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Caldwell County Post 29

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by steelballs, Jun 7, 2006.

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  1. u-r-out

    u-r-out Full Access Member

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    Sep 26, 2005
    YOU SIR ARE AN IDIOT, don't base your life and well being on being the big man that BLAMES MB for not pitching. Why not blame the team for shottd defense, not even making routine plays, and how about the O fer's at teh plate. The way Caldwell played on Tuesday (9 errors in 2 games) the only way a pitcher could change that would be to throw a perfect game. REMEMBER YOU SAID THAT IT IS A TEAM GAME, WON AS A TEAM BUT MORE IMPORTANT, LOST AS A TEAM.
  2. teachem

    teachem Junior Member

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    Apr 4, 2004
    I am an outsider looking in on this situation (350 miles away), but I am a baseball coach/fan and like everyone else I have an opinion. I drove 350 miles to watch this young man pitch this past spring at Caldwell and he was well worth every mile. I have read about the sacrifices that he has made for the Post team and my opinion is that he has totally put his team in front of his own personal gains. TME 12 you appear to be a fan that doesn't care about his future, just the fact that at any cost Madison should have pitched. Do you or does anyone personally know what Coach Hamby's thoughts on him pitching were? As a High School coach my belief is that no matter what the team gain can be, you must first consider the players future. You win as a team and you lose as a team. Honeslty it's probably time for him to now say that Madison has to do what is best for Madison. Coach Parhm I know realizes that high school is nothing compared to what he has later down the road. 20 years from now what will be more important to him, that Legion State Title he won 20 years ago, or the millions that he has made in the pros. TME 12 it only takes 1 pitch in a game that he should have never been involved in, and his career is over. Remember that when you are sitting there looking to blame him for a team loss.


    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2005

    Would having the two missing players changed the outcome, another strong arm on the mound, another hot stick at the plate? It is very hard to make that kind of statement when you had players stepping up and filling key roles all the way through the season, playoffs, and tournament.

    I"ve coached the majority of those kids during the summer and fall, since they were 10, and they are a special group. I don't think that missing a couple of players here or there really weakens them, it just gives someone else an opportunity to get it done.

    Some things are just not meant to be, at least not yet!

    Coaches, Fans, and Players hold your heads high, you have a tradition of excellence, continue on and always win with pride and dignity, but also lose with pride and dignity, and remember even as much as you love the game, there are more important things!

    GOD Bless![/quote]

    Where did all that wisdom come from? Just kidding coach, you are truly one of the great baseball minds around here. Thanks for all your support over the years. Look out 2007!
  4. Diamond Fever

    Diamond Fever Junior Member

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    May 30, 2006
    I to would have loved to see Post 29 celebrating a State Championship. However those who are fans need to understand that Madison stayed and helped his team the best that he could. These other players poured their heart and soul into this State Tournament and the South Caldwell boys into the 4A State Tournament. Like Frozen Ropes said somethings aren't meant to be just not yet. Sometimes you have to crawl before you walk. These kids are warriors and the ones that will be back will get it done next year. Congrats to South Caldwell and Post 29 on great years and best of luck next year.
  5. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

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    May 31, 2003
    TBA thanks for the apology but it is not necessary. i think you did what is right for your situation as you saw it and i respect that. the reason im disappointed is not because we didnt win the championship or your son didnt play. as you and your son pass through the different levels of play you are im sure you give it all and then in a couple years you are in another level. your main priority is your son as it should be. while i have a lot of respect for the players needs as i am a long time fan i have a lot of interest in the things that make caldwell baseball unique and special being in place for the future players. the great young players we have, the fans base, the sponsors, the radio station, the legion officials and coaches, the overall cummuinty support all are parts of the success of the program its takes it all to stay at the level this program enjoys. for the most part till this year i think we have gone to battle with our best kids playing weve had some great sucesses and some not so great years but all can accept the results good or bad as long as we feel like everybody did the best they could. then move on to next season. i fell like the biggest cancer that could mess up what we have now is for the community to feel like we didnt give our best effort. this year for the first time i started feeling like we were heading down that road. some kids didnt play, some didnt start when they could have, and lots of "other" things got in the way it was one thing after the other all year. i think it could be a snow ball effect erroding what we have. i would hate to see that happen. after watching the program for so long i know it can go away if we dont do whatever it takes to to keep it strong. lots of statements on here about its all for the kids but there should be a little concern for the program being there for future kids. again i would like to thank this years players and coaches for their great efforts and success
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    I hope when the frustration wears off and the pointing of fingers stop, Caldwell County will look at this HS and Legion season with pride. Both for what they accomplished and for the type of character your boys displayed.

    They brought positive attention to your community...soak it up!!!!!
  7. Airman

    Airman Full Access Member

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    Feb 17, 2006
    Please remember these two trips to state championship games were astonishing. At the legion level 175 teams started out in May and Caldwell County was in there fighting to the end as one of the final top two teams in the state to only lose by a run. At the high school level I remember hearing the season had 98 teams wishing they could play for a state championship and again South Caldwell was there. This really is amazing when you think about it. I hate it for the kids that don't get another chance. These boys have been practicing and playing since February 14th or so. They were heartbroken to lose this last game. Noone is to blame. There is not one player or coach that would not have given their heart and soul to have won that game. All of the SC boys wanted another shot at a state championship and they got that chance. With the way CC's season started out, I think most CC fans had given up on them and attendance was down which made this run even more special...b/c most fans bailed out on them early in the season. Most baseball players (probably 99% or more) never get a chance to play in even one state championship. So this was very special all summer. To players and coaches...we enjoyed the ride. Keep up the good work!!
  8. NC Baseball Fan

    NC Baseball Fan Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2006
    caldwell county
    well said airman. this was an awesome season for caldwell county baseball.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Oh...I need both Messers and Clawson to PM me. I have something for them.
  10. Red Bear

    Red Bear Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2005
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