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? For the "elders" or high school coaches.....

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Crazecoach, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    cheeze is absolutely correct in that each conference has their own rules of selecting...and I'm not sure if it differs from baseball to softball. In the SW4A, I had a great thread about how the coaches select the players. I'll try to find it. I know how it's done, but I would prefer the thread to go into the details.

    I can promise you this; there is absolutely no way to do this under complete fairness. They have tried everything to make the right decisions, but it is still open to politics, rivalries and personal biases. What I have found that works best is to support the one's that did make it and mentioned the one's that were deserving, but didn't get selected this time.

    There is always going to be some "sour grapes" and upset folks.....and that is why I don't like them (All Conference selections.)
  2. Coach S

    Coach S Coach S

    Likes Received:
    Apr 15, 2006
    Alexander County

    I have participated in several different ways to pick. It seems to change with the wind. In the old NW, we posted our players by position, elected a first team and second team player for each individual position (add the DP/DH)with the exception of 2 first team All conference pitchers, so we 11 first team All Conference players and 11 second team All Conference Players.

    At CC, we voted on each position again for the first 11 players to the All Conference Team, then added 9 more at large players who were also named All Conference. 20 All Conference Players (no 1st or 2nd teams)
    We also added a Conference Pitcher of the Year (Peeler in 2007) and Player of the Year (tie between C. Covington and Woodall in 2007). This afforded the coaches an opportunity to place equal recognition on position players since most pitchers dominate the game.

    I liked the way the MECA Conference handled the All Conference selection. Everyone spoke about their players (the last two years) and we voted in front of one another. You basically knew the coaches who voted for your kids and who didn't. Too many times All conference turns into a politics... One season before we started the open voting, another MECA conference school received the Player of the Year award with a player with a .500 pitching record while Gina Allen had a 10-0 conference record with only 2 runs given up for the season. When you open vote, the best players are usually awarded what they deserve instead of coaches hiding behind a piece of paper.

    Thad posted earlier and explained the current conference NW4A All Conference selection process. Personally I like it when you put the kids on the board, you have a show of hands on the voting. The best players should make the teams, point blank, but that does not happen very often....
  3. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    I agree Monte, we have submitted ballotts in the past few years, the kids names are on the board and tally the votes and list on the board. By having the coaches give a number or something it should make sure every kid that deserves it gets on.

    For my 3 years, I really don't think there were too many kids that missed out, I'm sure there were some, but... The"slotting" idea is good to an extent. I agree with BMAC that just cause you get5- doesn't mean you have 5 deserving. On the other hand, if you go 0-12 or 1-11 in the conference you shouldn't be able to nominate 6 kids as some have done in the past.

    You should not be allowed to "miss" the meeting as a coach, that's not right. If you can't attend then your assistant or AD should go, or at least send in your votes with another coach.
  4. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    thanks for the .....

    Thanks for the wisdom guys!:SCA+HL: I know it is very early and only time will tell what happens. Thanks Coaches for your pros and cons also, maybe someone from the CVAC with a voice is reading this post?????
  5. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    It Should Be From Stats---

    But you know how that goes------- Sorry, I'm not one that you mentioned above, but this is bad topic for me !!! [​IMG]Guru
  6. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    oops, how could I?

    How could I have left out the Guru? It was not intentional, sorry Guru....I have asked you a ton of questions in the past:Reagan-hittin-head-

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