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ECP player Chris Clare to High Point University

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by East Coast Prospects, May 15, 2012.

  1. East Coast Prospects

    East Coast Prospects Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2011
    It is with great pleasure that we inform you that Chris Clare, 2013 EC
    Prospects/Charlotte Catholic, has verbally committed to High Point
    University. Chris is the perfect example of what hard work and
    commitment towards maximizing your abilities will allow you to
    achieve. He is a phenomenal student, teammate, and competitor. Chris
    is also a wonderful ambassador to our organization and we are thankful
    to have the opportunity to work with him over the years and in the

    Congratulations to HPU for recognizing Chris Clare's ability and
    desire to do whatever it takes to help his team win. Coach Cozart and
    his staff landed a natural leader, an outstanding player, and one of
    the most upstanding young men we have had the pleasure of coaching.
    We would also like to congratulate Chris's parents, Tim and Marisa,
    along with the rest of his family, on this awesome achievement!

    Chris joins 2013 EC Prospects teammate, Jake Barbee (Liberty
    University), as early commitments from the 2013 ECP class.
  2. Shortstop

    Shortstop Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 27, 2010

    Congratulations to Chris on his commitment to High Point University. They are getting a great kid and ball player. I know Tim and Marisa as well as his grandparents are very proud.

  3. OldTimer

    OldTimer Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 8, 2010

    Way to go Chris Clare!!!! I'll keep my eye on you. Hard work paid off.
  4. SouthCharlotteSports

    SouthCharlotteSports Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 17, 2007
    It makes me so proud to know that a young man that I first coached in basketball in 4th grade and became dear friends with has reached a goal he worked so hard for.

    Chris is a first class individual that knows the definition of respect. His parents and Grandparents have done a wonderful job teaching him how to attain his goals and providing what was needed to do so.

    I am so happy for such a dear friend to reach this goals, Great job Chris and I know Mom, Paul and Joan are tickled to death to know they have a 90 minute drive to see you play. Your Dad is too cool to say it, but he is going to be excited to have you this close as well

    Great job Chris
  5. pointman

    pointman Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 17, 2012
    Great job Chris! Saw you play in Florida and enjoyed watching your passion for the game. All the best to you. I know your folks are proud of you. Look forward to watching you play this summer in WSL.

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