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Caldwell Legion

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by FROZEN ROPES, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. FutureCoach

    FutureCoach Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 28, 2005
    Coach Hamby is definitely a great coach.There is no reason for him not to be the coach for that team.He should be the coach for as long as he wants to and I am sure that is probably the case.Right after the state tourney I did hear that there might be some shaking up, but I didn't really think that it could be true.As long as he is the coach, they are in the running for the state championship every year, and that is all anyone could ask for.Best of luck to Coach Hamby, I hope he is coach in Caldwell County for a long time to come.
  2. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    :banned: :imagestor
  3. 3play

    3play Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 3, 2004

    I wouldn't trade 1 loss for any of their wins due to the overall poor sportsmanship by the players and fans. You're right they are talked about all over the state but it's not because they are a "model" program......
  4. steelballs

    steelballs Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 26, 2004
    Model Program!


    Don't know what you base your information off of, but Caldwell Post 29 is a model program. Players, Coaches, and fans are devoted to the team and have great spirit. People take that the wrong way, because fans from other teams don't show the same enthusiasm. From the top down the program is great and that is coming from someone who played. State Championship team 2000!
  5. Coach Tuck

    Coach Tuck Full Access Member

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    Jun 7, 2004
    I coach the Roxboro American Legion team and we played in the Caldwell County tournament this past June. We were treated extremely well by everyone from the Athletic director to the Coach to the fans. For the first time my players and I were able to see what legion baseball in that part of the state was all about. I took our team up there this year to see what Legion Baseball is all about and neither me nor my team was disappointed. I wish the folks in Person and Caswell Counties would show the same support for our team. I would consider Caldwell County model program and hope someday Roxboro Post 138 could be mentioned in the same breath as a Caldwell.
  6. 3play

    3play Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 3, 2004

    I base my decision from growing up in Caldwell Co. and knowing the coach as a little league coach. Watching the States last year, I can say this there is a difference in enthusiasm and what I watched go on. Players tipping their helmets after home runs (while losing), talking trash, and fans acctually calling players on the other team by name and cursing them from the stands. While talking to the kids at a hotel I was supprised how rude and disreseptful they were. I was embarrassed to be from there.
  7. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 11, 2005
    Show Class

    If that is genuinely how our fans, players, etc. came across, then we need to clean up our act. As we continue to try and improve our program, we must never lose sight of our conduct, nor disrespect the game. It is one thing to be good, it is another to have class. It should be our goal to have both.
  8. 3play

    3play Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 3, 2004
    Well said. We all love to win but we hope that more is taken from the game by the players than just a victory..............
  9. steelballs

    steelballs Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 26, 2004
    Your Choice!


    Sorry you feel that way! I am proud to be from Caldwell County!

    NW4AWATCHER Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 7, 2004
    3 play

    I am embarrassed you are from Caldwell County too because of your spelling. I have a son that has played for Post 29 and I have attended almost every game in quite a few years. Never have I heard anyone in the stands cussing opposing players. They might have picked on a player that has acted very arrogant on another team. The fans get into the game and they should. That's baseball. It is not rude or derogatory. As for Coach Hamby, coming into Legion baseball we didn't know much about him. The players love him as did my son. He makes playing baseball on a daily basis fun for the kids. It is a grueling schedule to be at the stadium between 3 and 4 o'clock each day all summer long. These kids as well as the coaches sacrifice so much to be there, but they love the game, the fans, and the baseball tradition in Caldwell County. Many other programs do envy Post 29. I've heard it many times. Look at Hickory's program and where they play. Not even in the same league. Coach Hamby is the best. He certainly helps these young boys become men and creates memories they will always cherish. If you heard any rude comments from these kids, it would be hard to believe, but might have something to do with being "stuck" in a hotel for 2 days with little to do waiting for the rain to let up to start the state tournament. Coach Hamby has the support of Caldwell County. We love you Coach Hamby!

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