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Carolinas Baseball Center and On Deck Academy Announce Merger

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Schaefer, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. justadad

    justadad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2010
    had a nice parent/player meeting last night......kids are definitely at the forfront.....especially those that are eager to work.....this is BIG
  2. cargill22

    cargill22 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 27, 2011
    They have great pitching & defense. But a very average team at the plate. Not syaing they can't hit. But the Panthers key is pitching.
  3. cargill22

    cargill22 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 27, 2011
    Travel Team. Not many HS teams have the pitching depth of travel teams. Also HS teams are only as good as the players enrolled. Cuthberson should have one of the best teams in the state and 4 or 5 Panther/On Deck players with a great coach. Hard to say who's the best summer team is. Just too many to choose from. But I can think of some that are strong from top to bottom. In HS ball I've yet to see a team where the opposing pitcher couldn't relaxe and just have to throw strikes to get an out. 7 & 8 hitters just not that good & in most cases 6/7/8/9.
  4. WYLIE00

    WYLIE00 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2006
    Merger effect on Panthers

    The SC Panthers have been and still are viewed as the top Showcase team in the Charlotte area. They have consistantly won at high levels not just a game here or there but deep into the major PG tournaments in the country and have been heavily scouted everywhere they go for a reason. Don has done a great job of combining two ideals. Individual development is a very important part of a players progress however there is another side to the coin and that is learning how to compete not just against your opponent but internal competition as well. To make fear and pressure your friend and continue to work hard to earn a spot or playing time and not just know that your going to play your alotted time each week. Learning to compete for a greater cause than yourself and using those individual developments to help your team win is sometimes lost in development 1st enviroments. You must know how to react when at the next level you are standing at your position with 4 other players to gain playing time. Don has melted these two sides together pretty well and has felt the success of it. The Panthers have partnered with the Charlotte Hurricanes a organization primarily in the younger 8-15 ages who embrace the same philosophy and based on everything i have researched is widely accepted as the leader in the state in those age groups. Don has already merged some of thier top players at 16 and will have access to the upcoming players from some very good 13-15 yr old teams. Don and the Hurricanes are building his pipeline of players they can choose from and while i think the merger between On Deck/CBC is a good thing they have different views on development than Panthers/Hurricanes neither way is wrong just different. Much of the landscape will stay the same.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  5. Play Ball

    Play Ball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 30, 2007
    The other teams that were in the Top 16 at the 2011 Perfect Game East Cobb tournament were On Deck and the Diamond Devils. So CBC, On Deck, and the Diamond Devils went farther than any of the other 12 NC/SC/VA area teams that compete in Atlanta every year.

    The great news overall for everyone, is that Charlotte and the Carolinas have outstanding players.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  6. infieldfly

    infieldfly Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2010
    I am not clear about your post? Are you saying that the Panthers and the Hurricanes are going to combine just like CBC and On Deck have?
  7. 33414boys

    33414boys Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2010
    If you are talking about the 17u East Cobb Tourney,
    I believe the Diamond Devils from SC won
  8. WYLIE00

    WYLIE00 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2006

    It is not a merger where the two of them opporate as one but a partnership between the 2 inwhich they work together at the Showcase level to streamline the players that the Panthers need or want to the Panthers. Hurricanes youth team players to have the option of the Panthers if asked to play for them. The home of the Panthers and Hurricanes ,who now workout under the same roof, is Showcase Baseball Academy as they work together with each other to achieve this partnership. The 2 organizations carry a lot of the same philosophys.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  9. ncaarules

    ncaarules Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 26, 2011
    .......Does anyone know who will be playing for the Panthers 2013 team this year? Are they loaded?...............What does the roster look like...................Don?
  10. Play Ball

    Play Ball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 30, 2007
    You are absolutely correct, and I apologize for the oversight! The Diamond Devils beat FTB Mizuno. The final 16 for that tournament were (in no particular order):

    Homeplate Chilidogs
    Nor Cal East
    New England Ruffnecks
    All American Prospects
    Mid Atlantic Rookies
    CBC Diamond Rats
    On Deck O's
    Baseball U Prospects
    Excel Blue Wave
    Kentucky Baseball Club
    FTB Mizuno
    ABD Boxers
    Illinois Sparks
    Diamond Devils
    Syracuse Sports Zone Braves
    NJ Super 17

    My primary point is that programs that offer development aren't weaker and without the desire, talent, or ability to win at top levels, against nationally ranked players and teams. Also, those teams got to the Top 16 individually, and now they are together.

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