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Fastpitch hitting

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by FalconMom, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005
    hit ball HARD, not just contact

    Steelergal: I respectively must disagree. Although alum. bats obviously assist with today's hitting, I feel that you still have to contact the ball on the 14-16" of the sweet spot of the bat to consistently hit the ball past the infield. If you contact it between your hands & the beginning of the sweet spot, then likely you'll hit a weak grounder or short fly to the infield.
    I see this often, especially from girls that are not as skilled with an aggressive, quick swing; some like they are trying to keep from striking out, so they just try to contact the ball but not work on getting the sweet part of bat in the contact zone to drive the ball. Several years ago, I bought a book by Bobby Simpson (a noted softball hitting instructor from Ga.) that really emphasizes the sweet spot & the mental approach of hitting the ball hard, not just making contact. This has always stuck with me.
  2. Steelergal

    Steelergal Full Access Member

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    May 13, 2005
    You can respectively disagree. However, I've seen girls hit the ball short outfield off the handle of the bat. I'm not saying your going to be a star hitter if you just make contact. But you still can make the ball out of the infield. Common sense, if you want to be a great hitter.........you have to find what's best for you. My point is, the bats today work alot more for the batter. Everything we do on a daily basis is mental. You have to believe in yourself before you can do anything else.

    You can watch video after video, read book after book...........it doesn't matter you have to find out what is right for you. That's what most coaches don't understand............mostly because they have never played fastpitch softball in their life.
  3. FPSBpitcher28

    FPSBpitcher28 Lindsey

    Likes Received:
    Nov 27, 2004
    Rutherford, North Carolina
    I disagree steelergal

    I disagree, a video can help you just as much as sitting there hitting off the tee or a bat. THe bat does not help the batter. The bat doesnt fix your swing for you and you can not correct your swing unless you learn what you are doing wrong. Im disagreeing because being a pitcher and all you can see things that most can not. Like whether a girl is stepping out or under the ball. Nething is possible
  4. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

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    Jul 1, 2005
    No bat will ever correct poor mechanics. Correct mechanics creates maximum energy from the muscles and transfers the energy to the bat. If mechanics are not correct to start with, maximum energy is either not created or not transferred.

    A well engineered bat is, however, an important part of the puzzle. A "hot" bat will add speed to the ball because it transfers energy more efficiently. The faster the ball rebounds off the bat, the farther the ball can travel. But keep in mind that the bat does not magically generate energy, it only transfers energy created by the muscles of the body.
  5. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    yep......great post!

    hip rotation and bat speed plus all the other techniques.....Rock!!

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