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Discussion in 'Baseball' started by sutigers, May 12, 2005.

  1. sutigers

    sutigers Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2003
    I was going to wait until after the season to post, but decided now was the right time. Several years ago, Ken Heiliger, Holger Hill and I put together a group of players out of the Matthews Little League, forming the Matthews Cougars. Of those "original" 13 players, 9 are playing significant roles on their High School teams and 7 were playing in the SW4A tournament last night. Those young men have grown up into not only solid players, but great citizens that the three of us are very proud of. I'm going to list them and their accomplishments, so please bear with me.

    Charlotte Christian: Daniel Hill Sr. 3B-P- All State, signed with Presbyterian. Great kid that's had a great season. Team is in the State finals.

    Hickory Grove: Chris Saunders Sr. 3B-P- All State, pitched a complete game to put team in state finals. Has hit 5 home runs in the last two games and 9 on the year. Will attend UNCC and walkon.

    Providence: Cory Dunning Sr. CF- All conference player that is signing with Louisville. Had the game winning hit last night.
    Mitch Besselievre Sr. P- Has evolved into one of the best pitchers in the conference. Pitched a 2 hit shutout last night and will play somewhere next year.
    David Scism Jr. OF- All conference player that has speed to burn. Started the game winning rally last night.

    South Meck: Zac Kennedy Sr. OF- 2 time all conference, great lead off hitter that has signed with UAB.

    East Meck: Brett Alter Sr. P-1B- Has had a great season, one of the leagues best pitchers who also pitched a shutout last night. Brett will attend UNC Chapel Hill.
    Joey Savago Sr. C- May be the best defensive catcher in the conference. Blocks everything and a great leader. Will attend UNC Chapel Hill.
    Chip Smith Sr. 3B- Has worked to become one of the best defensive 3B in the conference. Has saved several games with his glove and scored the only run in last night's game. Chip will attend App State, undecided about baseball.

    While I'm extremely proud of these young men, I must also mention the 4 not playing any longer. David Simon is a varsity golfer at Charlotte Christian and will attend Western Carolina. Chris Semones is on the tennis team at Christian and will attend Wake Forest. Chad Heiliger was a varsity baseball player at East Meck until last year and is now focusing on his music. He will attend Clemson on an academic scholarship. Adam Kelly is the best catcher no longer playing. An all-conference football player at Providence, not yet decided on his college.

    These young men were special for a lot of reasons, but most of all because of their character. Best of luck guys.

    Coach Smith
    Matthews Cougars
  2. sutigers

    sutigers Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2003
    Follow up

    One quick follow up. In addition to those "original" Cougars, several other young men played for us that I'm also very proud of. They are:

    East Meck: Taylor Bryant- Sr. P-2B- will attend Westen Carolina
    Matt McNichol Sr. LF- will attend UNC Chapel Hill
    Andy Hostutler Sr. RF- will attend NC State
    Jake Rayner Sr. P- has a full scholarship to a state school.
    Ross Davidson Sr. CF- will attend UNC Wilmington
    Justin Schumer Jr. SS Matt Sheehan So. 1B-2B Shane Ludwick Jr. OF-P Brian Odell Jr. P-OF

    Providence: Dane Arneson SS- will attend UNC Chapel Hill

    Charlotte Christian: Griffin McGuirt Sr. LF- will attend Wake Forest
    Kyle Barthelson Sr. LHP- will pitch somewhere next year.

    Hickory Grove: Ryan Jennings Jr. IF-P- Has 7 home runs on the year.
    Zack Dunn Jr. IF-C

    South Meck: Wes Borden Sr. 2B- signed with App State
    Josh Cable Sr. C- signed with Belmont abbey

    We were blessed to have a lot of good kids play with us. I only hope I didn't omit anyone.

    Special mention to 4 I never coached but will always think highly of. Jack Magee & Scotty Fry at Myers Park and Daniel Foster & TJ Worrell at S Meck.
    Got to know these 4 very well as opponents and they are every bit as special as "my guys".

    Good luck to all of you.

    Coach Smith
    Last edited: May 12, 2005
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Those are some pretty impressive names that you coached, Sutigers. Of course, they were fortunate to get coached by some pretty impressive guys too.

    I know as they get older and reflect on some of the things that you all have taught them and the experiences that you've given them, the thanks in return will be tenfold.

    Thanks for all that you do.....now, Coach Smith, before you get too misty eyed, don't forget that I have a 7 yo looking to play for you and Coach Layman:D...his Pop is too old to coach.
  4. DodgerBlues

    DodgerBlues Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Those were two great posts sutigers, and a great group of kids. Thanks for sharing all that with us.

    All of us who have been involved with the class of '05 baseball players in various capacities appreciate all the excitement and enjoyment these kids have given to us from their little league days on up. We enjoyed squaring off with you from your Matthews LL all-star days all the way up through this year's high school games. Your teams always epitomized the "play fair and strive to win" pledge. But most important of all, we all, parents and kids, have made wonderful life-long friends at the baseball field and have great memories of good times together.

    After the season I'm going to do a similar "thank you" post for the old Carolina Blues roster -- just thinking about our old AABC games brings back memories of some really good times.

    Then I've got to go find some youngster to adopt and do this all over again --the rest of mine are girls (yes, yes, they are great, too, mine just can't hit a baseball and really aren't sure why anyone would want to:banginghe ).
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You don't have to look far :D
  6. dragbunt

    dragbunt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 23, 2005
    Sutigers, you really made me stop and think last night after reading your posts. If you don't mind, I'll try and follow your lead as best I can. Chet- Thanks for what you and Big Texas taught me, but it is time for me to move on to another chapter in my life. Before I go, I can't help but brag on guys who mean a lot to me and my wife.
    Tilley Will never forget that matchup between you and Woodard @ MP
    Pratt A true leader
    Alex Johnson should have had a career in diving
    Joel Palmer true game face
    Shaughn Neal Best def. inf. I've ever been around
    Matt Hill Always brought out the kid in me
    TW Flat out got it done - could track down anything in CF
    Burnham A great competitor; a rifle for an arm
    Joe Mayer best sign stealer around
    Fulginiti Every team needs a Zach, curveball was working that night @PHS
    Blake A bulldog in alot of hearts
    Teague A great line drive hitter, his mom was a winner in my book too
    Ben Bu. Won some huge games for us, gave everything he had while on the bump, I miss our talks, great guy, the only advice I have for you is keep learning the poker face
    Casey Trela A class act
    Joey A heart of gold and a wall behind the plate
    Tate I'm going to miss cutting up with you on a daily basis. I've smiled so much around you it hurts. I love you, Kari J. and Kelsey more each week.
    Chip You know my # if you want to talk baseball
    Hos Has improved every single year
    Brett I always knew you had it in you, but you even surpassed my expectations. What a senior year - You amaze me.
    McNichol You are still a man-child in my book. Blessed with a ton of speed and power.
    Ross He has some great dance moves ladies & plays the OF with no fear
    Jake Keep pluggin' away. Keep in touch.
    Schu You know I'll miss you
    Honeybun Hit some RBI's for me next year
    Sunshine fill in that sink hole
    O'Dell see you @ Cracker Barrel - stay healthy
    PreMadonna not a bad golfer
    Nick Johnson keep tackling people
    Chris White talk next year
    Swiderski veggies are good for ya
    Hickory Grove Boys
    Chris Saunders quiet competitor, always came ready to play
    Ryan Jennings has all the tools
    Zach Dunn I wish I could run for you

    Hal, Les, HiggieBaby and others: It was a pleasure coaching against you.

    To the seniors @ EM: I always wanted a little brother growing up. I never knew God's plan would send 8 great young men my way. Four of the best years of my life.

    Troy Neal Get ready, pick some buddies. Your dad and I are already talking about coaching you again. Hurry up and turn 13.

    Carter And Zim Thanks for the memories.
  7. dragbunt

    dragbunt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 23, 2005
    I apologize for the length of the previous post but I left out '07 Matt Sheehan Keep swingin' and keep smilin'

    Charlie Spivey made a huge impact on my life. I've tried to give back at least a little of what he taught me. Life is very ironic sometimes.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    What a great thread...and posts from some of the classiest guys around

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