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Carolina Ravens Tryouts Scheduled

Discussion in 'Showcase Baseball' started by Baseball_Coach14, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Baseball_Coach14

    Baseball_Coach14 Member

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    Jul 12, 2010
    The Carolina Ravens organization will be holding a FREE tryout for all that are interested in playing on a Showcase team next year. We are looking to fill a 2017 travel/showcase team that are looking for all position. We are looking for 2016 graduates, who will play showcase to fill all positions. Finally we are looking for 2015 graduates who are Pitcher's Only. If you or you know someone who is interested please have them contact Greg Asycue at [email protected].

    This tryout will be held on Sunday November 17th, 2013 at Louisburg High School starting at 12:00pm. We asked that all that will show-up to arrive by 11:30 for registration.

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