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D1 vs DII

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by 007, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    I got sucked in AGAIN!!!!

    I hate it when I get sucked in to these threads! BUT....I just can't help it.

    These are the DI teams Florida Southern beat in 1981. In order of their recent RPI. (North Carolina, Arkansas, Michigan, Missouri, South Fla., Liberty, Old Dominion, Monmouth, VCU, Rhode Island, Dartmouth, Western Mich., UMBC, Brown, Harvard, Evansville and Long Island

    We actually split with Arkansas which made us 17-1 vs. DI that year.

    We also beat these (current) DI teams that year but they were still DII at the time. (UCF, Ga. Southern, Troy, UC Riverside, Jacksonville, Cal St. Northridge, Florida Int'l and Eastern Ill)

    Is DII as strong today as DI………….no. but it’s a lot more like comparing Navel and Valencia oranges if you ask me. Why don't they play each other anymore??????
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Where did I say that? I asked you if you have consistently seen them play or Tusculem, Mt Olive or Catawba. Have you?

    Again, maybe I missed it, but I never read that. You are making the leap with your opinion that D1 is ACC only. I believe the point that "D2 folks" are making is there are many fine D2 programs that can compete with other D1 programs. Why would that be a shocker?

    Again, you want to bring up the most dominant conference in the country? This argument could be made for many teams outside the ACC. But there are many other D1 programs across the country.

    You keep saying that. Clemson had key injuries this year. They were nowhere near as strong as they were projected. Again, if you didn't see those other teams play then how would you know? It's a moot point because it never will happen

    That's a silly argument. Those are the top 2 teams in the nation. What about Colgate? Campbell? NC AT&T...aren't they D1? This is not a Chad Flack thread. Anyone with any degree of intelligence would say the kid is an amazing player. This is about D1 schools and D2

    You brought up two different points: ACC schools vs D2 and D1 schools vs D2. Most people connected with both divisions are aware of many D1 schools that don't back there baseball program. For whatever reason the school will not fully fund the program....and there are other legitimate concerns for recruits not to accept an offer at a particular D1 school (believe it or not academics can play a role); the schools that offer don't have his major. The coach has a terrible reputation in dealing with his players.

    There are too many reasons a kid and his family decide to accept a D2 scholly vs a D1 to make a blanket statement like that.

    There is no question that the ACC is a premiere conference in baseball....and the players that attend those schools should be proud of their affiliation. But to think that all D1 programs are better than any D2 program is not a true statement.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    I know...I tried, too. We haven't even mentioned Tampa. But I didn't think anyone around here knows them.
  4. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    U of Tampa Spartans

    it doesn't matter..............UTampa "No Comprende" anyway. :laugh4:
  5. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

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    Oct 5, 2004
    Ah yes a long day at work and I come home to this. I would agree that a lot of blue chippers go to D1 because of the "D1" factor. But like myself, I chose D2 because of academics and it also didn't hurt my team was ranked nationally the past five years or so. But why don't you see a lot of D1 schools play against upper level D2 teams? Coaches know that the gap between D1 ball and D2 has closen because of so much talent being out there. I have seen a lot of quality D2 teams play(including Mt. Olive and Tampa) and I would honestly put money on Mt.Olive/Tampa/Catawba/Tusculum(BTW there is no "e" in Tusculum, I went there and it drives me nuts when people put an "e" in there, ok rant over) against a large number of D1 schools in NC. I have faced guys that play for UNC and State and other numerous D1 schools. If you think D1 guys would blow them out then you would be amazed by the closeness of the games. I am not here saying D2 teams would beat them every time but you would be amazed by the talent at the D2 level.
  6. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

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    Oct 5, 2004

    You should see their field, one of the more interesting fields I have seen. They have a net that is as high as the lights going ALL the way around the field. It's pretty good because hardly ever does any foul ball go over the net and they have to have it there to protect the surrounding buildings and cars. The playing surface wasn't as nice as I thought it would be but if your ever in downtown Tampa swing by there and check it out.

    Also, at night it is the best because the stands face towards downtown Tampa and the backdrop of the city is very beautiful. The field is only 5 or so blocks away from downtown so you get a great view of the city.
  7. travisunc

    travisunc Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 4, 2007
    DII academics??

    Just curious, but why did you choose a DII school because of academics? Class size maybe? Just wondering. I chose DI because of academics, so I wanted to see your reasons. Interesting since we ended on opposite ends of the spectrum for the same reasons.
  8. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Great baseball period

    Playboy (D1) vs Penthouse (D2): Who cares they are all hotties!!!

    PS: SI Swimsuit Issue (D3)
  9. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

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    Oct 5, 2004

    Class size really does a lot. Instead of having 100 people in your class compared to 15 and the one-on-one talks with your teacher. The teacher gets to know you as a person and understands you better than seeing your name on a roll along with 80 other people and not caring whatsoever. Not to say every professor is like this at the D1 level but I have first hand teaching from a person that went to NC State for four years and he said thats how it was a lot of times.

    I also preferred the JUCO/D2 route because of the smaller school setting and I also got to know a lot of people in the faculty and things were easy to get to and find. My brother went to State and he said it would take sometimes 30 minutes to get to some classes because of his dorm location and where the class was.

    I also had a learning condition and being able to talk to my teacher and they understand me and being able to work together in order to get good grades and pass the class also helped a lot.

    I have nothing against D1 at all but for me personally these are the reasons I went JUCO/D2 route and I know not every D1 is the same but I felt in order to get the proper education this is the setting I needed in order to succeed.
  10. UK7Dook3

    UK7Dook3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 6, 2005
    Let me put it this way: Mt Olive had 5 guys drafted (3 weekend starters, shortstop, & 1st baseman). And that doesn't include their All American Catcher & their best player who is a Junior right fielder.

    I never said that D1 wasn't extra special on the elite level. But only the naive & ignorant would diss the elite D2 teams. Mt Olive would NOT finish last in the ACC. I saw Wake Forest's pitching. And Wake finished 3rd in their division. Don't even go there.

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