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Coaches stealing players what do you think?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by F-PITCH, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002

    I was wondering when we could determine SOUR GRAPES
  2. Homer3

    Homer3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 20, 2004
    There really just isn't any way to police those kind of actions by a coach. The only things that will keep that from happening is word of mouth and for the players and their parents do a better job upfront in learning about the coach and his purpose for the team. Then hold coach accountable for his actions. If the team goal is to win, win, win at any cost, then the player should ask about turnover on the team. If there has been a tremendous amount of turnover, then to me that coach will replace any player at any time as soon as another player who may be better comes along. I know of coaches who had promised players the world, but will just add players and then sit the ones he made all those promises to. Those players then get frustrated due to lack of playing time and leave the team solving the coaches "problem". For a coach to mislead a player that way is just wrong. If a player committs to a team, then the coach should have the same committment or greater to the player, at least for that season. After the season, then all players can be reevalated if that is how the coach wants to do it.

    The players should also ask the question of how future players are added to the team...who knows she may be replaced the same way she is replacing one today. There are always legitimate reasons for a player to leave a team and for a coach to add players, but if there is a constant revolving door of players, then anyone looking at that team should be careful.

    If a coach has a team for the benefit of preparing players for college, ask about how many ASA tournaments the team plays and also how many players in the past have gone on to play in college or may be being recruited currently. The player should also ask how new players are added to this team as well.

    What must always be remembered is that those who coach travel teams should do so becuase they are wanting to help these young student-athletes learn the team concept, have fun and become better at a sport we all care about. If the coach is only there for his own recognition, then he should find a different hobby.
  3. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    nice post Homer3.......summed up wonderfully!

  4. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003
    Coaches Stealing

    Just read all the various comments, softball in NC is changing rapidly and parents and players expect much more than most teams and coaches can give. The elite travel teams spend 15-20 hours a week contacting college coaches about the players the travel team has on their roster. Just going to showcase tournaments will not get your kids recruited. Parents are not satified with players Dads running the team, they want former players or college coaches. Parents want to be guaranteed their kid will play certain positions, pitch a certain amount of innings. Some parents want their kid to play 18U at 14 when they are not ready because they are concerned their kid will not be recruited. Many factors cause players to seek other teams. I think most parents are to smart to allow their kid to just be taken to another team with a "silver tongue". I think most will ask questions about tournaments to be played, purpose of the organization, goals, history, and coaching staff. How many past kids have been signed to play college ball and where did they sign? I honestly believe most parents can see beyond the promise. That said, we just had 35 kids come to an 18U open tryout. We put it on this board rocks and expected about 15-20 to show. Every girl that came has the skills to play college ball and a couple had verbally committed. Of course we could not take them all and many are unhappy. There will be negative things said but we spent hours evaluating kids to make sure we did what was right for all. SUpport your girls whatever they decide and let them live and learn. If U are a good coach and organization, they will be back. Let's all remember as several have said it is about the girls not any of us. Hey I am thinking about retiring from the sport as it is beginining too hurt to bad to tell a girl she did not make the team. :laugh1:
  5. Homer3

    Homer3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 20, 2004
    Coach, men such as you, Ray Chandler, Ben McKinney and others should be commended for doing things the "right" way. Hopefully one day soon there will be enough teams around like the Lady Blues and Chandler's Cardinals (and a few others) that all of those who have the desire and skills to play in college will find a team and a coach that will help them as you and Coach Chandler have helped their players.

    We just need more teams who play ASA so the girls can get the maximim amount of exposure possible.
  6. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    actually they (ASA) needs folks who care about the girls running it and not just mens rec ball! The ole establishment has to age out i guess, then the assocation may grow in NC. Most area teams travel out of NC to play ASA ball, which is OK ...................
  7. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    Well put F-Pitch Its out of control when coaches promise the world. just to get a player. I to have had kids leave our team and am on good terms with them and there parents. I will not make an enemy over this game.
    I bet we agree on at least two of those three coaches lol.
    I have heard of coaches promising 12 and 14 year okd girls and their parents that if they play for them the will have college coaches looking at them NOW.Thats just NOT true. Parents let your DD have fun play hard and enjoy the game. There is so much more then softball to be taught on the field and off about life,respect and dedication to self and team. Having your DD go to the higest bidder or best story teller is not what you want folks. College coaches go to tournamets to look at players that have been in contact with THEM. It really does not matter much who they play for. Do your home work on college programs above all keep your marks up (there is way more academic money then athletic) and if you are an average athlete chances are that if you work at it you will find a college team that has a spot for you.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  8. hispeed

    hispeed Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2003
    When and how can other organizations ie; nsa, usssa - start garnishing the type of attention that asa gets since nc seems to lack in those tourns.

    THECOACH Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    I agree with Intimidator......sounds like sour grapes to me too :nono: :nono:
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004

    THECOACH Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Well put RT. You have a great organization and its one that others should model after. You and your people should be commended for the job ya'll do!! :applause: :applause:

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