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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by LBlues 1, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003
    You may have something

    When I lived in Illinois, we played indoor ball, 180 feet with nets all around, as long as it was fair ball, it was playable off nets/screens. It was exciting, you wanted outfielders with rocket arms.
  2. PhoenixPhan

    PhoenixPhan Full Access Member

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    Oct 9, 2009

    Now you are talking about requiring a skill other than just speed. That's what I was proposing, which is more well rounded players with a variety of softball skills (rather than just speed). I think that moving the bases back just 5 ft would cut down significantly on the current large number of "specialist". That way, only the better speedsters would be getting on base that way. By design, softball (compared to baseball) gives a huge advantage to the offense. I have even seen right handed batters hit routine ground balls to the SS and beat the throw to first. Besides, I personally don't believe that moving the bases to 65' would be the equivalent to the 90' basepaths found in baseball (based on home to first times). Yes, speed is important in practically all sports. But, the bases are so close in softball that it doesn't pose much of a challenge for some to reach first base, especially when they are allowed to hit the ball when out of the batters box (which I have yet to see called). Also, moving the pitcher back 3 ft made it that much easier for slappers.
  3. sports buff

    sports buff Full Access Member

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    Jan 15, 2004
    Not baseball that is what separates us from them. Make the defense accountable please. Remember a key word Fastpitch.
  4. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003
    Top colleges

    The colleges have learned how to play most slappers and only the elite are consistently able to get on base. Fierce 3rd baseman have cut down on effectiveness.
  5. PhoenixPhan

    PhoenixPhan Full Access Member

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    Oct 9, 2009
    And that's the way it should be. Now, if every once in a while, there could just be one call for hitting the ball out of the box! Now, before I get all the umps out there fired up, I have also been behind the mask. "Do you want me to look at the batter's feet or call the pitch?" Yes, it's a very tough job (coaching, too) and it takes a special person to subject themselves to that level of scrutiny. At the end of the day, would we really change anything about this great game (except maybe making the season 12 months long)?

    BTW LBlues1, I too was a "specialist". :laugh1:
  6. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003
    Good for you

    It is not the slapper's fault if it is allowed! Now I have had many slapper's called out, one in particular several times in one tournament. She was not out of box but was so darn fast, the umpire could not believe she could get to first so fast. I think you are against the concept and understand the frustration. I think the college game is where your proposed changes should take place and see what affects it may have on game.
    My only hope is the other sports do not become Nascar and change rules more than they change underwear! Bring the teams that discover new ways within the rules to win back to the ones that do not.
    On the specialist comment, not sure what sport you were playing but you obviously were good at that role. Enjoyed the sharing in this post.
  7. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2010

    After reading this for weeks, I am going to weigh in:

    The varying rules accorded to offensive stats for slappers. Consistently I am seeing slappers being given a "sacrifice" for a swinging hit, that sees them out on 1B, as long as they have moved "any" runner. This is NOT a sacrifice! Intent is the key on sacrifice, and a swing signifies intent to hit not to sacrifice...thereby making this not a sacrifice but an OUT. Slappers' offensive stats are being hugely inflated utilizing current methodologies by some groups. (Certainly the right hander swinging OR slapping, gets the out).

    Bases being moved back would certainly level the playing field. However, I think slappers/speedsters with bases at current distance will ultimately force stronger/more consistent defensive plays.

    Oh, and whoever said move softball to the fall? ABSOLUTELY. Can't tell you how many games we have lost to snow and hail. Volleyball can be played in a heated gym...softball cannot. And I do not recall snow falling in October/November in recent memory :)
  8. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    Lots of suggestions to move the fence back! That would have to start with the colleges... and thats not likely to happen anytime soon. There are too many big college programs with major obstructions beyond their outfield fences, like permanent grandstands, big scoreboards, other facilities, etc. For these sites, moving the fence would be VERY expensive.

    Besides, defining the home run is not the main purpose of the fence. Its main purpose is to control the balance of the game in terms of balls hit INSIDE the fence. A 210'/6'-8' fence is a good balance. Move it just 10-20 feet further and doubles become triples on a regular basis. Another 10-20 feet and any gap shot easily scores runners from 1st.

    If 200' low temporary travel ball fences are the issue, the TB folks should either figure out ways to create temporary 6'-8' fences or quit playing on men's slowpitch fields.
  9. erhs

    erhs Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2010
    Betterbetterandnowbetter! :)
  10. tctcoach

    tctcoach Member

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    Mar 21, 2006
    I don't see changing the game any but do see a couple of rules that need to be eliminated. First and foremost do away with dead periods. That one has outlived it's time. Second do away with the jewelry rule. That is just one thing coaches have to worry about that is useless. We wear metal cleats but they can't wear an ear ring????????? The other is some of the proper attire rules. Some are just a waste of time. Leave the bases, fences ect. alone. Lastly I've never understood why they keep putting limits on hot bats when if they think the ball needs slowed down why not just go to a lil softer ball. Much cheaper and easier to regulate

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