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Dirtbags! Dirtbags! Dirtbags!

Discussion in 'Showcase Baseball' started by wockawocka1x, Oct 25, 2010.

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  1. 33414boys

    33414boys Junior Member

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    Aug 5, 2010
    Didnt say one group was better than another. Also dont know how your team keeps score in showcase baseball or about seldom seeing a blow-out, but here is how the DIRTBAGS keep score !!!

    Drafted Alumni: 92
    1st Round: 4
    Top 5 Rounds: 17
    Top 20 Rounds: 44
    Total Alumni Baseball Scholarships: 343
    Signed with ACC/SEC Programs: 136
    D-I Signees: 289
    D-II Signees: 33
    D-III Signees: 2
    JUCO Signees: 20
  2. Falcon#3

    Falcon#3 Full Access Member

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    Mar 29, 2010
    I guess a question for the parents/athletes is this??? Why are you/your son participating in showcase ball? Is it to land that prized scholarship? Is it to secure a spot on the roster of a "big time" program? Is it to develop your baseball skills to the best of your ability? Is it to win a World Championship? Or maybe is it to take all the life lessons that come with it and develop better young men.

    If you're doing it merely for the scholarship $$$, I'll give you a heads up, you may spend more in one or two seasons than you will recover in 4 years of athletic aid in the baseball world.

    The roster spots are no guarantee and remember there are only 35 spots on a team per year (NCAA Div 1). Check the roster of that dream school and do the math. What is probably more interesting is how many guys get recruited and actually complete the 4 years of college as a student athlete (or three if they are fortunate enough to get drafted early).

    Hopefully the program you are playing for will help develop your baseball skills and life skills as well. Dedication, loyalty and commitment to yourself, your teammates and your program will go a long way in life. Everyone wants to play for a "winner", but it is nice to earn the respect of those around you by doing it the right way.

    Everyone needs to remember that just as in life, everything is a business. Teams have coaches and they have managers. Colleges and showcase teams are really no different. Colleges have to recruit students as well as athletes to pay the bills. (While we may not want to consider it, there may be 35 roster spots but only 9 hit the field at one time).

    While everyone may battle for "bragging rights" in the form of championships or even top notch recruits, the bottom line is the best fit for the individual. It is very time consuming for these showcase coaches to try to "fit" each and every player in to a program that will be most beneficial for them. But I am sure that is the goal for most of them. It really shouldn't matter how many D1's, D2's or JUCO's that program produces, it should be that they are giving their players an opportunity to continue to pursue something they love to do.

    There are many avenues to consider in showcase baseball and as Coach 27 said "to each his own". It would be great if we could all travel 3-4 years in to the future and see where those paths lead. But to all the parents, it is your son's dream. Don't assume because you have "paid the price" that it all will just fall in to place. It is a business and they must learn many skills in marketing, performance and risk managment. And to think it all started as a game....now it is time to look at the "big picture".
  3. Shutout18

    Shutout18 Full Access Member

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    Sep 16, 2009

    I was not meaning that one was better than the other. The only reason I posted that mock bracket was due to the fact that I thought that was the top 8 teams in the state. Im not trying to say Dirtbags are bad by no means. I know how good they are. I was not talking bout the programs just the 2012 teams.
  4. YearRoundBaseball

    YearRoundBaseball Member

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    Dec 14, 2007
    That is all impressive, and trust me we are all reminded of it constantly. I think Shut out was refering to the fact that none of your top teams in the state SCP, On Deck O's, NCBA, Canes, Heat, and now Cubs play vs the Dirtbags b/c they dont want to have anything to do with it, but thanks for the reminder of how many kids have ended up in the ACC/SEC etc. How many of those kids played 1 weekend with them?? You would prob be astonished if you really knew the truth. You want facts than dont be afraid to get THEM!
  5. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    If this was a charity event, it would be hugely successfull. I would pay to see a game between these teams. Of course, Coach 27 said it best about why all these programs exist: to help players develop & move on to the next level. The Dirtbags, Canes, Cubs, Panthers, On Deck, Heat, and others are all successfull in getting players looked at & recruited. Every organization has a list a mile long about their success stories. They all do it differently, and are pretty good at what they do. Bring them all together for a charity event, and it would be great.
  6. infieldfly

    infieldfly Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2010
    Best games to watch??

    I understand all that has been said about showcase teams, BUT, as a parent, there is nothing more enjoyable to me than watching an interconference High School matchup that has something on the line. That game is about winning, the entire team is pumped and the competition is fierce. But then, different strokes for different folks.

  7. curveballX2

    curveballX2 Junior Member

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    Nov 4, 2010

    I am sure that most people would agree that these showcase teams should be all about the boys. Not all players will “fit” on the same team or organization – whether it be level of play, personalities, distance, cost, etc. There are many goods teams out there....some are more expensive than others, some do not practice as a team, some continue to be instructional.... one is even “free” (but still comes with a “cost”).

    Depending on what player or parent you speak to regarding their experiences with a certain team you will get a different opinion. Some love it and others have left due to bad experiences. A player could be happy with an organization one year and then be unhappy the following year. Could be a new coach, team chemistry, playing time...

    The bottom line is a parent needs to look out for their son and decide what is the best situation for him at that moment. The player is not trying to hurt an organization by leaving......but only doing what is the best for him to achieve whatever goal he is trying to attain. And yes...it is good for them to dream.

    I know some coaches understand when a player needs “to move on” - but many coaches do not. Do they wish him luck or congratulate him on his commitment on TBR? Or do they ignore the fact that their former player is one step closer to achieving his dream. Like someone said earlier on this thread.....it is a business.

    There are some people on this board (Braves, especially) that “look at the big picture” and will compliment and congratulate accomplishments regardless of a player’s affiliation. They look at the player as a person and not what uniform he wears. After all....isn’t that what it is all about....THE BOYS.
  8. BBCoach 25

    BBCoach 25 Junior Member

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    Nov 22, 2007
    People Deserve the FACTS

    Everyone is having tryouts and recruiting players this time of year to get ready for next year. I think its great because there are so many talented players out there looking for the right place to play.

    With that being said, first of all with all the players out there I dont see the need to recruit everyone elses players, but if you are gonna do that, atleast tell people the truth. I dont care if you call every player I have ( I will give you their number if you need it) just dont say things that are not true.

    The Dirtbags have had more players sign Division I Scholarships than all other travel teams in NC COMBINED in the last 6 Yrs. NOT TRUE
    You havent even sent more players to college than the Canes in the last 6 Yrs much less every travel team in NC.

    No other baseball organization in the region has the relationships with college coaches and professional scouts like we do. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE

    Stop living in the past. There are other programs out there that are as good as you are now. Deal with it and get over it.

    You made the rules, now you have to live by the rules you made. Respect has always been a two way street and still is. Ashame you dont get it.
  9. pirates05

    pirates05 baseball-lifer

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2005
    Wow, this is amazing. The thread started out as a congratulation thread for the DIRTBAGS and look at the turn it made. All this negativity about the Bags sounds to me like a bunch of jealous people. Everyone says: it is about the kids: by some of these messages i have read it is all about your kid. I am real close to the Canes, Panthers, CBC, and Dirtbag organizations and i can tell you first hand they are all the SAME. As a family you spend money on travel, hotel and food, game entry fee, regardless if your son team, cost to play for that team is free or if it cost to play. Everyone of these organizations has players that has played for another organization at one time. But all you ever hear is AP takes people players. If you are going to play the blame game blame the parents, i don't think he puts a gun to anyone's head and make them play for him. Everyone of these organizations has brought in players for big tournaments because they ALL go there to win. Again all you hear is AP brings in hired guns to win. Dirtbags will not play in other people tournaments, how about other people will not play in Impact Tournaments. It goes both ways. Personally i wish all the teams would play each other because the kids would be the one's benefiting. Why they don't play i don't know and the coaches are the only one who does. I am friends with all the showcase coaches that is mention frequently on this board and i can say that they all look out for their players and other players on other teams to try and get them to the next level. They all are different and have different ways of doing things but the results are the same. I have said many times that their are organizations for everyone and if one doesnt work for you please don't trash them , just find the right fit for you because it is out there and enjoy the ride, because it does end. I am not being AP or the DirtBags protector because he or his organization doesn't need it because results are FACTS and not speculations. When the Canes won the Championship i was happy for them, just like when the Panthers, ON DECK, CBC, Heat or any other NC team win theirs i will be happy because the one benefiting will be the kids on the team and the up and coming ballplayers who will play. The College Coaches, Pro scouts nationwide now know we can play, because of the Championships that the Canes and DirtBags have brought home.The more we win the more scouts they will send to see our kids play all over this state.
  10. TooOldLefty

    TooOldLefty Junior Member

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    Jul 28, 2010
    Well said.......and it could have been said from any parent of any player from any of the organizations mentioned in these threads and it would have been true all the same!! It has been interesting for me to watch some of these dynamics of these teams for me this year as this is the first year my son made an attempt to play for any of these teams, Dirtbags or otherwise. So my past only goes to June of this summer, but it has been a fun ride the whole way and something I wouldn't trade for anything, regardless of scholarships etc.
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