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Define "GOLD TEAM" ????

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by ThatsRight, Sep 7, 2007.

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  1. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    Opinions are like butt-holes, we all have one. Please the Blues chose to do it this year and the Blues as an organization are not saying do it or not. It was not right for all our girls either. We had two 18U teams to allow other kids to stay at A level if they want. Gold ball is a very high calibre level of ball but it is not for everyone and it does not assure a kid a spot on a top 25 team. Yea there are Gold teams that are not as good as many NC teams, we have proven that many times over the years but there are some that are just unreal Corona Gold is an example. These teams are mostly college and HS seniors that are preparing for a future at a major school which was our plan as well, we did have some very good 2008 and 2009 kids that benefited as well. Before the Blues went Gold we had almost 40 kids that had signed to play college ball and I believe every senior that wanted to play college ball and played for the Blues during their senior year have signed or committed to play ball so I can agree with your point.
    The Gold team did well and the girls enjoyed it and as I said they raised alot of money working fund raisers so one more time not all the parents were loaded with money but were willing to work hard for their kids, just like I am sure U do now.
    The Blues do not feel nor do we act like we are better than anyone else. We work hard, we have good kids and we try to teach them to play clean and hard and respect their opponent. We will not talk about your team or kids and hope U will treat us the same way.
  2. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

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    Mar 5, 2005
    A wonderful post Abbey Fan......

    That is the proper way to explain the Gold experience!!!
    I would be proud to have a child play ball (Gold or otherwise) for any coach, that approached an issue in that manner!
    I sincerely hope that you did not misunderstand my post to be , negative towards any team!! That was not my intent in any way!!!
  3. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    I Looked Carefully Also !!!

    I never saw where either one us mentioned the BLUES, now Melton mentioned it quiet a few times,and Softball Nut mentioned it,but I never said one thing about the Blues, I use to be a Blue before a majority of the team that you possess now..My argument is that I can't afford to play GOLD, I don't have anybody that will front me the money to play,and that's all I'll say about that statement.So please don't take it personal, because If I had the means I would probably like to watch my DD play harder teams, she's just not as fortunate to have a dad that can provide her with the means to play a better caliber ball.

  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Again, everyone is making some good points. Guru is correct that finance can play a major role on where your DD may play. Someone else mentioned fundraisers. That will work, too. But it is a personal decision.

    Someone mentioned "cutting the strings". For that member, it's okay. Another member may feel passionate about enjoying their kids while they're still kids. (and many of us know that goes quickly).

    It sounds as if playing "Gold" is a wonderful opportunity. From what I have read, it creates many options that may not present itself by playing elsewhere.

    But...for the majority of players and families, they could care less if Stanford or Nebraska are interested. They want to be able to travel closely to watch their DD perform at the next level and we are blessed, as a region, to have an extraordinary amount of quality academic and athletic colleges.

    It's a win/win sitution for the DD's in the NC/SC area. Can you imagine what it is like for a player in a state with limited number of schools? They must travel to develop opportunities.

    Heck, we could have our own TBR Showcase, invite teams and I can assure you there would be plenty of scouts to please everyone. It just takes one good weekend to get your name on a school's list for them to follow (assuming you play a position they are looking for). At that point, all they need is her schedule
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    No problem, Guru. Cheeze said he will....but you gotta watch him. Read the fine print. The strings he attaches has caused my family to be in his debt forever.
  6. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

  7. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Okay !!!

  8. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007

    ..., uhhh, EDIT PLEASE. Hornets nest!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2007
  9. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

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    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    All Levels Rock Yall.

    adding to the Gold level part of this thread.....each college coach loves seeing their players (signed ones) playing at the highest level, preppin his/her talent and getting a return on their investment asap. :hurray:

    DAE(other) portion of this thread.....dont take the bait, Guru...just sayin.

    contiune the work and enjoy the moments you have with that daughter at the Silver level......the view is just as nice!:biggrina:
  10. Purple Haze

    Purple Haze Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2005
    Mistaken Identity

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