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Caldwell County Post 29

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by Carolina Man, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. bred4this

    bred4this Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 31, 2007
    I know exactly what you are talking about

    I feel they do need a new coaching staff, i feel they need some younger guys that can compete in the level of today. They are probably the best in caldwell as far as old school, but really we need some rings!!!!
  2. Angleeyes28

    Angleeyes28 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2007

    Not into coach bashing but if Caldwell had some new quality coaches there may be the same old story year in and year out.......Caldwell wins It again.
    Not to hurt anyones feelings but to look at those three standing side by side, arms folded, just makes me think of the 3 Stogges. What do you think Bobby Dale could do with that program???
    The players have to do the playing but the coaches have to motivate and push the right buttons in crunch time. Those kids could do as good as they do year after year by themselves, no coaches around. They need some new, hungry coaches.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  3. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

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    May 31, 2003
    you are entitled to your opioions but i dont think you know what you are talking about. you make a big jump from they dont bunt to the coaching staff is not any good. i dont know about you but i have been a fan closely following the team for 22 years and i think a lot of years they made a contender out of a team that should not have been one . just my opioion. you put coffey and poovey on the team last year and poovey and bumgarner this year and you get a different result. it was not the coaching staff that caused us to come up short. at this level i think you manage what you got you dont make bunters out of players that cant bunt.


    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2007
    We could go on with this argument for a long time. Everyone has their opinions. I have been around this program for many, many years and seen hundreds of their games. Caldwell does make deep runs every year and some of the credit goes to the coaches, and some to the players. My opinion remains the same, they have a ton of talent every year and they make a deep run just on talent alone. That is how legion is, if you have the talent you can make a run at it every year, but when it comes down to the end, winning the championship, thats where you can tell the coaching apart. And Caldwell hasn't produced the Championships like they should. I have heard people say for years that these coaches have told them that they are going to quit or retire. I have talked to many players and they have said over the years that the coaching staff has told them that they are done and that will be their last year. But they keep on coming back. I think it is time for them to call it quits. Get some fresh blood in there, some younger guys, who will come in there and be enthusiastic and have lots of energy and bring back the excitement.
  5. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

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    May 31, 2003
    the braves cant bunt a lick guess since bobby cox cant teach the bunt he should have quit managing 20 years ago. i dont think you give the competition the credit they deserve when you get down to the state playoff level. heck as loaded as south was they were lucky to win the state championship. the teams they faced were tough. the teams are always very tough in the state legion playoffs. look what happen to rowan they were loaded do they need to change coaches too
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2007
  6. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    I agree with Moose and further will add that judging a coach by the number of state championships is just a bit unfair, because after legion teams play the first 4 rounds in series-play where the best team will win most series,,,, then a double elimination tournament with the remaining 7 teams and a host can literally be a crapshoot and one bad break can throw you into the loser's bracket with a long road back. I'm sure there are great legion teams every year who go to these tournaments with realistic expectations thinking they could and should win it, but they don't.

    As far as coaching, most coaches understand they maybe questioned or 2nd-guessed by their decisions. As long as coaches have those who support him, you can chalk up the ones who disagree as just that.

    Where a coach can get into trouble, is when it appears there is very little (if any) support with whatever he's doing or not doing. You will clearly know when that is the case.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2007
  7. bred4this

    bred4this Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 31, 2007
    are you serious

    I have played college baseball and i have played legion baseball. I dont think you understand.... You now just bashed all the players on the team by saying if this guy or that guy was on the team. You are just saying that the rest of them couldn't produce. Coaches coach players and make the decisions in a game such as bunting, but its nice to know that you agree they need new coaches because you just said if they had those players it would have been different. I guess its not the coaches then, wait they just need certain players and the rest just can fill a staff, what they had wasnt good enough. But good coaches not even great coaches take a team without those stud horses and win championships ....Cherryville for example, i saw the worst pitching staff that have ever had, but they are getting rings!!!!!!!
  8. bred4this

    bred4this Junior Member

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    Aug 31, 2007
    How to we go from legion to pro ball

    hahahahaha well i guess in my own OPINION Bobby Cox should be fired, and let the Yankees win it every year, but thats just my opinion. If you can't bunt in high school or legion, then what does it matter now you have stretched it way out of proportion and you honestly really dont know jack about baseball. I love reading this crap and seeing how little and simple people make the game out to be..... The game is too deep for any one person to ever learn all of it. Bunting is one part, physical and mental aspects are huge. Its just one big mind game. If you can bunt so what, atleast make the other team think you can. Play-offs are where baseball comes out, the purity the heart, the passion. South won because they wanted it, coaches make up the glue, the concrete, the mud that sticks everything together. Im here to tell you caldwell needs some new adhesives.
  9. bred4this

    bred4this Junior Member

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    Aug 31, 2007
    The case

    So you know how the tourny is held, i've been there too on both brackets. Ok, i know the problem..... its not the coaches, its the damn players. Why hasn't anyone just came right out and said that...Moose thinks so... If only poovey or madison was there they might have had a better chance. So i guess every year caldwell doesnt have a poovey, coffey, or madison then we are just short of the glory. But wait the line-up is made up from guys who have played with eachother for many years, then you add the studs from the other 2 high schools and you have some options. You are right its not the coaches.... because if they were coaches then they would coach. I know first hand they dont coach, they complain, yell, belittle the players, and threaten to quit every year since i can remember.


    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2007
    I hear ya bred4this. Keep telling the truth. These coaches should absolutely be politicians, because they are awful good at pulling the wool over peoples eyes and good talkers. I don't know if any of their coaches have even ever played baseball, other than the pitching coach. How do they know what to do during certain situations when they have never been on the field doing it. These coaches are great talkers, not great coaches. It is absolutely time to bring a new coaching staff in. I don't know right of the top of my head who they could get but it is time for a change. Legion baseball is about winning state championships. That may be tough on the coaches but that is what it is about. Ask Cherryville, Shelby, Rowan, Garner, Morehead City, and they will tell you without a State Championship it don't mean much.

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