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Everyone's Favorite Topic (The NCAA)

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by NCBBallFan, May 18, 2004.

  1. luvsports

    luvsports Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 14, 2004
    Everyone's favorite topic (ncaa)

    this is not about academics as much as it's about money for the big universities. There's probably not a one of you out there that doesn't know of an athlete that got an academic scholarship and could not pass their high school courses. So many times the grades are changed just so the star athlete can win games for the coach. You can watch college games on TV and just listen to the interviews. I know some athletes that want to play college ball that are in the top of their class and can't get on college teams. When these scouts come calling they look at stats not grades, cause they know they can get them in college if they are an impact player. NOT FAIR for the student who works their butt off on the field and in the classroom. I think it stinks. The people in the high schools are responsible for this. The teachers know whether or not a student has passed their course or not. By now you are probably aware that I am a pissed off parent.
    Evidence is the title of degree the athlete is getting.
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Whoah.....speaking of college baseball...where are you getting this info from?

    The other sports I don't follow....and since this is a baseball forum, I assume you must be eluding to baseball players
  3. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks

    This is been a fairly common accusation over the years in football and basketball, but it's a very rare accusation in baseball.

    The A.D.'s at most HS don't even know which players are on the baseball team. The academics are checked much closer.

    Nothing we've said on here is going to prevent Ohio State from teaching their play book to the football team and granting academic credit for it, but you don't have any financial incentive to "fudge" much in college for the baseball team.

    According to the NCAA.org database on Major Infractions, there have been 8 cases in the past 5 years involving baseball and most of them were for illegal recruiting activities or lack of institutional controls.

    Over the same time period Football, Men's basketball and Women's basketball have had 479 major violations. The money is just not there for the college/universities to fudge about baseball.

    If the HS is allow an athlete to get a free ride just because he or she is an athlete, the principal and the athetic director ought to be roasted.
  4. DodgerBlues

    DodgerBlues Full Access Member

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    Jan 9, 2003
    "Sports affected the most by the cut score and that would have teams with at least one player below the standard, according to the data, are baseball, 23.9 percent; men’s basketball, 20.1 percent; and football, 30.7 percent."

    Pops -- Baseball's numbers in this sentence of the release surprise me. I never would have guessed it would be higher for baseball than basketball.

    But having watched recruiters at showcases and listened to tons of anecdotal evidence it is absolutely clear to me that grades matter VERY MUCH to college baseball recruiters. The second question on most recruiting calls (after how's it going?) is "What is your SAT score?

    Luvsports -- I am convinced that if an athlete is a good student and really wants to play college sports, he or she can find a college where he or she can play. It may not be D1, but there are lots of opportunities at D2 and D3 schools, at jucos and at NAIA schools. Now before you go off on that, you and I both said "athlete" -- the kid has to have some talent and a very large desire to play at that level.
  5. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

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    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    DB, If you reflect on it, it won't surprise you either. The average basketball roster is 14, the average baseball roster is 36. Round off the NCAA numbers to 20% and 25% respectively for basketball and baseball. Now do the math.
    One player out of every 5 teams (of 14 players) doesn't cut it in basketball. That's 1 in 74. One player out of every 4 teams in baseball isn't cutting it by the current math, which is 1 in 144 players.

    Now, factor in that most of the top D1 basketball teams travel with a full academic staff keeping the guys eligible and compare that to the average baseball team, which, instead of the traveling professors, has a mandatory 2 hour study hall. Now, finally, calculate in that the only sport that misses more classroom time than baseball is men's golf.

    I'll still take the baseball players.
  6. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

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    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    ... besides ... DB, can you think of any sport that lives/dies by statistics like baseball does?????? They count everything. The number of times a lefty pitcher blinks between pitches with a runner on 2nd. The bat waggles of 2nd basemen at the plate with a 3-1 count and runners in scoring position. EVERYTHING.

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