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Firecrackers 16U Tryout Sat Dec 13th

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by FIRECRACKERS COACH, Dec 8, 2014.



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    Dec 8, 2014
    We are holding a tryout for the 16U Firecrackers team next Saturday, December 13th at Cornelius Park, 247 Cornelius Road in Mooresville from 1-3 pm. We need a few more great players, and the goal is to get the roster finalized over the next few weeks. This is for serious softball players, who have a goal of playing at the highest competitive levels available, and have a desire to play in college. If this sounds like something for your player, please plan on joining us on Saturday.

    For those of you that are not familiar with the Firecrackers, they are one of the most premier girls softball organizations in the country, and are just now moving into North Carolina.

    I really invite you and your daughters to check out the Firecrackers website where you can review firsthand what type of organization they are:


    If you have any questions, contact Coach Pennell at [email protected], 704-763-3902 or Coach Nozet at [email protected], 925-437-5429.

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