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Define "GOLD TEAM" ????

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by ThatsRight, Sep 7, 2007.

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  1. ThatsRight

    ThatsRight Banned From TBR

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    Sep 7, 2007
    Alrighty Then---Showcases ???

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  2. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    The Blues Gold team was to prepare the 2007 kids for their upcoming college career and to also allow the 2008's to get prepared and hopefully put them in a better light with a school or schools that may not have had them at top of their list. Adrian and Moni sold this concept to me and we decided to take the leap last August at the Cardinals late Showcase events. Yes it takes lots of money and yes in some cases U could put that money aside and pay for at least one year of college and some kids have decided to take that route. Almost all the 2008 Blues had had many inquiries before the Gold experience and probably would have been signed at some college. Playing at that level is priceless but it is not for all families and many do not have the time to fund raise and don't have the money to pay so much out of that pocket and that is why the Blues offer A and Gold. That said things can change .

    Softball use to be fun and watching the girls play and improve and enjoy a wonderful game was a great joy to me. It was my only hobby and my stress relieve. Now it is tainted by many who want their kid to have it all and will go to all lengths to make sure that happens. Teammates, success of team, etc. does not mean a thing unless their daughter is given all the playing time, is put in key roles, and gets all the attention. I remember the days when U could have 12 players on a team, play them all in their particular roles and the team would do well and guess what all the kids were recruited as well!
    The 2004 class of kids who paved the road for the future Lady Blues team was that way. Of that class, all that are still playing college ball are starters and have made all-conference or all-tourney at least once. The two that quit college ball were starters when they gave up the game. My point those kids were like sisters and did not care who got glory! They all signed in college and have made an impact. Team success means individual success in most cases.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i remember those days too abbey fan, not that long ago. thanks for the input and i hope it answers everyones questions.
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    really dont see where you're getting this view from. your combative style and constant stirring of the pot will end up in only one way. i'm gonna ask openly one time, that you think before you hit the submit button.
  5. cfastpitch44

    cfastpitch44 Full Access Member

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    Apr 17, 2004
    I think she is at college getting ready to play at a DI school. No 2007 players on the 18-U Blues Gold were playing on a Gold team when they committed to play college ball. Hope that answers your question.
  6. Eastern907

    Eastern907 Full Access Member

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    Jul 9, 2007
    New Lady Blues Gold team

    I'm curious after the success of last summer who is on the Lady Blues Roster for next summer and what schools have they committed to?
  7. softballjunkie

    softballjunkie Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2005
    take it easy

    Cheeze, I think TR just asked a legit question. With all the opinions floating around, is the trend going away from the standard "showcase" tournys to the next level being "Gold"? Is softball going the way of baseball in that you have to be able to pay your way to be seen by D1 coaches. Will there soon be an spacific tour a player has to play to be seen and what will be the cost? Will softball have a pay agent such as "Impact Baseball" or the AAU basketball that already exsists where the team concept no longer matters? With all due respect I think that bubba hut shed some light on something that may head in a different direction from what we know today, meaning how will our DD be scouted and at what cost you're willing or able to pay. Some of these coaches are getting paid plus travel expenses. At what point do they become less of a coach and more of an agent? And is the goal to get a college gig themselves? I am really not trying to stir the pot but baseball was once where we are today. JMHO
  8. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    honestly, i havent seen a post that stated "play gold or dont get recruited". twisting words around doesnt help anyone at all. no one knows what the future holds in softball, and i agree, i hope it doesnt go the way of baseball. if you look at our current status, you find that with only one gold team, everyone was previously committed, or was being looked at before they played on the gold team and were signed by the team looking at them. i've been told that they would have been signed anyway by the teams looking at them. so, if this is the case, a greater percentage of our players are being recruited by playing in the bigger tournaments. to me, getting recruited is all on you!!! emails, letters, phone calls, attending camps, good grades and excellent performance on the field gets you noticed and signed. if i read this thread right, playing on gold was more of a grand finale for some college players, than it was about recruiting. i've been around this for some time, and college coaches have always been given some perks for attending tournaments (rooms, meals, etc) but i have yet to see or hear about one getting paid to attend a tournament. but you never know.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    I really have no idea how a softball tournament is run, but I would like to address a few things in this post. Softballjunkie, I share some of your same concerns, but I want to be fair as well.

    This is the biggest misconception that is fueled by Showcase tournament organizers. They purport if you want to be seen, you must play in their tournament. There is only one organization that can truthfully say that: Perfect Games. Their summer and fall tournament is attended by over 500 scouts, both college and major league. This is the Big Daddy of all showcases..and is a must for a talented player wanting to be seen nationally rather than regionally. But most players would prefer to stay in our region, so this tournament is not important for the majority of players (other than seeing how one sizes up against the best players in the country).

    The only tournament in our area that is important is the State Games..and they are free.

    :laugh4: boy..that will get Andy Partin boiling. I have no idea what it costs to play for a softball team like the Blues or Cardinals, but Impact is $750. That cost includes 3 new uniforms, a bat bag and shoes; and pays all entry fees to all tournaments (some costing as much as $1500 to enter). They are certainly very reasonable considering what you get in return for your $$$. In fact, they are less expensive than most.

    Some of the other so called elite teams (South Charlotte Panthers, Copperheads, etc) are free. They are totally sponsored including out of town meal money. In SCP's case, they took an end of summer trip to Puerto Rico where the organization paid for everything (flight, room, board and travel money. But get this; the organizations paid for the parents as well. Room- $180 a night: Board- every player and parent were given $40 daily for meals)

    My point is there are many teams not in it for the money.

    Obviously, that's a family decision. If your DD is talented and she knows what school she is interested...attend that school's camp. While you are on their campus, there are no rules for them to talk to your DD or yourself. They will let you know their interest.

    It only takes one good weekend for a scout to note and follow your DD. But they do notice the competition your DD is competing with.

    That's a good point. Doing your homework and asking good questions should solve that

    I am no longer a strong advocate of showcase baseball. As the concept became more successful, more teams were created which diluted the quality of teams. It is becoming no different than the concerns that AAU created. Parents whose kid did not get selected went out and formed their own.

    Quite frankly, I don't like the showcase concept. I don't believe in "pay for play". If a parent saved all of the travel costs, it would pay for all an athletic scholarship covers...and more. But my biggest concern is what it is doing to the player. Is it forcing undue pressure? are they getting burn out? are they losing their love for the game? Is it causing team chemistry problems due to jealousy? Is it causing family relationships to be strained with other families? (My DD plays for "Gold"; where does yours play?) or (my DD is talking with the Texas coach...where are you going?)

    If you are experiencing any of the things I mentioned, then softballjunkie is correct. Softball is going down the same road.
  10. bubba hut

    bubba hut Bubba Hut

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2005
    lake norman
    sorry, I 've been away ...

    I would re-phrase it more like , you are not utilizing the best means for getting the most "bang for your buck" I did not say you were wasting your time...Not wasting it all, I am sure the local schools are glad you are not out there playing Gold , because the same kid would probably cost them more money... By playing Gold you are not only getting a LOT more looks you are providing quality assurance to those coaches that might invest in your child that she can play at the highest level. As several others have said, it is the best preperation for college ball for kids that have already signed as well. All games at 43' against major competition..A great way to transition in to college play .......I am only offering this information to help you folks , we ( NC & SC ) are way behind the times when it comes to this stuff. I know we have great talent here in the area and I think this is a great opportunity for you, that is all................................................by the way, how many screen names do you have " thatsright"..........???
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