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Free Travel Team Recruiting Seminars

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by nsrtopscout, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. nsrtopscout

    nsrtopscout Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2004
    National Scouting Report, which has helped nearly 275 prospects to receive college offers since 2003, is offering free recruiting seminars for travel team organizations. The sessions, conducted by a professional college scout, last 30 to 45 minutes and cover the following topics:

    The NCAA Clearinghouse
    NCAA Initial Eligibility Requirements
    Differences Between Division I, II and III
    Understanding Scholarship "Packaging"
    Explaining the Recruiting Cycle
    Tips on How to Get Noticed by College Coaches
    The Importance of Videotape in Recruiting
    The Top Five Things College Coaches Require
    Open Question and Answer Segment

    Please feel free to contact any of our area scouts:

    Alan Parham
    (Western Region )
    (828) 891-0091 [email protected]

    Larry Heppner
    (Charlotte Metro)
    (704) 453-4594 [email protected]

    Mike Price
    (Research Triangle)
    (919) 452-1865 [email protected]

    Bob Kakretz
    (Outer Banks)
    (252) 305-3333 [email protected]

  2. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 11, 2005
    Good Information

    Alot of good information for parents and players.
  3. nsrtopscout

    nsrtopscout Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2004

    Since the posting, we have had nice reponses from travel ball coaches around the state and we are scheduling meetings. Thank you. When you call the area scout nearest you, please be prepared to offer several dates for the recruiting sessions. In most cases we are sending two scouts to the meetings to help answer follow-up questions and offer personalized advice regarding individual situations. Some are clear and simple, but others can be more complex and require a more immediate and focused plan of action. Right now we are finding a lot of juniors and their parents getting antsy about the process and wondering if their kid will be noticed, evaluated and recruited, so these interactions can be helpful. With only eight and a half months until the 2008 class Early Signing Period, each day counts. The longer parents wait to learn the newest rules and to understand how the process works, the farther behind their kids will fall. There are a lot of NC kids with the talent to play at the next level, but they are too often overlooked altogether or fail to get a shot at opportunities they qualify for as student-athletes. Some should have played at higher levels, but started the process too late. Some waited for college coaches to find them and it never happened. Regardless of the circumstances, parents should gather as much information as possible from as many sources as possible to make informed decisions. Everyone has a different course that is right and best for them. In any scenario, education is the first, best step to take.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2007

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