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Clayton Post 71

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by ClaytonPost71, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. ClaytonPost71

    ClaytonPost71 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2008
    Clayton plays at SSS. With the addition of HS Summer league the CHS field became unavailable to Post 71, Coach Joyner and SSS gladly accepted the Legion program despite also having two summer leagues. Thanks again Coach Joyner..

    Clayton Post 71
    Saturday 24 Wilson - Post 13 Fleming Stadium 7:00
    Sunday 25 Cary - Post 67 Green Hope HS 7:00
    Friday 30 Benson - Post 109 SSS HS 7:00
    Saturday 31 Wilson - Post 13 SSS HS 7:00
    Sunday 1 Kinston - Post 43 Kinston HS 7:00
    Friday 6 Garner - Post 232 SSS HS 7:00
    Saturday 7 Apex - Post 124 Apex HS 7:00
    Tuesday 10 Kerr Lake Louisburg College 7:00
    Saturday 14 Durham - Post 7 SSS HS 7:00
    Monday 16 North Raleigh - Post 297 Millbrook HS 7:00
    Tuesday 17 Benson - Post 109 South Johnson HS 7:00
    Friday 20 Garner - Post 232 Garner HS 7:00
    Sunday 22 Kinston - Post 43 SSS HS 7:00
    Monday 23 Durham - Post 7 Riverside HS 7:00
    Friday 27 Apex - Post 124 SSS HS 7:00
    Saturday 28 Kerr Lake SSS HS 7:00
    Sunday 29 Durham - Post 7 SSS HS 7:00
    Wednesday 2 North Raleigh - Post 297 SSS HS 7:00
    Saturday 5 Wayne County - Post 11 Southern Wayne HS 7:00
    Sunday 6 New Bern - Post 24 New Bern HS 2:00 (DH)Thur
    Thurs - Sat 10-13 First Round Playoff (2of3)TBD
    Tues- Sat 15-19 Second Round Playoff (3of5)TBD
    Tues - Sat 22-26 Conference Finals (3of5)TBD
    Tues - Thur 29-31 Area Finals (2of3)TBD
    Monday 4 State Tournament Begins Gastonia, NC
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  2. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005

    Smithfield not having a Legion baseball team just doesn't seem right. I watched a lot of great players at Legion games at Bingham Park and Legion Field back in the day.

    Back them Johnston County only had the one Legion team. It was like a HS all-star team from the county.

    oh well.
  3. CoachCrock

    CoachCrock Go hard or go home

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2008
    Slushy Land

    JC had some of the best teams around, and the slushy's weren't to shabby either.
  4. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    oh yes

    return a foul ball to the concession stand and receive a free slushy!
  5. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    Or just grab a ball out of the bucket. That trick was my favorite.
  6. cbsconsult

    cbsconsult Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2008
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    JC Legion

    I played for the Jc Legion team in 1980. I still have some fond memories of playing at Legion Field. It was great to play with the guys from the other county high schools - Smithfield-Selma, South Johnston, North Johnston, and Clayton were the 4of the 5 schools that made up the 1980 roster. I don't recall any players from Princeton High that played with us that year. The personalities were great...Joe Stephenson, Peanut Langston, Pete Norris, Stan Watson, Roger Hudson, Nelson Daniels...and of course, me.

    It would be nice to see all those oldER faces again....

    Legion Field was an event...."bring back that foul ball and get yourself and ice cold slushy - feels good ALL THE WAY DOWN!"
  7. ClaytonPost71

    ClaytonPost71 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2008
    Slushy Land

    It would be nice to play at Slushy Land again. Not to sure if any of you have seen the ballfield lately, it is in terrrible shape. They have been playing soccer out there and it is horrible. There has been some talk about JCC having a team and playing there. It would take close to $30,000 to get it back to playing condition. We currently have guys from the following schools Clayton, SSS, East Wake, Princeton, South East Raleigh on the squad. It would be great to have some old players come back and watch our games. We play Durham Post 7 this Sat 7:00 @ SSS.
  8. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005

    Yes, when I read in the newspaper a few years ago that Smithfield Legion Field was being turned into a soccer complex, I just cringed. Say it ain't so. And the Legion had just spent all kinds of big money to upgrade the facility with new expensive lighting and other improvements. What a shame.

    Yes, I saw there are tentative plans to have JCC use Legion Field for their baseball venue when they kick off their jr college baseball program in a couple of years. We'll see how all that unfolds. But I do hope the college gets an athletic program going; should be a nice boost for that institution.
  9. CoachCrock

    CoachCrock Go hard or go home

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2008
    Slushy Land

    The famous words of the late Eddie Rabil, " There's a fall ball in slushy territory bring that ball back and get you and ice cold sensational Mr. Slushy, Johnston Counties favorite drink".

    I remembering finding ten year old balls in woods and getting a free one, gotta love Mr. Slushy

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