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Feb 6th Scores Thread

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by whspioneers, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    First off, there is a difference between getting doubled the whole game and having defenders collapse down on a player. The only time Ali had two players on her was when she tried to take the ball to the hole, the defense would collaspe down on her in which Ford found an open player. You are right in the fact that the other players could not take advantage of the situation.

    I also don't get your obsession with your analysis of Kurie only scoring on the inside... Ali makes a living on the perimeter and her teammates setting screens left and right to get her open, that's her game and she's good at it. Kurie is athletic and is strong...when she gets the ball out on the wing, she either looks for the post, shoot the perimeter shot or take the defender to the hole. She does exactly what a player her size and statue should do. But for some reason you get hung up on the notion that Kurie can only score on a lay-up. My question to you is...Do you ever see Ali down low fighting for an offensive rebound or hitting the floor for a loose ball? We all know the answer to that...
  2. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 14, 2005
    Careful KIDD-lr
    Jealousy is a dangerous emotion,
    seems the article was about a kidd who did something NO one had ever done...maybe ur right ---why would they write about that?
  3. dookman32

    dookman32 Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2006
    It seems to me that Freedom has a lot of talent, but sometimes they get caught up in waiting for Ford to do something that it takes them out of their game. They took a ton of quick shots last night and showed little/no regard for being patient on offense. Against a team that gets out on the break like Mcdowell that is a recipe for disaster.
  4. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    Dan, way back in the season I made 1 comment in discussing the NW4A players that I thought Wash. was a suspect outside shooter and that in college she would not be scoring from where she does every night now, I still believe that but there's no obsession. It's an opionion on a forum. Ford's rebounding potential at 5'3 is suspect too...she won't be recruited for that though.
    If these weren't the best players in the conference then there would be a debate on 2 other players just like any other league...(Gardin or Atkinson?)
    Kobe or D-Wade or LeBron...wanna discuss that?
    I think that's the draw to the TBR board...there are twenty times more Views than posts so people do come here to read the objective of those who see the games.
  5. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    I think everybody who reads or views this message board (including myself) knows that Washington isn't being looked at by colleges to just score inside on lay-ups and putbacks. I do think you seriously understimate how good she is at dribble penetration and the ability to drive and pull up for the 10 foot jumper, and also the ability to hit the 3-pointer. And I also think Kurie has the ability and strength to take the ball to the basket and draw fouls, at the next level...now by saying that I'm not suggesting that she do it every single time, but I am saying that she is tough enough to take some contact and still be able to score too.

    Just because she hasn't shot many 3's against Freedom dosen't mean she cannot do it. As one of the previous posts stated, ask South Caldwell what she did...Washington was officially 4 of 7 from behind the arc against the Lady Spartans. Also Washington isn't the type to force a lot of shots...she is patient when she has the ball.

    With all the conversation about Kurie, the one area that a lot of people overlook (including myself, I'll admit it) is with her ability to distribute the ball. Not only did she have 34/12 last night, she also had 5 asissts...that's something else that favors her in terms of playing at the next level.
  6. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    Heres the low down on why Watauga beat ACR. If you keep fighting and clawing and working and hustling, eventually you will beat somebody. Even if you don't have the best talent. Thats what happened to WHS vs ACR. ACR made some stupid turnovers and mistakes. Anna Romano got hot and hit some shots and as a team WHS shot 47 % from the floor. Far more than against anyone else.
  7. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    Let me start by saying I attended last nights game at Freedom and sit behind the Freedom bench.The night started nicely as Ali Ford was presented an honor ball for scoring 1,000 points. Ali is a great player and deserved the award. This should have been Ali's night. The only problem for her was a little 5"2 player for McDowell named jessica Smith that showed up to play defense. Every time Ali got the ball behind the arch Smith was on her like maple syrup. While Ford was struggling to get an open shot McDowell's Washington was putting on a clinic on how to hussle down the floor ,drive the lanes and grab the offensive rebounds and put them back up to draw the fouls.{34 pts.,12 rbds.,5 assts.}In the end it turned out to be a huge night for Washington,Smith and the entire lady Titan team. There will be many more nights for Ford to shine but last night when she left the game with 1 minute left to play there was only a faint glimmer of the great season she has had.:headslap:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  8. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    Agreed ACR did play VERY POOR that night and did do some stupid mistakes......just wondered where that Watauga team that beat ACR has been all year, they should have at least beaten Alexander Central in my humble opinion......

    Okay, now back to the arguement......Ford vs Washington! :hammer:


    Likes Received:
    Nov 29, 2006
    Coaching Change In Order

    First off, I have seen both players play against Watauga. I feel that Ali is the better player based on what I saw at the games. But that is just 4 games vs. Watauga.

    Now on to Watauga. Watauga's girls should have won more games than they have. I have said this several times and my posts have been moved. I don't understand. People can bash Coach Fox, but I can not talk about the Watauga coaches!?? Our coach should have stopped pressing full court man and quit trying to trap in the half court. Alexander drove the lane right by Watauga's defenders. A smart coach, that has players that can not guard a dribbler/slasher, should play a half court zone and pack the defense in and make AC shoot it from the outside. But, I guess WHS does not have a smart coach!

    WHS has talent coming up. I just hope they get to play for a coach that knows how to coach girl's basketball and that is not Coach Dixon! He needs to go.
  10. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    People can bash Coach Fox, but I can not talk about the Watauga coaches!?? whshoopsfan

    Who says you can't bash coach Dixon. This is a forum and that's what it's for. To have a mature discussion about the game. I'm sure others feel the same way you do about the watauga coach. Heck I went to Freedom last night and sit in the smallest crowd I believe I have ever seen at Freedom for a McDowell-Freedom game. I won't bash coach Fox. As I've posted on this board before she is young and needs time to mature as a coach. However after watching her last night I believe she would do a better job coaching if she had a different assistant coach by her side. Her husband may know softball but I don't see him helping her much in basketball.{no disrespect intended} Any way we'll see how everything works out next week a McDowell.

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