads the Titans for the 2008 season and beyond needs to be carefully deliberated to the point that the right individual is selected and not just thrusting someone into the position, just to fill the job.

    In order for this to be done, here's some things that need to be considered:

    1) Find Someone Experienced and Proven: I hope that the person hired doesn't just know their football X's & O's, but also have PROVEN success in team leadership, wins, and program management & development through the youth leagues and middle school programs, off-season workouts & camps. And yes, winning does matter. Anyone would be more inclined to pursue someone with a .700 winning percentage than someone with a .500 winning percentage. Combine that with success in the playoffs too so that McDowell can say they've won more than just one game in the state playoffs and contend for a state championship someday.

    Im not pointing fingers on this point, but hiring Coach Haynie seemed odd that he had not coached in five years. I can understand a year's sabbatical, but not to where you're out of the coaching loop for a long period of time.

    2) Do Not Just Settle For Someone Inside The McDowell Family: If you can get someone in-house, thats great. If not, then find someone else. The three names that come to mind are former assistant coaches Ken Ford (Owen) and Mike Biggerstaff (East Burke), and assistant head coach Carson Gowan. But, the chances of getting Ford or Biggerstaff are quite slim due to each program's successes and loyalties to their school. Gowan, on the other hand, was a good player at MHS and has had success as an assistant coach and position coach. He knows the players and enough football to get started, but doesn't have the full, head coaching experience.

    However, if someone from outside of the family has the experience and success - GO FOR THEM.

    I do hope the right candidate is chosen and that individual will be a long-term coach with loads of success and accolades.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2007
  5. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    Warden I can't see anyone that was involved with some of the dumb decisions made during this season{like the failed 2 point conversions} being considered for the head coaches position.:thinking2:
  6. Otis

    Otis Full Access Member

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    Jul 14, 2007
    The last two coaches we have hired were from outside of this area, how did they do? Maybe we ought to give someone local a shot at running things. You are never going to have quality assistant coaches stick around for long if you hire someone from out of town everytime there is turnover at the head coach's position because they know the county is always looking to the outside to fix a problem instead of someone who is already in the loop and knows what needs to be fixed. Gowan has been ready to be a headcoach for ten years. If he was willing to leave the area he could get a job at plenty of places, but he is loyal. Hell it may be so screwed up at that place that he don't want it. Who knows? I can't understand why everybody always wants somebody from far away to come coach our boys. Do you not have any faith in local people?
  7. The Warden

    The Warden Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 21, 2003
    Creedmoor, NC
    If this were basketball, yes.

    Football, not certain. But I want the best for the Titans even if it means getting someone with PROVEN head coaching experience and success from afar.
  8. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    Otis,It's hard to blame outsiders on the lack of success from the Titan football program. Maybe the COMMITTEE just didn't pick the best coach. It seems Reynolds has done quite well with coaches hired from outside their program. Maybe we should go after the guy Brevard College let go this year. Wasn't he a great high school coach? Just saying
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2007
  9. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007
    I am a Watauga guy but I thought that I would chime in since we have had this opportunity arise a lot in the last 10 years and may see it come again. If I were choosing a high school football coach, I would want someone who has actually played college football. This person would understand the recruiting process. He would also understand what it takes to be a good football player. He would bring a highly organized and structured system to the program. Experience would be way down the list. X's and O's can be learned. If you have a person like this already there, hire him. Head football coaches in high school are dictators. From my experience, they don't take advice or suggestions from others very often. Don't blame assistants for bad calls that went on this season. Good Luck.
  10. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    Lou Holtz never played the game at any level. Just a thought. He's won a few.

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