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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by angelbaby, May 15, 2008.

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  1. Mama Duck

    Mama Duck Bless your heart.

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2005
    Down from High Point
    to move or not


    i totally understand that there are situations where it is not feasible for you to be able to just pick up and move somewhere. But, at the same time, there are ways to ensure that your child is able to continue to go to the same school as has been stated in previous posts. The bottom line is that you have to follow the rules whether you like them or not and sometimes that involves having our children be disrupted because of situations outside of our control.

    Unfortunately, this is a life lesson that they need to learn and we as parents need to step up and make them realize that they will not always get what they want in life. Yes, we try our hardest to give our children what the want, but when things change, you must make a decision to do either the right thing and work with the system or the wrong thing and do what you want without thought of consequences to your child or their teammates.
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    MamaDuck- My problem is not with following rules and suffering the consequences when they don't. It's when this happens "Yes, we try our hardest to give our children what they want" at any cost, that I have a concern. Whether it's illegal transfers or motivated parents "turning them in". One's a cheater and one's a low life. Neither I would trust.
  3. MP2

    MP2 Full Access Member

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    Mar 9, 2004
    I wonder who turned them in??? Some very selfish and jealous person I'm sure.
  4. bigcat

    bigcat Full Access Member

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    Jun 1, 2006

    Braves -- You want to slam the parents for turning others in on the team because they want "little suzy " to have playing time yet your rederick is exactly what causes people to believe that their kid is not being treated fairly and we need to put everyone on an even playing field. You make statements about how its not fair that some dont have the money to buy a more expensive house as others do --so by your statements, lets equalize society and say its ok for them to stay with their "friends or teachers". You show your true colors even more by the statements you made about Ardrey Kell baseball fans in this post -- http://www.thisboardrocks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=147911.

    "Like, do they serve wine at the games?"

    "Dude, aren't the seats cushioned?"

    "Like, the games last so long"

    "okay, I'll come for awhile, but I've got a party later"

    Our society has turned into one that excuses every thing because someone did not get the same opportunities as another -- We are teaching our kids nothing by showing them that it is OK to break the rules and suffer no consequences by doing it. We are bringing up a generation who does not take responsibility for ANY of their actions and " It's not fair " being the excuse that is used way to much. Sad to think that this is what you have instilled to students in your "30+ years of HS sports".
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    First, the word is rhetoric. If you are going to attack someone on the board know what words you are typing, so we can figure it out. Second, based on your next sentence I assume you applaud the fact that a parent is getting into something that is not their business. Why? Are you one of the parents that waited to see if your child started before you called the Principal. Wow...Disregard what happens to the other teammates, but as long as your Suzy is fine...that's fair

    Way to take that out of context. "equalize society and say its ok or them to stay with their "friends or teachers". Please show me, in your infinte wisdom, where I said that. Do you live in Pineville? An area that for over 30 years sent their kids and grandkids to South Meck. It was a huge part of the South Meck community...and after a decision was made by people who could care less about that, they decided to send those kids to a "hell hole" dominated by thugs and miscasts, and the only way for them to change it was to move to a more affluent area. If you can't understand the pressures this placed on those families then you are inhuman. This redistricting went on through out all the neighborhoods of Charlotte. When you can reasonably explain the "fairness" of forcing kids from across the street to separate schools, I'm listening.

    Pretty slick there slickster to include a post from another forum that you have no clue what you are talking about. Although this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread, you chose to use this to attack my credibility

    Well, since you unwisely brought this up in a forum that has nothing to do with you or this post, I will address it, but it will not happen again. Keep your comments and replies to this thread and this forum.

    for others that are reading this post

    Some of the parents and players at AK were upset that the students were not attending their games. They are concerned that the opposing team will dominate their home field and turn the homefield advantage towards the visitors. They asked me to "call out' the students (if you notice, I kept stating not the parents). Of course, this doesn't fit into your attack, so you left that part out. Since the AK baseball supporters asked me to do this and they were not concerned about it, then it certainly is no business of yours and had no purpose to be posted in this thread. I'm sure the AK baseball supporters appreciate you bringing this up. :rolleyes5:

    And you read that in my post? Wow...comprehension is a problem for you

    Preaching to the choir Dude or dudette

    No, fortunately, most of the kids that I know are outstanding individuals. They understand and believe in commitment, sacrifice and teamwork. Perhaps, you are surrounded with the type of kid you described, I have no idea, but the one's I'm with are great.

    Perhaps you are meaning this generation of parents. You've got no argument from me there.

    You have no idea who I am and based on the tabloid way you chose to attack me and my posts..I'm thankful.

    Now, cat, if you disagree with one of my posts, fine. We all have our own opinions. But if you choose to refute it, bring some substance other than old time cliches and matters that have nothing to do with the thread topic.

    And your last sentence you used to attack me was a low blow and uncalled for.

    I will give you a concise conclusion to my previous posts, so you will not misunderstand.

    - Parents should be held accountable as well as the student and be part of the punishment in an illegal transfer - illegal transfer referring to a parent that knowingly gives a bogus address for the purpose to cheat the system. I stated that 3 different times in my posts. Did you just choose to ignore that?

    - Some parents motivation in "turning in" an alleged illegal transfer is self serving at best. It has nothing to do with fairness, but a lot to do with jealousy...especially when most of the time, when a parent reports a player they suspect is illegal, it turns out to be a legitimate transfer. This must be the part you meant about this generation of parent complaining, "This is not fair. He's taking my 'lil johnnie's position"

    - Since there is no teeth in the new legislation, when the politics move on to something else, it will revert back.

    I'll see ya in 30 more years to continue to discuss this subject. It will still be around.

    and bigCat- if you want to personally attack me in the future, PM me first, I'll save us some time.
    Last edited: May 19, 2008
  6. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    OUCH!!!!!!!!!! Touche braves....
  7. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

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    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Watch it Braves !@!

    You'll be classified in the same category that people put me in. Hey by the way this ex-softball coach(Wah) is now coaching a 15u baseball team,and we beat a very renown baseball team in N.C. twice. How about that for the record, a softball coach beating a baseball team...LOL....Love ya man, Guru

  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Hey, a good coach is a good coach......what more can I say
  9. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008

    Mods - lock this thread and kill it! Nothing good is coming out of it and it is making the board look bad. This is not what this board is about.

    Lets get back to our regularly scheduled programming - the GIRLS!
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    jav, i agree, but we've been asked by one of the coaches from butler to not lock it, as they have nothing to hide. i will do this: one more unfounded accusation, or off color comment and i will close it despite that request. happens every year here, but usually a different school.
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