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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Softball Guru, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Family and Friends,

    Today was a busy day for us! Casey got a day pass to come home and check out the home and see what he could and couldn't do. We found out that he can manage just fine with a wheelchair and a hemmy walker(a very large cane). Will probably need safety bars in the bathroom and shower area.

    His leg is moving along pretty good. He was able to walk about 300 feet on Saturday with the walker and a little balance help, but moving his leg all on his own. He has good control from the hip and knee. The foot still needs some work. He was fitted for a brace that will run from just below the knee to his toes. This will help the movement of that area.

    He was able to move his arm a small ways 4 days in a row!!! So it is starting up some movement too. The shoulder and biceps have responded but from the elbow down is still weak, but they are starting to pick up some movement. Some natural movements, like stretching in the mornings, when the right arm stretches the left is too and he is beginning to feel that happen. So that is a real good sign.

    He is starting to get a small grin on the left side of his face now. The electro machine they are using to stimulate the muscles in his face have worked great. The Speech Therapists are very pleased with the progress.

    He has a great attitude towards the work he is doing and has yet to do. Still a long road ahead to travel, but we've got the man upstairs walking right along with us. So I know we will make it to the end.

    His go home date is this Thursday, November 8th. At this time he will then begin out patient therapy. We don't have all the details on this yet.

    All of the Therapists, Nurses, and Doctors have just been awesome! God sent us some good ones! Thanks again for all the support, prayers, cards and visits!!!

    Love to all,
  2. CometFan

    CometFan Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    Lake Norman
    Great news

    What great news about Casey! We at TBR wish the best for Casey. He has come a long way and with all the good doctors and therapist, and help from the man above, we know he will continue to improve. Best wishes.
  3. shakeitoff

    shakeitoff Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 21, 2007
    Good news, thanks

    Will probably need safety bars in the bathroom and shower area.

    Hi Ginger,
    Thank you so much for the update! Do you have someone to install a safety bar? I am sure with all the friends and people who care we can find someone?
    I think of yall often and am so happy to hear things are progressing nicely!
    Continued prayers & support to your family and love to Casey,

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