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East Rowan Baseball

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by DirtyMoBaseball, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. BigCarolinaBBFan

    BigCarolinaBBFan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 4, 2008
    What a shame!!!

    I reviewed the news report and really don't care who told on who.....or even who knows what about whom...............children of all ages go to school for an education. Participating in sports is a priviledge, not a right.

    Maybe some parents want extra help with athletic scholarships to get their children into and through college, there is nothing wrong with that. In today's economy, we can all use all the help we can get, BUT (the biggest three letter word in the dictionary) we should all be carefull what messages we are sending to our youth. It's NOT OK to skip class.......It's NOT OK to break rules.........It's NOT OK for school administrators to LIE!!

    If you believe it's OK for you as a parent to break rules, then expect your kids to break them as well.

    Your curfew rule will be broken........the ole "don't lie to your parents" rule will be broken................No more than a certain number of people in your car rule will be broken.............don't text while driving rule will be broken...........keep the radio down while you are driving........FILL IN THE BALANCE OF YOUR RULES OR STATE LAWS HERE.

    Some of these are to the extreme, but remember you said it was OK to break the rules......Young adults don't know which rules they can and can't break, so they start small, they push the limit then it grows until it's way out of hand................ I hope you get the picture.

    This isn't about me or you or anyone who posted, it's about our youth and wanting them to grow up to be responsible, law abiding adults..........

    I think this started small and now it's grown and grown. Before, you just had a teacher pitted against a school system and athletic program. No one really knew who was telling the truth, but then that all changed when Dr. Walter Hart advised, in writing, that the state was voluntarily contacted and Rowan County had the state come to its district and investigate. The state indicates that's not what happened.............

    Now, the Rowan-Salisbury Assistant School Superintendent and Athletic Director's reputation and creditability are in question.........

    Clearly, Dr. Hart is a well educated individual who now comes off looking like a liar, who has something to cover up.

    What a mess, what a shame!!
  2. DirtyMoBaseball

    DirtyMoBaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2007
    1. Hasn't been dealt with. If basketall coach struck a student, there should be harsher discipline. Baseball coach with serious allegations and administrators covering up, even lying hasn't even been addressed.

    2. Haven't posted this on any other forum.
  3. Diamond Rat

    Diamond Rat Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 30, 2008
    This discussion simply started as exactly that, a discussion. This response is not only irrelevant, but is completely unnecessary. This topic was started more as a question, and discussion to uncover what is true, and what is hooplah. If nobody else is offended by this thread, or by any responses, why are you?

    1. This isn't even about basketball? That was simply brought up to add insight to the converstaion.
    2. This hasn't been dealt with at all, or there wouldn't be any questions to ask? As far as I know of [correct me if I am wrong] but this as only been posted on one board.
    3. I don't understand where any of this from you is coming from? Nobody was even pointing the finger at ER. If ANYTHING, this post was started as a way of seperating facts from lies, in hopes of clearing the name of Hightower, as well as ER...

    "I have alot of respect for Coach Hitower on the diamond, but am beginning to wonder about the life preparation for his young men if he knowingly permits these things to go on."

    Maybe a translation of this quote to prove my point; DirtyMo obviously likes Coach Hightower, or atleast respects his coaching abilities; and hopes that Coach H isn't permitting this behavior. Simple enough, no fingers pointed, no accusations made.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    When names are made (or called out), it's never a good discussion: Mostly because you never have the parties being discussed replying to the questions.

    What you are left with are opinions being formed without the facts. I don't mind the discussions about the topic, but it's been my experience that when names are mentioned, it's never good. However, what concerns me is not the topic, but the potential of attacks among posters. For me, that's even worse.

    So let's not get personal in this discussion or I'll be forced to lock it.

    Thank you in advance

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