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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by softballstar, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    All this goes right back to what I have said for h last couple of years. The adults have lost out on why the kidds play. We could care less if summer ball is played purely for fun. It has to be for the almighty dollar. ie schloarship. It is a shame that all the fun we had just playing has turned in to a finacial venture. I read these post a lot and all I hear about is getting the kidds seen. Hardly ever do you see a post on just having FUN!!!
  2. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    Don't know U or your beef with teams geared to showcase girls but I would say most of the girls have fun playing or they would not continue to pursue playing college ball! Would U? I am not sure in todays world that U can force teenagers to participate in sports if they really do not want to play.
    I simply was pointing out what it takes to play ASA Gold softball if U are based in NC, not saying U or anyone else had to play it or enjoy it. :blah: :blah:
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    I"ll tell ya what. . . . I personally dont know of one girl, over 16yrs old, who isnt having fun playing ball, traveling to new places, facing new teams and challenges. believe me, at that age, if they're not having fun, they will leave to find a way to have fun, you cant force a girl that age to play ball - personal experience. yes, its expensive to play ball on any travel team, but the experiences gained and had by these girls will last a lifetime, and ya cant put a price on that now, can ya? Again, my wife and I dont regret one penny of the money we've put out for all these years. We figured that we found something to help our girls stay focused, learned life lessons and kept them from going down the wrong road in their short lifes. Perhaps you might need to look a little deeper into what is really going on. It's really not ALL about getting your kids seen! To me, that's only a benefit. Lessons learned, friendships, experiences had and the satisfaction earned from accomplishments, will last a lifetime for these girls and their parents. Can ya put a price on that??? I couldn't begin too..:twocents:
  4. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Amen cheeze!!!!!!!!!!! When they are not having fun they will let you know right quick. After several years of travel ball my dd and myself have made alot of friends and chalked up some good times. She just started college Monday on a full academic ride with the choice of trying out for team or just watching. She is happy (so is my wallet) and the ball experience was not wasted as she came out with less life scars, staying on the field instead of hanging out with whoever on the wknds. She hopes to coach a team in hs once she graduates and share the fun.
  5. softball nut

    softball nut Full Access Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    Mr Reporter, you obviously do not have a DD playing ball, so until you have spent a summer with a travel team, you have NO idea.For one I really enjoy seeing all the parents, & players each summer, & miss them in off season.These older girls are having fun or they would not be out on a ballfield in 97 degree heat, on a Sat. afternoon, instead of on the lake like their buddies.(Man sounds like they're crazy to me LOL). Those girls are there cause they want to be.My DD thrives on the level of competition that you don't have in HS ball till maybe final 4 in playoffs.You get the playoffs each weekend.
  6. rangeroo22

    rangeroo22 Full Access Member

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    Jan 9, 2006
    Can Anyone respond to my previous post PLEASE????

    Please,can someone respond to my previous post above....?
    What are the alleged benefits of going "Gold"? And please no rhetoric,facts only...:imagestor
  7. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Agree Or Disagree ,This Defines The Reason

    Reporter--- As we have said before travel ball is like getting your doctorate degree in college,it is designed for the next level of ball toward college play it was never designed to be as rec ball...yes,you should have fun doing it,but it is trully designed with the mind set of hard work,and to better yourself so that hopefully one day it might benefit your kid toward college entry ball..I think the emphasis of fun can sometimes be misconstrued that hard work is not part of the program, but is a vital part of reaching your goals, just like Softball Nut, I have many softball friends that I miss over the short Winter months,and these brutal times of workouts and hard play can burn you out sometimes ,but it is an enjoyment to see all my buddies in the Early Spring,but just like me,and my kid they are working hard to reach their goals, also I hate to pop your bubble,but it is about getting the kids seen,and I think the majority of the kids that participate in travel ball have a full understanding of that fact !!!!:twocents:
  8. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    Gold Benefits

    ASA National puts a very big emphasis on making "Gold" the premier level. They actually worked out a deal to have the Gold finals televised this year. There are no definitive benefits to playing Gold that I personally see. There are many so-called Gold teams that need to be playing "A" and a lot of "A" teams that should be playing Gold. My point is, any team can call themselves Gold. Its just another level. All the associations, ASA included, do a terrible job with team classifications. Its been this way for as long as I have been around either coaching or playing competitive slowpitch.There are also a lot of very strong Gold teams that are chocked full of college freshmen. That's ok if that's where you want to play but to answer the question bluntly, there is no advantage to playing Gold over "A" that I'm aware of.
  9. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    Just as cardinal 2 says there are teams at all levels that probably should not be there and to play Gold and be from NC SC or VA takes a great deal of travel and money. Shamrocks out of Va do it but I beleive I am correct that no one is SC or NC are playing Gold tourneys.
    U ask advantage: Many college coaches especailly D-1 feel Gold is better quality and because so many college freshman play it, it does probably improve the play for even younger kids. I have seen college sophmores playing if their birthdays were late in year. Many western teams, Fla. and Texas play Gold and we all know college coaches feel that is where the top quality talent lies. Over my four short years, I have discovered that college coaches are creatures of habit and once they get in a groove, they are hard to change. Gold teams, as Cardinal 2 states are of different calibre, some very good, some good, and many A teams can kick their butts. Some times it is just location and cost that determines A or Gold.
  10. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

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    Jun 29, 2005

    There has been some discussion among some college coaches about going to tournaments where a lot of college players are playing. What value or advantage for say a UNC to watch a team that has a lot of other college players on it. Would your kid get missed in this case? The SC Bandits have decided to keep 4 yr. college players from playing in their showcase. So then Gold possibly could become a disadvantage if your Gold team has a lot of college players.

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