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Central Cabarrus vs Hopewell 4-21-06

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by BigRoj, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. outlaw31

    outlaw31 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2005
    Great Name for a Thread...

    however, no one talks about the game.
  2. CometFan

    CometFan Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    Lake Norman
    This was a very well coached and played game. The only runs scored in the game were solo homeruns by Amanda Barrs, and Chasity Covington of CC. Both pitchers did a great job on the mound. Great defense on both sides. Great game to watch.
  3. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2003

    What do you want to talk about Outlaw? We are game. We love to talk about the game. I think thats about all we have talked about up to and I agree nothing much since. Comet posted the score on the softball scores thread but I think the score 2-0 pretty much said it all. Great game, hard fought, unfortunate that one had to lose but thats why you keep score.
  4. VikingBasketball

    VikingBasketball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 18, 2005
    My Friend

    Big Cheeze 105 you shouldn't say thing about Roger he is well liked in Cabarrus County with High School Softball Players and there parents. His site has never been about money. It always been about getting picture of the girls playing softball and letting them see themself and other people to get a chance to see them. He loves to do this as a hobby and sorry to say that Central happen to be Number 1 and that is something you should want to see pictures of but maybe if people didn't put Roger down he might be willing to film your team. I don't know that for sure but if you would be nicer he might. If Roger want to say something about his site on This Board Rocks site then he should beable to. Hey this is a site about softball right then he was just letting people know he has pictures of girls playing softball. This Board Rocks website doesn't do pictues so he was just letting people know where to see action of girls playing softball. So get off his back. You need to thank him because a person to come out and do this free and not have a girl on the team at Central is a nice thing to do. So don't ever put my friend down again you say your sorry and let him talk about his website. I think it a cool website and he would never put you down or anyone esle. People like you shouldn't be able to be on this site and say things you say about people. So say your sorry to Roger and me nicer next time. Hey also CanAmMan you need to stop your crap and listen to me. If Roger ever came to KM he take the best picture you ever see and any way why would he take picture of KM they aren't number 1 in the USA. If you would be nice he might would take pictures. KM couldn't beat Central anyway but this isn't about Central and KM it is about Roger and he is doing a fine job and Monte seem to like the pictures so just back off and Thank the man for what he has done and the time he takes out of his life to come take these picture and I know that ever Parent and Coaches at Concord High School and Central Cabarrus would back me up when I say he is the best and hope he keep on doing this for a long time and if Cheeze105 and CamAmMan can't say stuff nice about Roger or other people then I will ask the Moderater to take you off this site.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2006
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    where do i start?

    first off, this board is about discussion, learning and training, not about selling anything. we struggle to keep it that way, kinda pure. second, tbr does do pictures, look at the posts in travel ball, etc, so he could post these items for free. key word is "free". I didnt say anything about km or cc. i am, for the most part neutral. i personally dont have a thing against roger, i'm mearly questioning wheather he has the right to use this forum to sell his pictures. had he posted them for "free" no one would have said anything negative. like enkajet stated, "you kinda have to thick skinned to post on this forum" especially if someone feels your wrong. I appreciate the offer to take pictures, but we have five parents who take them and distribute the pictures "for free". (believe they're all christmas gifts and such). I also didnt stop Roger from stating anything, he is entitled to his opinion, as I am mine. Just one question in closing, are you a player, teacher, student or parent. I'm guessing player. if so, good luck this year.
  6. CCHSvikefan81

    CCHSvikefan81 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 23, 2003
    Roger has been taking pictures as long as i have known him for at least 3 years now, i never have i seen him make anyone pay to use pictures from his site, why do you all keep inferring he is trying to sell pictures after he has told you the purpose of his site, This is a great man who has a job and a daughter who plays softball and i can definately tell you he does this because for his love of the game and his personal interest in photography. I know for a fact he spends numerous hours each nite after the games getting these pictures up in a timely manner so the kinds can see themselves on the web site the next day. Like he said if he was doing this for pay based on the number of hourse and hard work he puts in he would definately being on the loosing end of this.
  7. VikingBasketball

    VikingBasketball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 18, 2005
    Taking Pictures

    CCHSvikefan81 is right he has never once wanted anyone to give him money for the pictures. I don't know where you get your facts about Rodger selling picture but not true.
  8. outlaw31

    outlaw31 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2005
    seems like every other game has several posts about who hit this, how many strikeouts, who made errors that hurt, who played flawlessly. a game of this magnitude, and we only get a score and an argument over a guy taking pictures...
  9. CCHSvikefan81

    CCHSvikefan81 Full Access Member

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    Apr 23, 2003
    AMEN, the game was very well played by both teams defensively especiallyno errors by either team, with a diving catch by CC SS who almost went under through the fence, also a rare 5-4-3 double play which you dont see much of in high school softball, and a pick off and caught stealing by CC freshman catcher, HW had many scoring chances but could just couldnt scratch one across, HW had 5 hits to CC's 4, but the two scored two runs which was the difference basically. Should be a rematch for the conference tourney championship.
  10. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

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    Mar 5, 2003

    I agree but I think with all the posts that went on before the game that a 2-0 score was almost anti-dramatic. I wasn't there and I am surely not opposed to anybody who wants to write about the game. One thing about TBR, is its similiarity to the game of softball and the fact that you never know the outcome of the game or where a thread will or might take you.

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