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Christmas tournament thread...

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 14, 2005

    happy gnu year!

    Comments on FHS game: agreed to everything said so far, FHS has to find a way to guard post. Washington was good but stats were somewhat padded by7 or 8 free throws in the last 2 minutes while Ford had been taken out ( silvers could have pulled his girls for a well deserved ovation but left starters in to boost stats I guess.
    Ford was best individual player on court but needed some help.( she won't be player of the year with the help she got tonight) Don't know the stats but I'd bet the inside differrential was like 50-5.
    Feel sorry for Hamilton, she should have been all tourney in place of greene who was ok but gave up 29 to the freshman(ford) and seemed to be on her full time.Greene had 13pts last 2 games & hamilton 34...according to Paper)
    I posted over a month ago that FHS was second tier until they played with McD and ACR, the announcer said they play ACR tues. in what might be a crucial game for the patriots.
    I would bet the New Years eve really hurt the crowd, no students there at all.

    Just my take on what I saw tonight.
  2. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    Don't know what game you were watching?... :wtf23:

    I can tell you right now, the last thing McDowell was doing was padding stats. It was a 13 point game with about 1:45 to go, Greene had fouled out, Freedom hit free throws and then stole the in-bounds play and scored again. The way Ford can shoot the 3-pointer, that 13 point McDowell lead could and would have evaporated in an instant if Mike had chosen to clear the bench. Since Freedom kept pressing the issue, Mike had no choice but to keep the starters in.

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