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Competition within the TEAM

Discussion in 'The Next Level' started by EastOfRaleigh, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    This could apply to any sport, I suppose.
    What's the real dynamics for college athletes competing for starting positions and playing time? What's it really like? Does it ever get mean-spirited? Can it cause low morale on the team? I know this is a big challenge for coaches not to allow it to become negative and how to handle this. Obviously someone gets disappointed, but college athletes are supposed to be adults.........well almost.

    A football example is at NCSU. Talk about competition! They have 5 QB's vying for a starting role and PT: one senior and a junior both that have starting experience and have had marginal success, two very promising red-shirted underclassmen that have just finished up surprising success in spring scrimmage sessions, and an in-coming freshman that was rated among the top 10 QB's in the nation as a HS senior.

    Any comments on competition within the TEAM?; any sport is OK.
  2. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Competition is a good thing...

    Competition is a good thing I think, it keeps everyone giving their best to keep their spot! Now that said, it should be politics free! Don't make the kid that is really the best, always come in behind the kid with the parents/grandparents that the field is named for! Even in the work world their is always someone vying for your position, that is just a fact of life! There is always gonna be that person who will stop at nothing or that there is no level they will not stoop to! I say do your absolute best at all times and hope that everyone else uses good values and morales, and pray that your best is good enough!
    There will always be someone out there, that your best will never be enough for, but just remember to accept the things you can not change and the courage to chenge the things I can and the knowledge to know the difference! Yes competition is a good thing as long as it is handled the proper way!
  3. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    oh yes

    agree that competition is a good thing, but just wondering about the real dynamics that go on. it looks all hunky-dorry, but just wondering..............................scholarship probably helps to keep it all in line, too.
  4. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    If coaches do not play kids against other kids, competition for playing time and a team environment, at least with girls will be fine. Coaches must learn what lights a fire in their players as each one is different, he must also convince them that each has a role and that role is important to the success of the team and is critical no matter how small it might seem.
    The player must have a drive to improve their skills and each day of practice work on weaknesses and also work away from field as many times practice does not provide time for individual opportunity.
    Many times kids that are not stars are overlooked and many times coaches develop favorites which can lead to issues with team chemistry. What I have found is favorites change and before U know it issues arise.
    Many college coaches are great motivators, good at that job, willing to work with kids to improve, some are not. I have seen coaches treat kids like dogs to get them to quit and then laugh and brag to their buddies how they accomplished the feat. Saw it happen at a conference tourney two years ago, kid was in tears as she walked away and the Coach and two other conference coaches were standing around laughing about the girls decision. Thank goodness none of those three coaches are still coaching college ball. Point, just like HS, can be wonderful experience or NOT!
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  5. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

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    Mar 5, 2005
    Agree Whole Heartedly!

    Abbey I agree with everything you said.
    I don't think some coaches really realize how much they can impact a players experience!
    I also don't think that the parents of the said "favorites" realize how crappy a players experience can be if they aren't the favorite! Players and parents DO realize who the "favorites are, it is not a secret. It is not like they are a part of some secret society or something!
    As in everything there is a Right Way and a Wrong Way to do it!
  6. Toots

    Toots Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 28, 2007
    Competition with the TEAM

    When you play in college, it becomes a business. It is all about winning and losing and the coach's job usually depends on that, plain and simple. Most (not saying all) ONLY care about their season record and how far they can go in the post season. They could care less about feelings and playing time. If you are a walk-on, you have it extra rough because they have no money invested in you so therefore a walk-on is already behind the eight ball.

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