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Has UNCC suffered by....

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    ...not aggressively recruiting players from NC. You wonder if the local fan support for the University ( at least in Baseball) has waned due to the fact that their vision was to aggressively recruit outside of NC.

    I realize they were trying to recruit the best that they could, but has this approach hurt them now that the talent level in NC has improved so much?....just curious
  2. Mudcat

    Mudcat gone

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    and the ones that did go to UNCC, how many have stayed 4 years or have left to go elsewhere. I know our HS coach took a player to see a game there and introduce him to the coach a couple of years ago. The coach for UNCC was not very friendly and didn't seem the least bit interested. I saw this 1st hand as I made the trip with them. And this HS coach has one of the most succesful programs in the state. Think the next player that lists UNCC as "one" of the schools he would like to attend will get a favorable response about UNCC from this HS coach? BTW, the kid the coach at UNCC wasn't responsive to, hit .360 as a freshman last yr at a D-1 school and is a probable starter this year as a sophmore. I personally think that the coach there has burned too many bridges in NC to ever be able to successfully recruit here.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2003
  3. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    I agree.....

    UNCC in my xperience has been like this a looooooong time! It is not good obviously for the young polayers in our state in whcih I as well tried to get some players there! Coach Hibbs I think may be feeling the pressure here of late (not sure) in trying to bring a winner to the school! I hope for him he does and has the best of luck! He can find a half dozen at the State Games every summer if they had someone in attendance! If not more players who could contribute immediately at his school-often they are UNSIGNED as well...:confused:
  4. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    for sure it has hurt them and softball....................the recruiting arena has changed but which program catches on and when is the ??? Softball is making waves with their NC players and recent signees at Charlotte and other institutions but i feel at least softball is heading in the right direction with its Carolina-mix-approach. :D

    Love the insight over here Guys...........thanks and keep it up!!
  5. SouthPawDad

    SouthPawDad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Gastonia, NC
    My son was recruited by UNCC this past summer and fall, but when it came time for a financial commitment, on their part, they weren't ready to make an offer. Too bad, because UNCC was one of his top 3 choices. It made his final decision very easy. I know that my son was very glad he didn't sign with UNCC now that they are moving over to the A-10 conference. That may be a good basketball move, but they are week in baseball, except for Richmond. UNCC should win the conference championship every year.

    Coach Brandon Hall was at the State Games and at the State championships in Zebulon. I, personally, really like Coach Hall and saw him at showcase tournaments throughout the summer and fall in Charleston, Columbia, etc. He is very interested in local players, but more interested in getting players that will help UNCC compete every year - and I can't fault him for that. Just my opinion.
  6. niner_dad

    niner_dad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    New Bern, NC
    I won't pretend to know why the program has not recruited locally in the past. I do know that new assistant coaches Hall and Durkac are making an effort to improve the program's in-state efforts. It has not been an easy road. Past indifference, such as Mudcat mentioned, is hurting them. I hope their current recruiting direction will eventually overcome past shortcomings.

    Another factor is the area in which UNCC recruits. They are competing for local talent against UNC, N.C. State, ECU, Wake, South Carolina, and Clemson, just to name a few nationally recognized baseball programs. If your son is a top talent, these schools are probably recruiting him. I realize some kids pass up chances at a major program for various reasons (we did), but the draw of top level college ball is tough to pass up if you're being recruited by one of them. Charlotte is a mid major, as far as baseball is concerned, and there are also a host of smaller D-1s in the area, such as Western Carolina, Winthrop, Elon, Campbell, Davidson, Gardner-Webb, and High Point, and others. They are all chasing the same talent pool. Recruiting players is not an easy task, and (as I mentioned earlier) Charlotte's past indifference to local talent makes their job even tougher.

    With plans for a new stadium in place and assistant coaches who are determined to recruit the best talent they can find, hopefully the school's local recruiting history will be overcome.
  7. teddyteddy

    teddyteddy Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2003
    I counted 21 players from NC on their web site roster.....am I missing something..........?
  8. rattdd

    rattdd Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2003
    Area players

    I think they are referring to the local talent in the Charlotte and surrounding areas. It would be a plus to their program due to the fact of arousing more fan interest as well as putting out the message that we do have talent in this area!!
  9. drag bunt

    drag bunt Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2003
    I have been disappointed for ten years now with the approach that UNCC has taken with kids in its own backyard. I'm also sorry to say the head coach has burned bridges in the past and some wounds will never heal completely. Time, as valuable as a resource we have, should be taken early and often with recruiting kids. Don't make a last ditch effort to recruit a kid, it shows you really don't care. It is a shame that kids from Charlotte and surrounding areas get overlooked. I wouldn't blame parents one bit to seek greener pastures. Go to a program that treats you like a real person; your son(s) will benefit more in the end. :(
  10. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    very good points.......

    Hopefully things will take a turn for the better as far as their recruiting goes! I would love to see their program become top notch and successful if not ELITE! I wanted to play at UNCC years ago yet I was not given a second thought as to my abilities to play YET being offered a couple of scholarships to other highly competitive DI programs... I hated not to play here but quuickly got over it and hold no grudges...BASEBALL IS BASEBALL play it and enjoy it at the highest most competitive level you can!;)

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