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Here we go again... Illegal Players

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by DownSouth, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    My kind of guy. We need to get him on TBR as a member.
  2. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

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    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    What is an illegal player anyways until rosters are set for the playoffs? How about all the kids who play on multiple rosters/tournaments during the regular season?

    Hopefully Post 46 has things under control and no problems occur.
  3. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

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    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    That sounds and looks like a great start...but it needs to happen in Area II, Area III, Area IV, but you have to have honest people in place receiving this information. A committee should be appointed to check the rosters of each team in the playoffs. Its a shame we can't trust adults who are in charge to make sure each member of their team is legal. Have the committee check birth certificates and residency of each player, until this happens American Legion Baseball will start to decline more and more until people get to the point where they don't trust it anymore....Then they will stop coming and the results......you have screwed up a great program.

    Carolina Man
  4. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    If I may add a few points that "must" be considered,,,,,,,,, first since DownSouth said this kid is staying at a summer home, that is no good, because the rules CLEARLY say you will play for the legion team nearest your PERMANENT residence.

    As for getting a release from 40 teams in between his permanent residence and his new team,,,,,,,, this is not always necessary. For example, (if we can all admit we don't really know the facts just yet),,,,,,,,,, "IF" (and the key word is IF) this kid is NOT living at a summer home, but his family actually moved from one area to the other, then you do NOT need releases from every team in between. You merely need a release from your former team.

    I agree that its unfortunate these situations seem to occur and Lord knows they gather a lot of attention when they do,,,,,,,,, but before we criticize Legion baseball, is it possible that Legion baseball (with our competitive nature among us) and us doing our own policing, is it possible that we simply enforce the rules better than certain other sports? Afterall, I'm sure you all know high school students who play high school sports every year for a certain high school when they live across the county, simply because that school has the best baseball program or football program in the area. And you rarely ever hear about high school athletes getting caught. It goes on all the time in other sports.

    As for Roy Waters, I don't know him. To clear up the Rowan County situation 2 years ago, it was not Wade Moore, it was Zeb Link who (as someone stated) someone wrote an anonymous letter stating Link lived closer to the Mocksville team and was illegal for Rowan. It was an honest mistake on the Links and the Rowan team, but yes they were disqualified. I've always said there should be 2 kinds of penalties,,,,,,,,, 1) you GONE when the infraction seems deliberate,,,,, and 2) a couple game suspension if the infraction seems to be an honest mistake (such as an unreadable birth certificate).

    This situation with Morehead City will be interesting to see how it plays out,,,, and Mr.Waters must surely know a lot of folks from Murphy to Manteo will be watching to see the final results and his ruling.
  5. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    Btw, if in fact the kid's family did move their permanent residence, they had to have moved prior to sometime in April (I believe) according to AL rules. Just can't say you moved during the middle of a season, if that happens you finish the season with the team you start with.
  6. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    As for someone's comments on the "final roster" and players doing showcases etc,,,,,,,, the final roster is not due until the playoffs begin. Players are free to do showcases until that time. Once the playoffs begin, no more dual participation under any other circumstances. Unfortunately there are many coaches and team leaders who don't do a very good job of getting this information out to players and their families.

    But even with the situation of players doing showcases during the legion regular season,,,,, legion players are still not allowed to simply play for other legion teams, simply because the final roster isn't set yet. Legion players must play for their home legion team, plain and simple. In fact, I know many folks that won't just give a player a release because he wants it. Releases are not as easy to get as some may think.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2007
  7. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    And DownSouth, you can't go nowhere, I know what you mean, I hear controversy all the time too,,, some I agree with, some I don't. I've bit a hole in my lip more than once trying to keep quiet and be a good boy, but sometimes we just have enough of it too. Listen, folks like you are the ones in it for the right reasons,,,,, you do what you do for the boys and nobody else, all while not asking for a dime. Screw the rest.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2007
  8. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    when did Legion season start ?

  9. RaleighDevil

    RaleighDevil Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2005
    Raleigh, where else.
    Wayne County gave him a release, but I have not talked to the coach to find his reasoning. I will get back to you on it.
  10. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
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