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Forsyth Middle School Baseball - Does it have to be this way?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by clayderman.r, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. CP16

    CP16 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2003
    Do you guys thing that there may be other issues that cause a kid to possible not make a team. What about his grades, school behavior, work ethic. I can tell you that as a AD at a MS, Basketball coach at a MS, and baseball at the HS level the 14 best as the orginal poster said are not always the best 14 for the program.
  2. catamount36

    catamount36 Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    the middle school program in forsyth county may not be perfect... but it is a heck of alot better than what we had. i am very pleased that we have some type of middle school ball in place. thanks to all that help run this program. i am sure there are area to improve, like everything else. but like i said, it sure is better that what we had.:cheers2:
  3. jd05

    jd05 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2007
    in space and time
    it is better..

    than what we had... which was nothing....
    i think the previous poster has hit the nail on the head, when the time requirements are to be at practice at 4 everyday 4 days a week. that will limit a lot of the potential coaches... Most can't get that much time away from work...
    I truly wish the school system would see the benefit that MS sports provides and embrace the concept.. Paid professional coaches would stop most (maybe) of the daddy ball statements and get the Kid use to true tryouts and potential failures.
    I agree right now something is better than nothing...:twocents:
  4. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    My comments and take ........

    Just a correction. WSFC school system did have middle school baseball as well as football, track, softball, basketball some even had wrestling. This was years ago. The good ole days. Budget cuts.

    Since it is not school supported. How can you enforce the requirements as HS does? You cannot unless it is give freely by the parents. Schools cannot share this infomation it is not legal unless the parents give it to the coach themselves. Remember this is NOT a a school program.

    Agreed coach!!! Something is better than sitting on a stump. But just to pose a question to you. How many of these kids chosen to play HS played in this program? Since you have what I would say the biggest tryouts in Forsyth County HS and are feed by a few of these middle school programs. An avearge would be good. Can be JV & Varsisty combined.

    As stated these were cut years ago. Although Basketball, Volleyball and I think track & that 'S" sport if that is what they call it. Have made a comeback to a degree. With the budget and the world today. I will say you will see it never. And will dare to say the others my go away again.
  5. fortheloveofbaseball

    fortheloveofbaseball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 16, 2007
    those little "unofficial" requirements

    Prior to the original "unofficial "middle school program being launched we met with several middle school AD's to get their input. We followed the school requirements as closely as possible so as to mirror their other programs such as ms basketball and volleyball. Those rules were published. Players had to submit their report cards when signing up for tryouts. If they had an F in any of their core courses, they were disqualified from playing. If they had ISS that day, they couldn't practice or play. If they were out sick from school, they couldn't play that day. The objective was to get these kids ready for high school baseball. I know that most of the kids that played at West Forsyth HS also played middle school baseball in this program. I would imagine that Catamount could tell you the percentages. Maybe not perfect - but if you played - you followed the rules.... not arbitrary made up rules - ones that mirrored the schools rules as closely as possible.
  6. baseballfan46

    baseballfan46 Member

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    Jan 11, 2009
    The best thing we ever did for our son is take him into AAU baseball and Fall Baseball at North Wake with Ken Shuey. If a boy is serious about baseball and being good, he needs to be challenged and not be a big fish in a little pond. Same is true with any sport, not just baseball. The only way to get better is to play with the best players.
  7. catamount36

    catamount36 Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2003
    i really don't know what the average would be... but i will say that a good number that put on the titan uniform has played in the middle school program. we have cut some, and i am sure we have kept some that maybe didn't play middle school. i feel like we are lucky to have the middle school and little league programs that feed us. the mor you play, usually the better you get. i'll take all the help i can get (lord knows, i need it) :glotzbart:
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    :N1pickme:..I'll help
  9. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Thanks coach.You do have the benefit of a few good programs (SWLL & NWLL) feeding your area. Keep looking out for that president. A few years but heading that way.

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