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High School question

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by gmedley, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. gmedley

    gmedley Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 3, 2011
    I am a first year high school coach (not a new coach). Can someone tell me the rules getting players into the school that has a new AP program. If a player transfers in do they have to sit out a year or if they move into the district they can start play right away?
  2. slick50

    slick50 Full Access Member

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    Apr 16, 2008
    The NCHSAA’s Transfer Policy is set forth in the NCHSAA Handbook. After initial entry into the ninth grade, and absent a bona fide move as provided in the Residence Section in the Handbook:
    (a) a student transferring from one member school to another member school within the same LEA must sit out 365 days for athletic participation. The LEA may create criteria for immediate athletic eligibility for transfers within the LEA.
    (b) A student transferring from one member school in one LEA to another member school in a different LEA must sit out 365 days for athletic participation. Exceptions for immediate athletic eligibility for transfers from one LEA to a different LEA will be heard by a special NCHSAA transfer committee.
    NOTE: If a member school is not part of a defined LEA (e.g., charter school, non-boarding parochial school, etc.), then the member school itself will be considered its own LEA for purposes of this policy (i.e., exceptions involving these member schools will fall under subsection (b) above).
    No student shall be subjected to undue influence by an individual or group of individuals to induce or cause him to transfer from one school to another for athletic purposes. If allegations of recruiting are made against a school, the burden of proof in substantiated form must be borne by the accusing party. Allegations of recruiting that are substantiated will be processed as infractions under the penalty code. For the purposes of this rule, “undue influence” consists of actions taken for the purpose and intent of soliciting or encouraging the enrollment of a student-athlete in a school, including but not limited to the following:
    • Initiating or arranging communication or contact of any sort (letters, email, phone, etc) with a prospective student-athlete or member of his or her family
    • Visiting or entertaining a prospective student-athlete or member of his or her family
    • Providing transportation or arranging for same for a prospective student-athlete or member of his or her family to visit a school or meet with anyone associated with a school
    • Providing verbal or written material, slide, film or tape presentations to a prospective student-athlete or member of his or her family which states or implies that a school’s athletic program is superior to that or any other school with the purpose or intent of soliciting or encouraging the enrollment of the student in that school, or that it would be advantageous for any prospective student-athlete to participate in athletics at that member school as opposed to any other school to use non-school athletic teams as a vehicle to solicit or encourage a prospective student-athlete or a member of his or her family to enroll the student-athlete at a different school.
    The above applies to any individual who coaches at an NCHSAA member school, head or assistant, paid or non-paid, faculty or non-faculty, parent volunteer, etc., as well as any other persons formally or informally associated with a school’s athletic program.
    The residence status of any student whose parent(s) do(es) not live in the administrative unit must be identified on the eligibility list.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    if they move into the district, I don't believe they have to wait...if its before the December 31st deadline... however, in some conferences, the coach is required to physically go to the reported address and confirm that they actually live there....something about rented apartments and false reported address's.....amazing how far some coaches will go to win.......correct me if im wrong....my info came from an AD, but hey.......

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