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Cap 7/ Triangle Area Predictions

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Capsbaseballlhp, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Call me Chode

    Call me Chode Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 11, 2008
    Obviously people dont know leesville and there returning players. They loose three starters nicholson harold and bond but in return gain stein, brown, lyon... vinny was a good catcher but ethan is a lot quicker and has a better arm, stein will step up and become the ace for leesville and thomas, gentry, dorset, foremen, saxton and kelly returning to pitch and have looked good durin fall work outs. Bond is going to be replaced by lyon, he is just as fast and has more power at the plate.
    Milbrooke was a disapointment last year and the hype about there school is way to high... last year they were beaten badly by leesville. Though they will be decent with pitch with faulkner and smith and a few others... what do they have for offense, im not sure does ne one konw hudsen and is that it?
    Broughton has been spanked for the past two years by leesville, They scored almost twenty points on the caps and jus let up to show respect.
    Wakefield is a good team but they haven't impressed me much with the talent they have last year.
    Sanderson is still the same as last year they lost one batter... i dont see whats so good about them they werent any thing special last year.

    This may be a bit bias lol and dont mean to put any one down but i want to make sure everyone knows what they are talking about when they speak of leesville... If i offend any one i appologize its just the facts from the past season and what has been seen/heard thus far... i wish everyone the best of luck...
  2. baseball28

    baseball28 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 2, 2008
    Wakefield atop

    I believe that this will be an extremely good conference this year. I cant wait to see all the studs taking the field this year. lets just say no one is taking the title too easy. But just to let you guys know Wakefield is not going to be as bad as one might think. With a rotation of Yeung, Woodle, and a talented junior in Chris Blankenship holding down the starting jobs. They will have Clayton Daniels, Evan Smith, and Trever Schock in the bullpen ready for anything coming their way. A lineup that will feature the quick Chris Brown at the top and a damn good 3-4-5 combo.( Dowdy, Yeung, and Schock). They will also have the presense of such players as JP Riggleman who can flat out fly and Jared Woodle who will surprise many this year with the bat and on the mound, along with Taylor Nelson who can hit. They might not be as talented as previous squads, but they sure as heck will be able to compete with the likes of any other Cap-7 team. Including Broughton, Sanderson, Leesville, and Millbrook(sleeper watch out).
  3. Capsbaseballlhp

    Capsbaseballlhp Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2007
    WOW your wrong about your own school

    Broughton Vs. Leesville at Broughton was a close game down to the last inning but lets not forget that was last year its time to fill the void of a 90+ MPH arm and Clean up hitter, Leesville will deffintly be a contender..TBR is a good place to talk about teams but dont put down or say things taht you dont know about Sanderson won two games in the playoffs last year they have a virtual unknown(at least unknown when it comes to throwin 90) in Mark Peterson and the rest of the team can hit..Just wondering who is going to catch Brown when he is on the mound, and why is he automatically taking the Ace roll when Stienbugler was the number 2 last year.
  4. spartan2_18

    spartan2_18 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 11, 2008
    Question for Call me Chode

    When you say that sanderson has the same team as last year but just one batter. Shouldnt they be a better team this year? Also they did make it to the third round of the playoffs when nobody was expecting them to even win in the first round. I think you are extremely underestimating them. Look for them to contend for the championship all year.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Play nice...support your teams, but not at the expense of others
  6. Capsbaseballlhp

    Capsbaseballlhp Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2007

    I think one thing should be said, the kids in the CAP-7 can PLAY, all this talk from every teams representative is well deserved, I cant forget about Coach Suggs Copperheads program this summer giving us Cap 7 kids a chance and i feel like we did very will for he and coach Evans..with that said who do you guys thing the contenders for Pitcher of the Year and Player of the Year
  7. Freddy Suggs

    Freddy Suggs Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 16, 2007
    I read a lot of comments said about last year. Remember, some players make big jumps in a year. Don't underestimate any team you are talking about unless maybe you are seeing them everyday.
  8. Stretchy

    Stretchy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 29, 2007
    Scoreboard malfunction

    did the kicker miss an extra point?
  9. spartanball

    spartanball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2006
    Lets put the competition on the field

    It is obvious that most of these post are from the players. It is great to see the competition on this board but it is now time to see it on the field. Spend you time working out your arms with your bands in your room instead of your fingers on the keyboard.
    The Cap-7 is a conference full of players that have played with each other on the same travel teams for years. Everybody knows each other and most are best friends with each other. This should be a very good season where any of the 7 teams stand a chance to be at the top.

    Stretchy- That was funny!!!!:PubDrink:

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