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Here I go again...

Discussion in 'Showcase Baseball' started by catcoach, May 15, 2014.

  1. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  2. playball1

    playball1 Junior Member

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    Apr 5, 2012
    Please explain. Do you mean that showcase baseball is unnecessary? That must mean that you do ALL you can to help players get to the next level. That would include letters, videos, invites etc. If that's the case, then you're correct. Or maybe, you help facilitate a legion program of some kind.

    If you do those things then you are a good coach and help look out for your players because many players count on their coach to help them get to the next level. Many of the college programs are playing at the same time the high school teams are playing, and can't attend most if not all of the games.

    The internet is a tremendous tool that can be used to get information about a player to a college coach in seconds. That along with a written letter from a head coach goes a long way and I'm sure you have probably done those for your players in the past.

    I'm glad that you have probably done these simple things to help your players, so, any of you high school coaches out there, please contact catcoach so he can help you help save players the cost of showcase baseball since it's so unnecessary.
  3. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    No, I meant my commentary as a whole was unnecessary, unhelpful to any situation, and needed to be 'un'here - removed - which I did here and in regular baseball forum.

    (But don't worry about an apology...)
    Last edited: May 19, 2014
  4. wolfpackbaseball

    wolfpackbaseball Full Access Member

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    Mar 21, 2014
    I read Cat Coaches original post and as a high school coach i can understand his frustration with Showcase having tryouts and playing during OUR season. OUR season only last from mid February to mid to late May or early June if we are lucky enough to go deep into the playoffs so i dont understand why you guys cant do your thing from June to January and let us have OUR season without any Distractions that take away from what OUR team needs to do to get better.I understand that Showcase is a good way for kids to be seen .Thats not my issue at all its the timing of WHY you need to play or do anything while we are playing.At least Chad Loflin the head Coach of the Kernersville legion team respects our varsity programs enough to not allow any VARSITY kid to play until OUR season is over and i respect Chad a lot for his working with us.Now if legion can get rid of the college kids playing i can welcome it more but thats another topic.I want my kids to get every chance to play at the next level so all i am asking along with almost every other high school coach is to let us have OUR kids until we are done and then they can go where ever they choose to play. I respect Cat Coach and his program and dont see the need for personal attacks on him or any coach for them just doing what they feel is best for their programs during OUR season. And for the poster that said that kids would choose showcase over their high school teams go ask those kids still playing in the playoffs about their excitement and they will tell you there is NO better feeling than to be in a high school playoff game deep into the playoffs.Remember i do support showcase /travel /legion or any program that helps kids reach their goal of playing College baseball or beyond so before you reply 50 times attacking me read my post and understand what i am saying about the TIMING of Showcase and travel.I am for it just not during OUR season. Coach Smith The Walkertown High School
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  5. lovethegamenc

    lovethegamenc Junior Member

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    Mar 29, 2014
    Showcase programs DO NOT run tournaments during the HS baseball season. REPEAT, Showcase programs do not run tournaments during the HS season. They have respect for the HS coaches.

    If a HS kid is playing baseball with another team, then it has to be a young 9th grader playing TRAVELBALL not SHOWCASE. The highest age being played during HS baseball is 14u..
  6. Diamondcrazy

    Diamondcrazy Junior Member

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    May 31, 2011
    I have seen this topic posted and played out on this board many times.

    Most of the posters are correct from their vantage point.

    HS players should only participate in their HS baseball team while the season is going on. During the regular season I have not seen a true Showcase event being held during the regular season so that is a moot point. (tryouts yes) Unfortunately most HS coaches are very controlling by nature and want to control the activities of their players. Which is ok during the regular season but it has gone far beyond the regular season. With summer teams, fall workouts and winter conditioning a lot of HS coaches have stepped far beyond the regular baseball season this will run in direct conflict with students playing others sports or participating on Showcase or travel teams. The financial incentive involved in Showcase baseball has created a structure that from late May through the end of Oct there are events, tournaments, combines going on every weekend. It is easy to see where the conflict arises. In fact it amazes me how many HS coaches are starting to coach Showcase teams. Of course we will not even get into the animosity that exists between Legion & Showcase that topic has been covered in depth.

    Of all of the HS sports, baseball is the most disorganized when it comes to the interaction with the HS system and the Showcase/Elite Travel organizations. It may get worked out in the coming years where they truly work together, hopefully the end product will be in the best interest of student/athlete.
  7. wolfpackbaseball

    wolfpackbaseball Full Access Member

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    Mar 21, 2014
    Diamondcrazy I agree with most of your points .We as high school coaches are spending alot more time with our players but most of us are only trying to make our players and program better.I dont agree that most of us are control freaks though.We just like to work with our players as much as possible.I dont see why we should catch grief for that. We high school coaches are trying to make it work with showcase /travel teams that play on the weekends by playing our summer games monday thru thursday and only for a four week period and summer ball for us is about us looking at our prospective players that we have returning or new guys coming in. I understand how important it is to be seen and showcase/travel/legion is a great way for our better players to get that exposure for sure. Remember the fall period is dead for us so other than doing 8 man workouts during the week i dont see how our time in the summer or fall will keep any player from playing showcase/travel on the weekends. I know my kids that play showcase benefit from it by playing vs other good players so i do what i can to make sure they can play if they are interested.As far as high school coaches coaching showcase its probably for the money to be honest as we dont make alot in the spring and NOTHING in the summer or fall so i dont blame any coach that could use the extra money and still get to coach a sport that he loves.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Although this topic has been discussed many times before, I can appreciate how the topic was discussed in this thread. If we had more posters like wolfpack I would still be here.

    I love a good debate when it is done with class and respect. It's been a long time since I've visited TBR and even longer since I've posted. However this thread pulled me in.....thanks catcoach:mixed-smiley-036:..lol
  9. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC

    Well some good came from it then.
    As you might infer from my removal of my original comments, I wondered if that was true.
    Because though it is often a fallacy, in the case of TBR, I think the good ole' days really werethe good ole' days.

    I miss you most of all Scarecrow....
  10. edp102

    edp102 Cary Resident

    Likes Received:
    Jan 21, 2008
    Well said and without question the truest post ever made to this forum !!!!!!!!!!!

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