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CPC conference baseball

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by baseballfans, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. WB22

    WB22 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2011
    WF beats Reagan 2-1 after a walk off single by Aaron Stamper in the bottom of the 7th. NOrth Davidson beats Davie 7-3. Tomorrow Davie and Reagan will play for the third conference seed and West Forsyth and North Davidson will play for the conference championship. Reynolds may be out of the playoffs as it appears that McDowell is in line for the wildcard.
  2. WB22

    WB22 Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2011
    North Davidson knocks off West Forsyth 5-3 in 8 innings to win the CPC Tournament and Davie beats Reagan on a Matt Vernon grand slam in the bottom of the seventh to win 7-6.
  3. Raiderfan

    Raiderfan Junior Member

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    Mar 11, 2009
    Not sure "beat" is the right term that should be used for West prevailing over Reagan the other night. The umpire called the runner out at home ending the game at 1-0; Reagan winning. Turns out the umpire who called the first basement out of bounds didn't see or understand the rule as stated in the HS rule book. As I understand, both feet have to be out of bounds. Obviously the ball was caught in bounds since they called the batter out on the catch. When he pivoted to make the throw to home, his foot was over the line....barely, but the game should have ended with the out at home ending the game.

    Otherwise a great game between two compatible teams.
  4. strikeout

    strikeout Junior Member

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    Mar 4, 2011
    Please pass along the section you found in the HS rulebook where it references how each school handles their ground rules. I find it hard to believe that the NCHSAA dictates the ground rules for high school baseball. Aren't the ground rules discussed before every game? Did the player catch the ball in fair territory and only 1 foot end up out of bounds? Did the player catch the ball in fair territory and carry it completely out of bounds? Sounds like a parent talking who just lost another game to West Forsyth. I don't think Reagan has ever beat West Forsyth in varsity baseball but it's always because of the umpires or luck. Two umpires must have agreed on the call, correct? My guess is the West Forsyth parents say the rulebook "clearly" states it is a dead ball if the ball is carried out of bounds. The Reagan parents say the player only had one foot out of bounds so we "should have" won. That's why we have two umpires for high school games. Reagan must have lost this one to West instead of West beat Reagan again. The good thing for Reagan is they can try again next year. I think I remember seeing earlier posts predicting Reagan would either win the conference or come in 2nd. From what I can tell, they came in 4th place. I guess that was because of the umpires too.
  5. Raiderfan

    Raiderfan Junior Member

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    Mar 11, 2009
    You seem hostile. You must not have read my comments closely as I clearly stated how his 1 foot touched over the white line. I didn't say anything about how the rule book dictates the ground rules for each school, just what constitutes out of play according the the HS rulebook.

    I would think ground rules were discussed but I wouldn't think they would be contridictory to the HS rule book, but certainly could be. If their local rule outranks the HS rule book then it was a correct call if it states any part of the body going over the line.

    As far as the umpire comment, if both umpires were watching the first baseman, who would have been watching the runner tag up at third?

    Bottom line is Bates and Hartle pitched their hearts out. Tough way to lose or win for that matter.

    You are correct Reagan as far as I know has never beaten West...as long as you don't count the other night.:wink2: But a win is a win no matter the details. Still counts in the final talley.

    You are obviously must more knowledgable of our history than most so I can't say if every loss was because of the umpiring. I do know our first loss this year was because of an error. I don't recall the umpire trying to make the play, pretty sure it was a Reagan player so we didn't blame the umpire for that one. If you know something different let us know.

    I think if you go back and read the predictions, in one of them, it was a West parent making the prediction. Also showed ND at or near the bottom. So he missed there too.

    Good luck in the states. We at Reagan are pulling for our friends at West and the rest of the CPC.

    As you requested.

    i. a fielder, after catching a fair or foul ball (fly or line drive), leaves the field of play by stepping with bothfeet
    or by falling into a bench, dugout, stand, bleacher, or over any boundary or barrier such as a fence, rope,
    chalk line, or a pregame determined imaginary boundary line
  6. strikeout

    strikeout Junior Member

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    Mar 4, 2011
    You must have missed what I said, both umpires must have agreed on the ruling. I think the umpires would have a much better view than a parent up on the hill. Not sure about how well either pitcher faired in this game. I do know something, Reagan lost know matter what excuse you use. Like I said earlier, a Reagan parent is going to believe one foot was out of bounds when the West parent is going to say both were out of bounds. Funny thing is neither opinion matters, only the umpires. Looks like they ruled that the player was out of bounds. Doesn't really matter what anyone thinks at this point in time. The problem I have is making excuses for a loss and trying to discredit a win. The statement that West didn't "beat" Reagan is immature and childish. Grow up. You guys lost 3 times to West. Move on to the states. There is always next year.
  7. Raiderfan

    Raiderfan Junior Member

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    Mar 11, 2009
    If you don't know how well the pitchers did, you must not have been watching the game. But you do make sense surprisingly enough, the umpires opinion is final. Doesn't mean they are always correct.

    Thanks for your advice. You should take it. Too bad people can't have an opinion and debate without having to wallow in the mud. So thanks for your comments. You can wallow alone.

    Good luck to West and the rest of the CPC teams.
  8. WB22

    WB22 Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2011
    As a West fan, I was happy with the result but watching it in real time I thought we were toast. From my vantage point behind the plate it appeared that Connor and Spencer had made a great play and it was game over. It is a shame that a play like that determined the outcome of what had been a very good game up to that point. Good luck to all the CPC teams and I hope we see Reagan again because that will mean both teams have done well.
  9. Raiderfan

    Raiderfan Junior Member

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    Mar 11, 2009
    Thanks WB. Exactly my point. At best it was a controversial call.
    It was a great game, Bates and Hartle were awesome, defense was great, you couldn't have asked for a better game.

    I agree it was a great play by Conner and Spencer. To stay so poised and make the play they thought ended the game and kudos to you as a West fan for saying so in a public forum. But just like all the calls umpires make, fans are only going to like or agree with half of them.

    I was sincere in wishing West and the rest of the CPC luck and we do hope for a rematch this year:smug:. Sorry strikeout took it so personal.
  10. Baseball_Fan

    Baseball_Fan Baseball_Fan

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2012
    Anyone know the final playoff seedings?

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