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Daddys on the field in HS ball?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by deacdiddy, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. SBall08

    SBall08 Junior Member

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    May 7, 2009
    I personally do not allow coaches on my High School field. Parents and fans have enough to say behind my back without my having a parent in the dugout. Everyone is a little league coach aren't they. I try to run a professional program and only "Coaches" are allowed in my dugout and practice field. Players are not allowed to discuss the game during the game with parents either. If a parent hands a player a drink fine but no conversating. My players have always handled that well too. If one day an assistant of mine happens to be a dad then so be it but they will know their boudries. Maybe I just know that with my knowledge and my assistants we can handle it. Some of the less experienced coaches may feel the need for a daddy or may be to timid to stop it.
  2. bad2bone

    bad2bone Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2008
    not taking away from your point which I highly agree bc Ive seen it with my own eyes for a few games, but the coach helped a lot and plus there were new girls, which pretty much a new team. They knew what was going to happen. Something should have been done earlier, but hey look who the AD was. Some think it's a good idea and others say it's bad. Hey whatever works to get the program up. I've had my say so to other people but in this situation he has helped a lot from my last 4 years of high school. Wish something was done before that. I went thru 4 colleges in 4 years. Now I'm at 6 in 6 years :/. But def a qualified parent over a faculty member who does not care at all and don't understand the game.

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