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Caldwell County Post 29

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by steelballs, Jun 7, 2006.

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  1. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    post 29

    Caldwell County squeezes by ktown in the 9th

    Caldwell County .....11


    Bumgarner hits two bombs

    Justice hits a bomb that clears the scoreboard

    carolina man

  2. DownSouth

    DownSouth Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    In the L.A.
    My thoughts...

    Anyways. I am dead tired physically and emotionally and metally right now but I have tons to say.

    To all of the Caldwell County Post 29ers, I love you all more than you will ever know. Do you always say and do the right things, of course not. But you are great people and I feel you deserve the best in life. You are all heroes in my eyes and the eyes of alot of other people.

    To Casey, Ryan, Brian, and Colt, who I think are the only guys we lose next year, it has been truely amazing being around you guys. Mark my words, Casey Justice will come back to this area after a great college career and be one of the best coaches ever be it baseball or football or both. Ryan, you are a free spirit and I was trying to tell you last night that your horizons are endless. Get away from anyone and everything dragging you down and tons of success will come. I don't worry about Channy or Colt. Both guys are brilliant and full of charisma and there futures are SO extremely bright. Guys I hope you know anytime, anyplace, anywhere, I will be there for you.

    To Madison Bumgarner, if this is the end of your Legion career I wish you the best of luck. I have told anyone and everyone I can that you are better person than you are a baseball player and everyone knows how good you are at that. I stand by that comment and look forward to draft day next year to say... I know that guy. I slept in the room with that guy and he needs to turn off his cell phone so I can sleep.

    To the coaching staff I don't know where my future will be or what will happen in the coming months, but I will tell you the summer of 06 will be one I never forget and standing shoulder to shoulder (or sitting in a roach infested, hotter than hell hallway) with you guys was something I will cherish forever.

    To the TBR guys I have met down the road this year. It takes a special breed to be moderator, fan, reader of TBR. I learned this week that breed is pretty good breed for a few of you. Mark my words. TJ's Wojans are going to be awesome again so I will stand behind him. Braves' Pineville will always be a force so I will stand behind him too. JM's Garner will always be booed, hissed, etc by Caldwell because every hero needs a villian but JM is going to fight tooth and nail and I have alot of respect for that too. And as for Carolina Man and myself along with the 9er-Nation we will always carry the torch for our guys. Thats just what we do.

    I love my blood family dearly. I love my baseball family almost as much. The Rollercoaster of 06 was quite a ride.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2006
  3. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    DownSouth,,,, it was nice meeting you, and (just so others will know), we had an awesome discussion THE DAY IMMEDIATELY AFTER that big Caldwell/Kannapolis game. We shared stories and I really enjoyed chewing the fat (well tobacco) with you. Goes to show opponents can actually be civil, imagine that. I know you are much smarter than to pay much attention to some of the stuff posted on this board,,,, its all I can do sometimes to bite my own lip, but I try. Anyway congrats to Caldwell on a super season and finishing 2nd in the state.

    Btw, I don't want to sound like (I told you so), but I've said all summer when you guys started 0 & whatever, that the Area 4 better put you away while they could,,,,,,, or you would be back. You my friends, came back. Congrats.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2006
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    I should have made my "Championship" post in here, but I wanted all to see what I had to say.

    One of the reasons I was happy to see DS and tj meet is because you two are two of a kind "love of players and Legion baseball". Although one is young and the other one is....err...not as young, you are both leaders in your community.
  5. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC

    Well well well you touched my heart...great season DP...we have nothing to be ashamed of and thanks DP for all that you do...if ever I can be some help, you know how to find me. I was looking forward to going to Fla with everyone, maybe next year. To all the 29er players, thanks for some great memories guys and good luck to you..... please take god with you on your journey Thur life....To the Coaches, Thanks again, I know we didn't get what we were all after, but you were right there knocking on the door again...Next year the 29ers will bust the dang thing down...I still dream

    Carolina Man
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2006
  6. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    There has been a whole lot of negative stuff on here surrounding the state tournament, most of it directed at Caldwell County which is most unfortunate considering the extremely high level of play, not to mention the heart from the players on all the teams and the enthusiasm that was displayed by all the fans that traveled to support their teams.

    I have no connection to any of the teams - I'm just a baseball fan that loves watching these kids compete. Thank you Braves for asking me how the Ragsdale team was looking a few years ago - that prompted me to check them out and it took one game to get hooked.

    As for the Caldwell County legion team I only have one thing to say. While watching the Pitt County/Kannapolis game on Friday a couple of Caldwell players sat down behind me waiting to take the field for the opening ceremonies. I started talking with one of the players, I don't remember his name just remember he was #6. WE had a brief chat about the game, how Caldwell did and how tough White Ketner and Bumgardner were to hit ( he didn't play for South Caldwell). He said he had a buddy playing at Catawba so he knew Ketner and also knew Chad Baker from Ragsdale.

    Anyway - that kid was as nice and polite talking to a complete stranger as he could be. I'll assume Caldwell has a team full of kids like that as did the other seven teams out there. Treat these kids with respect and I guarantee you they'll do the same right back
  7. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    post 29

    #6 would be Ryan Hightower Caldwell's shortstop and he is a great kid along with the rest of them....great for you to notice

    carolina man
  8. DME12

    DME12 Junior Member

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    Aug 3, 2006

    First and foremost I want to congratulate Morehead City on winning the State Championship with an absolutely amazing run through the losers bracket.

    Second, I have followed Post 29 since their State Championship of 2000 and I have a question for someone from the Program. WHY and HOW could Madison Bumgarner not pitch Game 2 Tuesday Night. A LOT of people would like an answer to that question!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I know, I know it is all about his "future". That is BULL Bleep. There is no one he can impress and nothing he can show them at this "showcase" he has not already showed them. Every Major League team will have someone in San Deigo next week (if there is anyone left who has not seen him, which I doubt). It is not like he hasn't been to these things before (State Games, trip to showcase in Arizona earlier this year, etc. etc.). I have to believe he really wanted to pitch, but my guess is Daddy, his adviser (whoever the heck that is), and the guy holding the "showcase" say NO. I can NOT see how he can face his teammates after that decision. He not only let his teammates down but the coaching staff, the Post 29 fans, and all of Caldwell County. He has lost 2 State Championship this year by looking out for his "future". One by taking the mound when he should not have at South Caldwell because he wanted to be the "man" in Game 3 of the HS Championship (the day after pitching Game 1)and one by not taking the mound because he had some MLB teams to impress. He will regret those decisions the rest of his life even if he goes on to make millions and that is NOT guarenteed. There is a lot of professional players that NEVER get to play for a championship of any kind. And what about the rest of team? There is a lot of good players on that team that could use some exposure of their own. I am sure Casey Justice, Brian Chandler, Andrew Berry, Ryan Hightower, etc. would have like to have the opportunity to show their talents in front of the scouts and college recruiters that will be at the Regionals, but I guess he did not think of that.Since I mentioned them I would I to give Brian and Andrew an attaboy for the way they pitched in Game 2. Chandler did an outstanding job ( 1 hit in 5 innings). They gave their teammates a chance. He has been the "workhorse" of the team according to the guys on the radio. Played every position except shortstop. It is the guys like Casey and Brian that don't have another year that bother me. They will not get that championship that every player dreams of since T-Ball. Madison is a very, very, very talented player and has the ability to go far, but by not taking the ball he disappointed a whole lot of people. Me and a whole lot of people would just like to know WHY.

    Congratulations to Post 29 on a great year! Always remember some you win, some you lose, but you play them all because of the love of the game!

  9. Diamond Fever

    Diamond Fever Junior Member

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    May 30, 2006
    I know that there are alot of people questioning why Madison did not pitch on Tuesday of the State Tournament. This kid has an opportunity that many kids only dream of. I was at the games as well and you could tell that the decision not to pitch was waying on his mind. The kid did not turn his back on his team, coaching staff, or the fans. Baseball is a team game and as good as he is there were no guarentees that Caldwell wins if he pitches. Morehead City did a great job coming from the losers bracket, so congrats to them. However, put yourself in his shoes or his parents shoes this kid has a future that is worth investing in. Congrats to Caldwell on a great season.
  10. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    DME, I feel your pain, but I think it was a difficult decision for Madison not to pitch on Tuesday and I happen to agree with it.

    I don't think he let his teammates down at all, in fact I think he showed a lot of team "COMMITTMENT" just being there. What if he had gotten hurt? He was there to help his team any way possible,,,,, and remember like DiamondFever just pointed out, there was no guarantee of victory if he did pitch either. Also, he pitched on opening day (Friday) so asking him to come back on Tuesday (3 days) is a little faster than most so-called experts like also. Of course other pitchers in the tournament pitched more often, but you can't blame Bumgardner because he's gotten this TREMENDOUS opportunity to play in this national all-star game. I just don't this its fair to blame him, because I'm sure it was probably just killing him inside to get out there and pitch on Tuesday, but he's gotta take care of himself. Just my 2 cents.

    p.s. Remember, without his hitting in the tournament, Caldwell may not even be playing on Tuesday.
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