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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by LDFRDGUY, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    First, I think the HS is mentioned when a player signs for college as we are speaking in an educational arena (HS/College), travel ball is just a means to the end. I do think HS ball is good for the ladies as they learn to deal with different personalities, learn to deal with budgetting their time and managing their academics as well. Also, HS playoffs and finals are full of pressure situations which assist players in dealing with performing under that pressure.

    I think a player can play for a small HS or a HS program that is not an elite one and still play college softball. Hard work as mentioned by several other posters is the key. I am not in favor of kids transferring to other HS's just for softball!

    Being on a quality travel team can benefit U in many ways. Whether U want to believe it or not, coaches do migrate to teams that have a reputation for winning and producing college quality players. If U have attended the major showcase events, U will see it for sure. Make sure the travel team U choose will work for U and assist U in getting noticed, in getting coaches to games, and getting U on the proper "stage" to perform.

    U as a parent and your DD must do your research on schools U may have interest in DD attending. Try to figure out the major DD wants to pursue and then look for schools that offer that major, then pursue the schools and coaching staff U feel best suits your DD. That school may not choose DD even if she is a good player, e-mails them, and has good academics so have several options and be open minded as well to possible other schools.

    Most important make sure your DD has heart, guts, and a true love for the game because without those three, she will not survive college ball. Best of luck, keep allowing DD to have fun playing softball and she will be successful.

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