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Have I lost perspective?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Baseball & Hotdogs, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. JTbaseball

    JTbaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2006
    thats why you give it to them again with two strikes. :fire: you'll be amazed at how quick it gets down. they figure out quick that they'll look even worse when they strike out bunting or roll it foul. when they know they are gonna have to get it done no matter what, it starts happening alot sooner in the count.
  2. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2008
    Showcase is Competition!


    Stretchy on the job!
  3. nchsbaseball

    nchsbaseball Junior Member

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    Mar 11, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Stretchy at work or is HE?

    Is he watching the pitcher or does he have his eye on a mom in the stands? LOL
  4. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    He could be calling balls and strikes; having forgotten to pack his chest protector that day. :wink2:
  5. bbrksfan

    bbrksfan Full Access Member

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    Oct 19, 2004

    It truly annoys me to watch college games & practices, showcase & "elite" teams; where these elite can not lay down a bunt- sacrifice, squeeze whatever.....
    One of the best coaches I ever played for " Ken Roberts" taught us to play for at least one run per inning, and chances are you will win almost every game. If you get a runner on first, (if not stealing second), we are bunting him over. If we get a double, we were bunting him to third. Too often these coaches, "coach" themselves out of a game. Unless the rules have changed, it is about scoring runs. Help your "team" by putting someone in scoring position, please. Bunting is a lost art. I watch some of these kids try to bunt in practice and games, and just wonder- Who taught him that????????? Most often I see kids hold the bat a slight angle next to their face and lunge at anything near the plate. UGLY!

    Quite often I hear from showcase coaches that these scouts do not want to see you bunt. I don't buy it. Multiple college coaches have told me that if bunting is apart of your kids offensive arsenal, then you need to show it. Put the ball on the ground, where you want it, and beat it out.
    If you have 6.8 speed and the third baseman is even with the bag (defensively) you should be bunting. You can not score if you do not get on base, Period.

    Bunting- The other offensive weapon. Where has it gone?
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    Ouch!!!!! .....Couldn't you have at least posted a warning
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    JT's the man. He knows how to coach!!!
  8. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    I don't know who Ken Roberts is, but he sounds like a smart coach. There are alot of coaches who never play for 1 run. They are always shooting for the big inning. Sometimes the big inning never comes & they end up losing a low-scoring game they had no business losing.
  9. DirtyMoBaseball

    DirtyMoBaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2007
    At first look I thought he had oe of those old balloon chest protectors under his shirt.
  10. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006

    I can tell you that I coach to win , period. And I want players in the same dugout that are there to play to win , period. I dont believe you should approach any game any differently regardless if its a showcase game , a high school game or we are getting after it in the backyard on a Sunday afternoon.

    This idea that college coaches want to see this or see that I dont buy and quite frankly dont care. I know what I want to see. Guys playing the game to win the game. And doing what it takes to win the game. If that means a sac bunt is in order then get the FN bunt down and move the runner. When kids are more concerned with trying to impress a college coach than just playing the game for the sake of the love of the game and the desire to compete you are defeating the whole purpose of being there.

    College coaches want to see kids play and compete. If they get upset because a kid lays down a sac bunt in a situation where it is needed to win a game then so be it. But I dont believe they do. I do believe they have a problem with kids that show up to the park like the game owes them something. Guys that dont want to put down a bunt. Guys that dont know how to hit behind a runner. Guys that dont know how to take a primary or secondary lead. Guys that cant throw through a cut off man. The list goes on and on.

    Forget this showcase mentality stuff and just play the freaking game , play hard and play to win. If you do that the other stuff will take care of itself. I am not talking about WWBA events. Thats a true tournement environment. What I am talking about is the everyday weekend showcase tourney. Why should any player play any harder in one game or another? No one should be able to tell if your team is 0 and 20 on the year and out of it or 24 and 0 and playing for a state title by your effort and approach to the game. A real player competes regardless. He doesnt care. Its game time and all he knows is its time to compete.

    College coaches are no different than the players they are trying to recruit. They want guys that love to compete and want desperately to win. They do not enjoy watching guys go through the motions weekend after weekend acting like there is a thousand other places they would rather be. So I believe every game should be approached like its the most important game you are ever going to play. Why? Because it is.

    I could careless what your jersey says. I could careless what your ranking is. I could careless what type of accolades you have gotten or who says what about you. I want to see you compete. I want to see you get after it. I want to see what kind of heart you have. I want to see how much you really love to play. And I want to see if you can play.

    What does this have to do with bunting? When a player gives himself up for the team its called a sacrifice bunt. If your not willing to sacrifice for your team keep your ass at home and do something else. Or play for someone who will allow you to be about yourself.

    If your offended by this post then you just dont know me. I believe everytime you step on that field its an honor to do so. And you honor the game and your opponent by doing everything in your power to help your team find a way to win. If its about anything else I dont want to be a part of it.

    For me I think part of the problem is players are spoiled today. They play every weekend. They play at venues so often that are so nice that they dont appreciate the fact they are getting to do some things other kids would die to do. They start taking the game and the opportunities for granted and they start going through the motions. They are so focused on the recruiting aspect of all of this they forget about why they should be there. It becomes old hat. Are they even excited about playing? Do they even care if they win or lose? Or is it just about trying to get that offer?

    It should be about the competition and the desire to do what you love to do. And the by product of that is someone will want you to come do that where they coach. Do you love to compete? Then just play the game and compete.

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