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ESPN article on "elite travel ball"

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Post15fan, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. throw 90

    throw 90 Full Access Member

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    Feb 26, 2006
    Kernersville NC
    Its The Real Deal

    I can remember the first showcase event that I went to.It was the first year that AP had a Showcase team. I wanted to go and see what it was going to be like.I had a friend whose son was playing.I walked up and Coach Fox and Coach Tanner was right behind the backstop taking notes.ECU,NC.St and I can't remember who else was there but it looked like 10 to 15 schools.I thought this is unreal! All these schools are here to watch these players! I had been around baseball for a long time and I had never seen that many scouts in one place. And the chance these young men had playing on a college field. I knew that my son would have jumped up and down if I told him that he could play at UNC,USC,or NC St.I really think that anybody who has not played showcase if they asked their son if he wanted to play at say USC this weekend he would be gleaming with joy! I just do not think you are giving your son the chance to be seen if he is not playing showcase.I think that the organizations are doing a great job! Just look at the players who are committed!!
  2. Bonsway

    Bonsway Full Access Member

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    May 16, 2008
    Dead thread on Elite baseball article?

    Ok...I read the thread before I actually read the article. Then I read the article and literally laughed out loud through most of it. And not because I thought what the writer was saying was absurd, but because MOST of what the writer was saying was TRUE!!! Don't lose sight of that. For a great majority of folks - everything that that dude wrote was true. It was hysterical when he talked of tryouts for the "under-10s that wanted to play at the next level." Next level? Really??? Come ON guys!! Here I am at work and I am literally laughing hysterically at my computer.

    Now...as most of the posters on the thread have said...showcase is great for some and not so great for others. But do your own DUE DILIGENCE!!! Find the program that is going to be the best fit FOR YOUR KID. Otherwise it’s pointless no matter WHAT the case may be. And sometimes, with a little luck, the stars align and the right program presents itself and it helps maximize your child’s God given talent. Not all will be that lucky, obviously. And then there’s the hope that someone, by chance, catches a glimpse of your kid and sees the potential and helps to foster that talent above and beyond whatever program your kid might be involved with. Again, not always, but that can and does happen. And with hard work, commitment to the game and dedication, (and if it’s what YOUR KID wants), he just might get the opportunity to play at the next level.

    Also, if you’ve never been to a Showcase event, you really can’t argue the point that it CAN be nothing less than thrilling. To see all the scouts from all of the different schools and the pro scouts when my kid was playing showcase ball? It was awesome! It doesn’t hurt if your kid happens to play at a school that is committed to having a top notch program. Again, not everyone can have that sort of opportunity and be so lucky. I am thankful everyday. Sometimes it’s called being in the right place at the right time---in life.

    Now, has it gotten watered down? Probably. Heck, it was watered down when MY kid started out there. I thought it was high dollar BAD rec ball at first! But it still got us to where we wanted to go and I still believe there is a place for it. And like others have said. It IS a business. Someone is always willing to take your money if you’re willing to give it to them. I don’t think anyone is forcing anyone to write checks though, if you don't want to write them. I’m fairly certain there are programs out there for kids that financially can’t afford it. One important thing I learned over the years is that the baseball world is one, big, huge (mostly happy) baseball family. FAMILY I miss those weekends of travel. I miss those family members. I wouldn’t have traded my Showcase experience for ANYTHING in the world!
  3. extrainnings

    extrainnings Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2011
    The MOST thankful ought to be..............

    Methinks the most thankful ought to be those parents whose sons landed with the South Charlotte Panthers. I am not sure I understand the entire process of being selected to play on a panther team, but whatever it is IT SEEMS TO WORK. Not only do these young men know how to play the game, most of them seem to be really good people; many of them end up at a good baseball college; and they win, win, win. AND.....the price is right!!!
    Coach Hutchins has developed a model that continues to work year in and year out. Why can't we have more organizations that operate this way??
    Most of the players on the top showcase teams carry themselves with a bit of a swagger. What I see in the panther players is a swagger, but with a lot of humility.
    What a great organization!!
  4. Low & Slow

    Low & Slow Full Access Member

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    Sep 25, 2008
    I'm not sure you can have both at the same time......:dizzy2:! Panthers are terrific, regardless......
  5. extrainnings

    extrainnings Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2011
    A couple come to mind:

    John Wayne and Tyler Hansborough.:cuda::cuda::cuda:
  6. chubbs

    chubbs Full Access Member

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    Apr 30, 2009
    While there certainly is a place for travel/showcase for older players to maximize exposure and opportunities to play at the next level the things going on at the 8-12 level is ridiculous. For every quality program that tryly cares about developing players there are dozens who simply have no idea what they are doing. Parents keep having their son tryout until they get a yes and then they puff their chest out to say their kid is playing travel ball. I took a team of rec players who played on 6 different teams withing our rec league last spring. We played travel tournaments on our rec league open weekends. In every game we roster batted and everyone played about an equal amount. The wins and losses were not important. They went 13-1, winning all 4 tournaments. The travel at these younger ages is watered down. Players at these ages are much better served playing in their rec leagues with kids they go to school with, are friends with, and who will be playing school ball with.

    I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Coach Hutchins. I know players who have played for him and I have heard great things. He has been complimented many times on this board. Here is hios feelings on it from an interview..............
    Without a question there are an increasing number of advanced level players in the Carolinas today and at an earlier age than five years ago. In my opinion the bar is rising every year: In spite of the push back from administrations, high school programs are raising the bar; travel programs are raising it as well. By the way, in my opinion do not push your son into travel ball before he is 13, play rec near home, save your money; maybe take your all star team to an event to get the juices flowing. If you have to spend money, spend it at one of the many baseball centers to teach fundamentals and proper mechanics.
  7. herculesautomation

    herculesautomation Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2012

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