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Breaking News: McDowell coach resigns

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by bigdan, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. billybobblockhead

    billybobblockhead Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 19, 2003
    around the block

    It's called $$$$. Buncombe county teacher supplements are triple, if not more, than the supplement in McDowell, and the coaching supplements are about the same (triple or more). It's no one's fault, just the way it is. They have a much larger tax base to draw from than does McDowell. Buncombe has been robbing McDowell for teachers and coaches for years like that. Why do you think they are so successful?? ;)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  2. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2007
    Then why would we look for a younger coach if it's a known fact that they can go up the mountain and get paid triple what McDowell is paying? I've said it before we have a wealth of knowledge and talent in McDowell County and it's about time they get the chance to prove themselves. The committee went outside for the past two coaches and they didn't work at all.. let's open our eyes and repay the loyality that has been shown by the likes Carson Gowan, I've heard rumor that after being passed over last time he wouldn't put his name in the hat again, I'm hoping it was just that a rumor....
  3. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    its money and athletes fellas. coach morgan went where football and track have been good for the last 20 years. coach suttles for the same thing and a head coaching job not assistanr job. who woudnt rather go to a perennial pwer house in almost every sport instead of having to spend the first five or so years building a program. theres a whole lot of things that get people put of here.
    i am totally with you guys id like to see gowan take over. the kids need someone like him to get this thing going here again, when gibson was here the titans were the toughest and hardest working kids around. i dont know what happened but i know that gowan would bring that back again. but its hard to win with no players guys. the reason that reynolds and roberson are so good year after year is not only the coaces but the athletes that these cocahes get year in and year out. speed is a necessity and weve been lacking that and size for a long time.
  4. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2007
    I don't believe we don't have the athletes here in McDowell County I believe that most don't come out because of the coaching.... I know for a fact that several boys of size never came out to play because it's was a know fact that they were "too big" to play. Both Riggs and Haynie were runners and they believed that's all you needed to win games was speed. We all saw how well that worked. Don't get me wrong you need speed but you've got to have the size to make the blocks and stop the runs from the other team. It's not rocket science.
    Something has got to change because if we don't get a winning season soon the crowds will be even smaller and the revenue won't be there to run the programs.
  5. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    i could be way off here but im gonna say this anyway- i know that not one of the coaches would turn down a kid with size if he can play and wants to really be there. the difference between our county and the one up the mtn and the one to the east of us is they have tradition and are used to winning. look at east burke- they have always had size and heart but they got speed this year and look at the difference. athletes lake the plays. not the coaches. coaches set the players to be in the right spot every play. the players abaility to make those plays makes a coach a success or failure in the publics eyes. athletes and football players make plays and win games. we had about 4 or 5 real football players this year and thats the difference in the games we lost.
  6. mtnman606

    mtnman606 Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2007
    i think that if watauga can turn it around then mcdowell can to,you have kids there that can play football,in high school football ,a good coach can take a group of kids and if they will work hard offseason and really care about winning and not playing because there friends are playing you can win. football has alot to do with playing with heart and the will to be good.good luck with who ever gets the job i really hope mcdowell can turn it around the 1st thing a coach has to do is get the players to trust him and what he is doing will work to make them better.
  7. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    i totally agree mtnman
  8. mtnman606

    mtnman606 Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2007
    frmtitangreat please go over on the mt tabor,watauga and pick mt tabor to win lol lol
  9. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    hahaha im gonna make the watauga fans sweat it out until friday then il go on there and make my picks lol. it started out as just me thinkin they wouldnt win but after the reynolds game ive just been doing it to make sure they do! hope all u guys appreciate the hard work im putting into this state championship run for you guys haha
  10. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2007
    It would be nice to think that's the way things go but I know from first hand expirence that Coach Riggs told more than one player that he was too big to play. It wasn't that those boys didn't have heart.. they stayed with the team,practiced everyday put their hearts and souls out there because they wanted to be there. You have to look at the size of our quarterbacks.. Justin Dalton had trouble seeing over his center and many plays had to push his head down just to see over him... I'm not taking anything away from Justin he was put into a position that he didn't want to be in and did his best.
    Coach Haynie said that if he just had 11 fast players that's all he'd need, words like that get around and guys won't put themselves out there to ride the pine. Can you blame them? Let's face it since Riggs and Haynie came into the picture we've not had the likes of Dustin Wiseman, Nick MacKinnon ,Jacob Creson, Issac Stockton, Daniel Stafford,Gary Bass,Blake Watson just to mention a few. Ever wonder why? They were just a different type of coach.
    I would love nothing more than to get a coach that will bring back the feeling of pride in being a Titan Football player and fan. One that would have more players than coaches on his team. I've found it strange that our coaching staff has almost doubled but we're not winning any more games. Too many cooks in the kitchen?

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