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Detailed Game Reports

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Feb 26, 2003.

  1. Papabear

    Papabear Full Access Member

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    Jan 23, 2003
    I'm with you, Gonzo. Burnham did a great job for Charlotte Post 262 last summer on the mound, in the field, and at the plate. If I recall, he wasn't going to play Legion, then changed his mind and joined the team a game or two after they started. He was a welcome addition to the team, on top of being a nice young man.
  2. gonzo

    gonzo Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2003
    Craig did not want to play with a bunch of guys he did not know. And I can't say I blame him for that. But once he came out, found out that all of those Myers Park guys were just like those East Meck guys, who really appreciated a player of his talent coming to join them despite his misgivings, he was welcomed with open arms. As I remember, it took him about two innings of his first game to become one of the regulars. Craig may not get the press other "stars" get, but you will not find a finer young man playing the game in Mecklenburg County.
  3. Nostradamus

    Nostradamus Junior Member

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    Jan 28, 2003
    I couldn't agree more with you all that craig is a fine young man and a great all around athlete and ball player but I stand by my original opinion that he is not a pitcher. Craig is one of the best outfielders in the SW4A and an above average hitter but the only reason he is on the mound is because of EM's lack of pitching. Craig is a thrower, not a pitcher. He doesn't have the mechanics or experience necessary to be a dominant HS pitcher. He will fare well against weaker opponents but strong hitting teams such as providence will mash him. I hope that I'm wrong because craig really is an upstanding guy but that's just my opinion.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Let me be another to join The Craig Burnham fan club. He's a great kid and a terrific ballplayer.

    AUSTIN POWERS Full Access Member

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    Jan 9, 2003

    The game finally got in before anymore rain...But I bet coach Thompson would have settled for another rain out. Brown was in position to tie the score at 7 all in the bottom of the seventh with 2 outs. But somebody went brain dead ...With a runner on secord and 2 outs Andrew Mead hit a blast over the left fielders head but the runner stayed put..When he decided to run the ball was coming towards the plate and he was thrown out...End of game...What happened!!!!:stooges:
  6. Wufman

    Wufman Full Access Member

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    Jan 21, 2003
    Just my .02 on making mistakes...

    Hopefully, fans will "remember" that these are all young men out there playing this game, and young men (just like professionals) will make mistakes. Anybody else remember Lonnie Smith's baserunning blunder in the 1991 World Series? Things like that happens, its a part of the game. Nobody drops a ball or strikes out "ON PURPOSE". And "NO ONE SINGLE PLAY" determines the outcome of the game. Fans only remember the last inning, but the errors early in the game "WERE JUST AS CRUCIAL" to the outcome. Actually, from what I've heard, the Kannapolis team seems to be pretty talented this year, although they may not have a lot of seniors. Sounds like a fun young team to follow this year in which the future is promising in Ktown.
  7. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

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    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    Brown is a young team with a lot of underclassmen...They will do fine down the road...

    Early season games are about learning and I bet not to many guys on the roster will forget about keeping track of the outs this season!!!!
  8. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

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    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    Add your detailed game reports - How did everyone do... you can read a box score in the paper .... we want more.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    South Meck vs West Meck 6-0 South

    Well South finally started to get their bats going. Key hits by Ben Kerr, Kyle Shelton and Bart Johnson drove in runs to put the game away.

    TJ Worrell pitched 6 innings 1 hit 10 so's

    Zac Kennedy closed the last inning and pitched well.

    The best hit of the night was actually a foul ball. Clayton Erickson crushed one in to the wind, but was foul by a foot. It was good to see Clayton's bat coming around
  10. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

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    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    North Meck started a little slow but pulled out a victory against East Gaston. Tom Porter (05) started and had difficulty with his control in the first inning. 2 HBP and a single loaded the bases with no one out. 2 batters later, the inning was over with just one run scoring.

    The bats of NM woke up in the 2nd inning and kept on coming. The scoreboard counted 9 hits, but I counted 10. Some sharply hit ground balls also forced 5 infield errors by East Gaston.

    Mike Cavasinni (05) & John Kellett (05) provided the early offensive punch with Andy Keith also getting two clutch singles. 2-out rallies in the 2nd & 3rd plated 4 runs. East Gaston also plated a unearned run in the 5th.

    East Gaston ran through about 4-5 pitchers, as NM continued to put the ball in play hard. Porter lasted through 6, allowing 2 ground ball hits and a double in 6 innings, walking 1. Matt Murphy (03) came relieved in the 7th, retiring all 3 batters in order.

    Leading hitters for NM: John Kellett 2-4 2 doubles, Tom Porter 2-4 1 double, Andy Keith 2-3
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2003

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