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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Braves, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Ya'll know where I stand on.....

    .....how important it is for all of us to grease the 'ol palm and hand it over! C'mon, Especially folks like me, who, I'm sorry to say, have never antied up one red nickel. Oh yeah, You too! Look lets all at least go to bat personally and help this awesome sight and the NON-PAID adminstrators have fighting chance to continue providing us, the public, an free forum to enjoy in civil manner, yep, a civil manner, one which is DAMN hard to find these days. Thank your moderators and pony up folks!
  2. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006
    You did it again!

    Marlin has another good post here, listen to him! Ha Ha Just want to say it is nice to have a place where U can go and get some good feedback on softball and other items you need. It is also great not to have a bunch of advertisers all over the board and junk mail coming in because U post on the board! Way to go Braves and all the other guys responsible for this wonderful setting. I am thankful and appreciate the opportunity to post! I may post to often but it is a freedom, TBR's provides even when I have no clue what I am talking about! Have a great one guys and keep that money flowing all of you who post or just read the post!:drummer:
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2008
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Thanks guys...I really appreciate it.

    I'm going to take this time to tell a short story. The reason that TBR was created was because I didn't like the tone or the attitudes at another website. They were constantly bickering, trash talking and throwing insults on every other post. They would putdown the teams, the players and the coaches. The only thing you could possibly learn at that site was to sharpen one's tongue.

    I wanted to start something that players, parents and coaches would feel comfortable in visiting, while learning something at the same time. I wanted to create an environment that a coach would not fear being attacked. I wanted their voice to be heard. I wanted the players to be mentioned without fear of jealousies. I wanted TBR to be the place to wake up in the morning and read something beyond the boxscores. I wanted this to be a place people could come and develop friendships.

    I have learned alot from the softball families that post on here. You guys and gals are different from the other forums. I believe it was Softball Guru that said it best. "You guys may argue a little bit with each other, but if something happens and there is a need of support....everyone, I mean everyone, drops what they are doing and helps out." I think that hits the nail on the head in regards to the members of TBR softball. You guys are simply the best!

    Thank you again for all of your support. This is just the beginning of where we are growing
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I would like to thank Alleycat21 and Triadpower for their generous donations. I am very grateful for your support,

    We are near $1700 with a goal of 2,000+. This has been unbelievable!!!!!

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